["Wow, who are these?"]

Morty hides behind the crystal rock wall, shivering, and his face turns blue. 】

["It's just a bunch of hunters stealing death crystals!"]

[Rick sneers, removes a small piece from the death crystal he had just removed, and taps it to his forehead.] 】

[Soon, a series of death visions appeared in front of his eyes. 】

["Definite death, definite death, indefinite death...... Aha!"]

[Looking at the illusion...... The way he died changed from "being shot indiscriminately" to "other", Rick suddenly perked up and rushed out with a gun!

[Since the crystal's prophecy has changed, it means that if he rushes out now, he will never be shot to death!]


[I saw Rick fire several shots in a row, knocking the brains of those "Crystal Hunters" who were bowing their heads and reloading. 】

"Oh, it's not good. "】

[Realizing that his vision of being "shot to death" reappeared, Rick quickly shrank back behind the rock. 】


[The last Crystal Hunter desperately shoots at Rick, but all the attacks are blocked by the Crystal Rock Wall.] 】

["If I go out now, I will definitely be beaten to death by him, I will be killed, this is my destiny ......"]

["Wait!It's now!"]

[Hiding behind the rock wall, Rick waited until the illusion of "being shot to death" disappeared before standing up. 】


[He only fired a light shot, and the last hunter was killed on the spot.] 】


[Rick's series of operations like a cloud of clouds stunned Morty. 】

[It turns out that this is the correct way to use the death crystal!]

[When you know how you are going to die, you can easily avoid it!]

[After learning the use of the Death Crystal from Rick, Morty secretly hid a piece.] 】

[Next, on the way back, Morty also asked Rick:]

["You came to mine these crystals, did you want to use them to win the battle?"]

["I don't need these ......"]

[Rick said indifferently:]

["Those cowards in the universe...... I like to pay a lot of money for crystals, and I just make their money. "】

[Speaking of this, Rick suddenly said a rather philosophical sentence:]

"Those who have been hiding from death all their lives, even if they are alive...... It's like dying. "】

[It's a pity that while Rick was saying this, Morty secretly put his hand into his trouser pocket and touched the death crystal. 】

[Through the ability of the crystal, he saw countless ways to die. 】

["!! Jessica!"]

[Among all these ways to die, Morty was pleasantly surprised to find one "best"!]

[In this death illusion, "Old Morty" dies in the company of "Old Jessica". 】

If this is true, it means...... He and Jessica got married and spent their lives together!]

"Great, this is the future I want."] "】

[Thinking that he could grow old with the lover of his dreams, Morty was suddenly excited. 】

[He wants to do his best to ensure that he can walk this "road of death"!]

[Following Crystal's instructions, Morty asks Rick for the key to the spaceship, and says that he will pilot it himself.] 】

[Rick, who has always doted on his grandson, didn't think too much about it, so he let Morty be a driver. 】

[Who wants this kid...... Completely brainwashed by the "Illusion of Death", the spaceship drove all over the place!]

["Morty, what are you doing?"]

[Seeing this, Rick, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was taken aback at first, but he soon discovered the abnormality. 】

["Wait, you put your hands in your trouser pockets!"]

["Little bastard, you stole a death crystal, didn't you?"]

[Morty replied intently while looking at the illusion intently:]

["I just want a quiet old death, is that too much?"]

["Give me the steering wheel!"]

["Don't give!"]

["You little bastard...... Wow!"]

[The two of them grab the steering wheel on the spaceship, which causes the entire ship to completely lose control and crash into a rock on the planet.] 】


[Under the influence of inertia, Rick crashes through the glass window of the spaceship and slams hard against a sharp rock pillar. 】


[The rock pillar pierced Rick's body, causing him to die tragically on the spot!]


[After a long time, Morty woke up in front of the driver's seat. 】

["Wow! Rick!"]

[Looking at Rick, who was dead and corpseless not far ahead, Morty was taken aback at first!]

[But soon, all the illusions in front of him turned into "himself" and Jessica!]

[His "perfect death" is about to be realized!]

["Hey, hey......"]

[At the thought of finally being able to spend his life with Jessica, Morty actually smiled silly, and even forgot about Rick's death.] 】

[But in the next moment, Rick's "ghost" actually appeared behind her. 】

["Oh my God!"]

[Looking back, Morty was so frightened that his hair stood on end. 】

[At this time, this Rick ghost also spoke:]

["Boy, I'm a crisis monitoring correction holographic projection. "】

["The real Rick has implanted a chip in your spine, and I am the image generated by that chip!"]

[It turned out that Rick had long expected that he might die unexpectedly, so a "resurrection mechanism" was set up on Morty's body. 】

[Under the instructions of the ghost projection, Morty endures the nausea and collects a tissue sample from Rick's corpse. 】

[And in the trunk of the spaceship, there is a "clone editor"!]

[As soon as Morty injects a tissue sample into it, a new Rick will be automatically cloned!]

[At that time, Rick will be resurrected!]


[But when Morty prepares to inject the sample, the illusion displayed by the Death Crystal ...... But there has been a change. 】

[The ...... "perfect death" he died under Jessica's gaze is gone!]

[Morty tries to remove the "tissue sample", and the perfect death is back!]

[After trying several times, this kid finally confirmed...... As long as he resurrects Rick, he won't be able to spend his life with Jessica. 】


[Thinking of his lifelong happiness, Morty didn't say a word, just closed the trunk of the spaceship, and then flew away in the spaceship. 】

[It's a pity that Rick's "crisis response chip" is located within Morty's spine, so ...... He couldn't dig it out. 】

[For the next few days, Rick's ghost haunted Morty all day, trying to revive him. 】

["Enough, are you still finished?"]

[Looking at several copies of "Ghost Rick" in front of him, Morty angrily took out a blue "gun". 】

[Inside this gun, a tissue sample of the dead Rick is stored.] 】

["If you want to bother me again, I'll flush Rick's genes down the toilet!"]

Wait, boy, calm down. "】

[Seeing Morty's face full of anger, the ghosts were all intimidated, and quickly gathered into a single Rick, and stopped making a big noise. 】

Seeing this, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Deadpool: Whahahaha! Not only did he kill his grandfather, but he also didn't save him when he saw death, and finally ...... I also want to flush my grandfather's DNA into the toilet!

Deadpool: Morty, you're amazing!( ̄▽ ̄)

John Constantine: Good fellow, this kid is really heinous and inhumane!

Morty: This ...... I...... ( ̄△ ̄;)

Ghost Rider: Imp, you should be glad I'm not in the same universe as you, or else...... I will surely destroy you to prevent future troubles!

Garnata, Daughter of the Swallowing Stars: My messenger, is it necessary for you to be so ruthless?

Ghost Rider: It's still so ruthless as a child, and it's okay when you grow up!

Charles Xavier: Don't be afraid, Morty, but I think ...... You need the guidance of a professional.

Magneto: Stop, Charles. In the 616 universe, you mentored Cyclops for the rest of your life to see what he turned into in the end.

Charles Xavier: →_→

King Ada: Tsk, for the sake of the girl, I don't even care about my grandfather's life, little boy, you are such an amorous seed. ^_^

Morty: It's not me...... I won't...... (ㄒoㄒ)

Looking at the ridicule of everyone in the group, Morty was really speechless, and he was so angry that tears were about to flow out.

At the same time, he was more weak and scared in his heart.

Would Rick be angry if he saw ...... "me" do this to him?

With this in mind, Morty cautiously turned his head to look, and was suddenly stunned again.

"Hmph. "

I saw Rick squint his eyes and look at the screen, then snorted coldly and picked up the wine bottle again.

It's like...... It's like you don't see anything.

"Hoo ......"

Morty breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then another thought popped into his mind.

This "self" in the screen behaves so ruthlessly, will it ...... Also because of the "Sanchez blood"?

At this point, a new image appears on the screen.

[In a parallel universe, a Rick clone suddenly gained consciousness!]


[Rick's clone breaches the tank and collapses naked in the basement.] 】

[It turns out that this is Rick's death for himself...... The second backhand!]

【Phoenix Project!】

[As long as he dies, his consciousness will descend on a clone and be resurrected again!]

[But before that, on a whim, Rick destroyed all the clones in his basement.] 】

[For some reason, his consciousness ...... He ran into a parallel universe and was resurrected in this universe. 】

[After the resurrection, Rick just crawled out of the basement and was stunned by the scene in front of him. 】

[In this universe, Morty turned out to be an extreme madman!]

[This crazy Morty first killed his own Rick, and then coerced the "Rick clone" to drive a spaceship and take him to a "real adventure".] 】

[Unfortunately, Rick is not so easy to be held hostage. 】

[In the spaceship, he and Mad Morty engage in a scuffle, in which everyone is thrown into space and suffocated.] 】


[The next moment, Rick's consciousness once again "snatched" the clone in another parallel universe. 】

[In this universe, the intelligent life form that rules the earth is not a human, but a huge shrimp!]

[Rick, also turned into a prawn!]

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