"Kid, who are you talking to?"

In the face of Morty's roar, Rick didn't even lift his eyelids, but swallowed another sip of wine to himself.

"You ......"

Looking at Rick's appearance of no one in his eyes, Morty only felt that his fists were hard, and his eyes were faintly bloodshot......


As if sensing the murderous aura, Rick glanced at Morty and suddenly burped:

"Uh...... What kind of eyes are you, little ghost, do you want to kill me?"

"You ......"

Morty shook slightly, his eyes showed a hint of consternation, and his whole body stiffened.

Just now, he really raised a trace of killing intent!

Rather than let this old ghost live and continue to violate his memory, it is better to ...... Slaughter him now!

How so?

How could I want to kill someone because of such a thing?

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, Morty froze in place, and the blood on his face disappeared.

"Hmph! Sure enough, it's still a little hairy boy. "

Seeing this, Rick didn't say anything, just turned his head away and continued to drink his wine.

At the same time, the chat group was also lively.

Tian Xiaoban: Wow! This Morty's family...... How so?

Charles Xavier: Poor boy, probably he never experienced the warmth of family.

Bruce Wayne: Treated like this as a child, Morty...... It is best to consult with a psychologist.

Bruce Wayne: Otherwise, it may lead to psychological distortion and even depravity, and embark on a fork in the road in life!

Rocky Odinson: You have a point, but is that your experience? ^_^

Bruce wayne:.........

Doctor Strange: Loki, Bruce Wayne's advice seems to apply to you as well.

Dr. Strange: As a former doctor, I can see it very clearly...... The connection between what happened in your childhood and your current psychological condition.

Rocky Odinson: You ......

In the face of Young Master Wayne, Loki could still take advantage of his words, but as soon as he saw Dr. Demonization speak, he immediately withered.

This is a fierce man who can travel through the multiverse!

I can't mess with it!

Hermione Granger: To be honest, this Morty has a really bad family environment, and he's almost catching up with that Harry Potter!

Hermione Granger: In a situation like his, I wouldn't be surprised if it did turn black one day.

Big bones boiled into soup: blackened!

Starlight: Yes, as long as the people in our group turn black, they will often become terrible big demons, causing trouble, and even destroying the earth!

Clark kent:............ (⊙_⊙)

Starlight: Morty, are you okay? You can't really be blackened because you've been hit too hard, right?

Morty: Thank you for your concern, I'm okay now......

Starlight: Really......?

Morty: I said it was okay, what are you talking about?(▼Dish▼;)


At this awkward moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Rick and Morty, who have completely lost their memory, begin to grope around this room.] 】

[It didn't take long for Rick to realize that these colorful test tubes should be memory storage devices. 】

[He took out a test tube and inserted it into the helmet on Morty's head.] 】



["Don't ......"]

[With the insertion of test tubes one after another, Morty has also experienced ...... "horror memory baptism" again and again!]

[In these memories, he was either fooled by Rick and offered his services like an ugly alien.] 】

[Either after trying the "absolute level", you can't adapt to the real world at all, causing the whole person to collapse.] 】

[On another occasion, Morty sensed the squirrel talking after using the device Rick gave him!]

[Rick was shocked when he learned about it, claiming that even he couldn't afford to mess with the "squirrel"!]

[So far...... can only take Morty and escape to another parallel universe. 】


[After going through so many crazy memories, Morty only feels that the whole person is not good. 】

[The three views almost collapsed, and he wanted to commit suicide when he picked up the gun. 】

["These memories are all my experiences, but they are all piled up here!"]

"What if something happens in my life...... It's going to be deleted eventually, so why should I live?"]

["You have a point............]

[The most ridiculous thing is that after listening to Morty's nonsense, Rick also took out a gun from his arms, as if he wanted to die with him.] 】

[At this critical juncture, Morty's sister Sangmei suddenly walked into this underground secret room. 】

"Wow, what are you...... Are you watching Morty's memories kill again?"]

["Memory killing?"]

["What are you talking about?"]

[Rick and Morty are both confused when they hear this, and at this time, Sangmi also asks them if it is "Situation 3" now]

[Finding that the two ancestors and grandchildren were all stupid, and they didn't even recognize who they were, Sang Mei suddenly slapped her head:]

["Oops, it's situation 4 now!"]

[I saw Sang Mei come to the side skillfully, and opened an emergency treatment box with the key hanging around her neck. 】


[Sang Mei took out an operation guide from the box and used the anesthetic gun to stun Rick and Morty according to the description above. 】

[Next, she used the two "empty memory test tubes" prepared in advance to put the two grandparents and grandchildren through dozens of minutes...... It's all erased. 】

【"Oh...... Oh my God, you're so heavy!"]

[While dragging the fainted Rick and Morty to the couch, Sang Mei muttered and whined:]

["I really shouldn't have done such a troublesome thing for so much money!"]

[It turns out that Rick has already made emergency insurance in advance, as long as he and Morty's "Memory Kill" has a problem, Sangmi will appear and "reset" everything!]

[It's as if by formatting the computer to eliminate all hidden dangers, Rick and Morty's brains have just been "formatted" once. 】

["Eh, we're ...... What's wrong?"]

[After waking up, Rick and Morty glanced at each other, and suddenly began to scold Sang Meilai:]

["You Bichi!, why are you watching...... We fell asleep in front of the TV?"]

["Slut, it's all your fault! Because of you, how many beautiful shows and commercials have I missed!"]

["Stupid Bichi!"]

["Morty, leave this idiot alone, let's get out of here and continue our adventure!"]

[After scolding Sangmei, Rick casually took out the portal gun and took Morty with him...... Enter another dimension. 】

[And from beginning to end, Sang Mei just sat on the sofa next to her. looked at the two fools with a blank face. 】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Tian Xiaoban: I'll go! It turns out that there is still this kind of operation.

Torrecchia: Hahaha! I knew that this situation could only be solved by "clearing my memory"!

Bruce Banner: Sigh, life's important memories, emptied again and again.

Bruce Banner: Can this kind of life really be meaningful?

Ghost Rider: Dr. Banner, why are you talking the same as that Morty?

Ghost Rider: As long as humans live, it is meaningful, and other "meanings" are nonsense!

Deadpool: yes, instead of talking about the meaning of life, why don't you go to the docks and order some fries. ^_^

Bruce Banner: Huh? What did you say?

At that moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

[On this day, in the underground secret passage of the White House, a mysterious monster suddenly appeared and injured an unlucky cleaner. 】

[In order to eliminate this so-called alien bug, the President of the United States sent agents to bring Rick and Morty over. 】

[It seems that the president has seen Rick as some kind of "super-science hero"!]

[Morty was still a little excited, took out his mobile phone and thought about taking a selfie with the president, and the result was ...... But the president flatly refused. 】

[Rick and Morty enter the underground passage and easily fight off the alien bug.] 】

[Morty thinks...... It's just boring. 】

[Rick is even more ruthless:]

["That president is a control freak full of insecurity, always thinking that he still rules the world!"]

["It's really funny!"]

[But the grandfather and grandson didn't expect that all the words they said in the secret passage were recorded by the surveillance device, and they were also relayed to the president by the agents.] 】

["Full of insecurity? Control freak ???"]

[The president was furious when he heard this, and simply made a phone call and scolded Rick and Morty:]

"Listen to me, you know...... How many federal laws have you violated?"

["So far, I have been extrajudicial to you only because you have saved the Earth a few times. "】

["Extrajudicial Grace? Whahahaha!"

[Upon hearing this, both Rick and Morty burst out laughing!]

[Rick laughed so much that tears appeared in the corners of his eyes:]

"If you want to arrest us, I can guarantee you...... It won't end well. "】

["Also, we save the planet, not because there is the United States on the planet!"]

["It's just because I moved to another parallel universe...... It's just too much trouble. "】


[Hearing such a bold statement, the president was immediately furious, and those high-ranking officials in the White House ...... There was also an uproar!]

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