
[Just above the human city, a large number of fighter jets flew out of the strange alien disc and launched an attack on Ultraman Zero. 】

["Hmph! It's useless to talk too much, then let's fight!"]

[Flying in the air, Ultraman Sero released a powerful ray of light that exploded these mechanical fighters one by one. 】


[After being hit, a fighter plane emitted billowing smoke and fell to the ground. 】


[Ultraman Sero looked at it and was taken aback!]

[It turned out that at the place where the fighter plane fell, a child riding a bicycle appeared. 】

["It's dangerous!"]

[Dahewang saw the child in distress, and immediately rushed with enthusiasm! Without thinking about it, he drove the plane over. 】


[Crashing into the wreckage of the enemy fighter, Dahewang's body was soon surrounded by flames. 】


[Sero hurriedly took action to protect the child, but then stared at the crashed river. 】

["This stupid fool who doesn't want to die, is even more reckless than me. "】

【“............ Eh, am I dead?"]

[After a while, Dahewang was alone and came to his senses in a deep pit. 】

[It didn't take long for Dahewang to find that there was a strange bracelet on his left hand, ]

["Eh, what is this, where did it come from?"]

[Soon, a strange voice popped up in Dahe Wang's mind:]

["Listen, my name is Ultraman Sero!"]

["This bracelet is a symbol of me and you becoming one. "】


[Dahewang was still sitting by the flower bed drinking water, but when he heard this, he immediately squirted out the water in his mouth. 】

[Ultraman ??? (⊙o⊙)]

[It turned out that Sero saw Dahe Wangyong's heroic act of saving the child before, and looked at him differently, so he chose Dahe Wangyong as his human body. 】

[But when he heard the news, Dahewang immediately became furious:]

["Get out of here!"]

["Ah, yes, yes, just get out...... Huh?"]

[In Dahewang's body, Sero was dumbfounded, and he could hardly believe his ears. 】

[How can there be such a human being?]

[Give you a chance to be Ultraman, but you don't cherish it?]

[Dahe Wang yelled at the bracelet:]

["Why did you come into my body without my permission? Get me out quickly!"]

["Hey, if I hadn't fused with you, you would have been seriously injured and dead!"]

[Sero was helpless and could only try his best to explain, but Dahe Wang still didn't want to let him get out. 】

[At this moment that makes people cry and laugh, the cry of a monster suddenly comes from the distance. 】



[Dahewang looked up, and was suddenly frightened by the huge figure in the distance. 】

[I saw a big whale with a giant drill on its nose running to land!]

[This guy is the deep-sea monster Guvera!]

["Great River!"]

[At this moment, the bracelet on Dahewang's hand also emitted a strange blue light, turning into a wing-like phantom. 】

["Put this on and become me!!" "】

[Ultraman Sero's voice is full of kindness and generosity.] 】

[But ......]


[Dahewang stretched out his hand and slapped it fiercely, like swatting a fly, and scattered Ultraman Zero's "Transformation Phantom". 】

["No!! ( ̄△ ̄;)"]

[In the body of Taihewang, Ultraman Sero is also completely stupid. 】

["No kidding, I definitely don't want to transform into Ultraman!"]

[Dahewang screamed as he pulled the child he had saved before and ran for his life on the deserted street. 】

["Wow...... Yikes...... Ahhh

[After merging with Ultraman Sero, even if Taiga Wang has not transformed, he has physical abilities far beyond ordinary people!]

[In the process of escaping, he suddenly saw another one, Ultraman covered in blue!]

["This is Ultraman Gauss!"]

[By transforming into a bracelet, Ultraman Sero's voice also reached the ears of Ogawa Wang:]

["He, like me, must have been summoned by that mysterious voice. "】


[In the face of the ferocious Guvera, Ultraman Gauss first posed as a roc spreading his wings, and then used strange martial arts moves to fight it a few times. 】

[Immediately afterwards, Gauss pointed at Guvera and released a colorful ray. 】


[Guvera, who was struck by this light, immediately became calm, and it seemed that all the violent qi had been purified. 】

[This move is Ultraman Gauss's best purification stunt "Full Moon Light Wave"!]

[The monster hit by the full moonlight wave will not be destroyed, but will become calm and peaceful, and will no longer be dangerous.] 】

[After pacifying the monster Guvera, Ultraman Gauss also transformed into his human body...... Haruno Musashi. 】

Next, Musashi and Okawa Nobo, along with those young girls, returned to their base. 】

[It turns out that these girls are subordinates of the Earth Defense Force, members of the "U-Team". 】

[Not long ago, an evil "Baxter" descended on Earth and kidnapped all the people on Earth. 】

[The reason why the Baxter people did this seems to be for a thing called "Jeton".] 】

[Not long after, a hideous alien face suddenly appeared in the sky!]

["O human beings who live in the world, your despair and fear are the food of Jeton!"]

["Come on, for my Jeton, please be afraid to your heart's content!hahaha......"]

[With arrogant laughter, the faces of the Baxter people disappeared from the sky. 】

[As soon as the Baxter people finished speaking, two huge monsters appeared in the distance, attacking the base where everyone was. 】


[Although Ultraman Gauss attacked again, his two fists were invincible to his four hands, and he was quickly suppressed by two monsters. 】

[At this moment, Ultraman Sero couldn't hold it anymore, took the initiative to activate the transformation bracelet, and forcibly put Sero glasses on Dahewang's face. 】

["Wow! you are cheating ......"]

[The river only let out a scream, and flew into the air involuntarily!]

[Then with a flash of light, Ultraman Sero transformed!]

[But just after the transformation, Sero heard the children in the building behind him......... There was a barrage of screams. 】

["Good little wow......"]

["What did you say?"

[Sero looked down and was shocked!]

[Now he is not a giant of light at all, at most he is only seven or eight meters tall!]

[At this moment, the scene was suddenly very embarrassing. 】

"Damn, Dahewang, it's all your fault. "】

[Sero thought about it and immediately understood:]

"It's because of you...... Refusing to fight me, I'm so small!"

["Damn, this is the only way to go. "】

["Mini Sero" was furious, but he refused to admit defeat, so he could only rush forward with this petite body!]


[With a loud bang, Mini Sero.] actually withstood Guvera's sharp angle. 】

[In the next moment, the drill on the tip of Guvila's nose actually spun, driving the entire Sero. 】

["Wow wow!"]

[Just like the propeller of a monoplane, the mini Sero kept spinning, and finally was simply thrown into the sky, and then fell to the ground fiercely, looking extremely embarrassed!]

[Fortunately, although it has become smaller, Ultraman Sero's strength is still there.] 】

[After getting familiar with this small body, Sero and Gauss Ultraman worked together to "influence" these two monsters again. 】

[It's a pity that the Baxter people saw the defeat of their monsters and destroyed them mercilessly. 】

[On this night, the girls in the base also told Dahewang about the past. 】

[On their planet, there used to be Ultraman!]

[But after a tragedy, the man who may become Ultraman...... It's gone. 】

[In the early morning of the second day, something terrible happened. 】

[Lifelike illusions appear in the sky again!]

[In the illusion, everyone can clearly see a red giant cocoon!]

[Baxter people have traveled through countless multiverses, grabbed countless monsters, and used them to breed Super Jeton...... It's finally about to break out of the shell!]


[In the wild laughter of the Baxter people, the giant cocoon suddenly exploded, and a huge humanoid insect emerged from it!]

[This is Hypajeton!]


[In the wild laughter of the Baxter people, the giant cocoon suddenly exploded, and a huge humanoid insect emerged from it!]

[This is Hypajeton.] 】

[Looking at the image in front of her, a girl suddenly screamed.] 】

["That's Ultraman!"]

[Just under Jeton's two front paws, there is an Ultraman who has been turned into a stone statue, it is Ultraman Dinah!]

["Hehe! I really admire this guy."] "】

[Baxter people laughed arrogantly:]

["In order to prevent the birth of Jeton, this Ultraman sacrificed himself and was actively sealed in the egg!"]

["But...... Everything he does is zero!"]

"Jetton has fully woken up, and now...... Gun salute. "】

[In the next moment, the yellow spar on Hypajeton's body suddenly lit up, and countless fireballs ...... Shoot high into the air from the hedrons!】

["Not good!"]

["These fireballs are coming here!"]

["Everyone, run away!"]

[In the midst of everyone's screams, countless large fireballs fell from the sky like meteor showers and smashed down fiercely!]

Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Tian Xiaoban: This is the strongest monster? Why, it's a big insect?

Beria: What's wrong with a mere bug?

Big bones boiled into soup: That Baxter, in order to make this bug, but from the monster graveyard...... And countless universes, stealing countless monsters!

Big bones boiled into soup: There are so many monsters fused, it is impossible to be weak.

Torrecchia: Not necessarily, Mr. Beria...... The "hundred-body monster" that was transformed into in the video, wasn't it destroyed by Sero with a single blow? ^_^

Beria: You !! (╬ ̄ ̄) = ○

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