Seeing this, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Wanda Maximov: No, is this moon god so powerful? Can even manipulate the stars of the universe? (⊙o⊙)

Wonder Woman Diana: Is this guy really just a god on Earth?

Wonder Woman Diana: This level is already cosmic!

Tian Xiaoban: Universe-level god ...... Imprisoned in a stone statue?( ̄△ ̄;)

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: No! Khonsu should only be able to manipulate the starry sky of the Earth to a certain extent, and not interfere with the universe itself.

Hermione Granger: Manipulating the Earth's starry sky, that's pretty good, okay?

Hermione Granger: This is the power of God, and humans can't compare to it!

Kratos: No kidding, what's so great about a little god who represents the moon?

Clark Kent: I think...... Human beings have infinite possibilities, and they may not be able to surpass the gods.

Loki Odinson: Hehe, you seem to be a little less persuasive when you say that.

Dr. Demonized Strange: Oh? What about me?

Rocky Odinson: ............ →_→

While Loki was speechless, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After Kong Su was sealed inside the idol, one of the divine messengers picked it up and placed it in a hole in the wall. 】

[And on the wall of this display wall, many statues of gods have already been placed. 】

[Obviously, the Egyptian gods who have been sealed are definitely not the only ones in Khonsu!]

[At this time in the desert, after the moon god Kongsu disappeared, Steven also fainted. 】

[And Arthur's subordinates also rushed over in an armed jeep!]

[Fortunately, Leila, in a hurry, found an opportunity and threw the incendiary stick into the ammo box on the jeep.] 】

["Bang bang bang!"

[After a series of explosions, all the cultists in the jeep threw themselves into the streets. 】

[After the disappearance of the moon god, Steven could no longer transform into a moon knight and became an ordinary person. 】

[But even so, he still refused to give up the dominance of his body to Mark.] 】

[The two snatched the militants' jeep and went all the way to Amit's grave.] 】

[It's a pity that Arthur's gang has already arrived here.] 】

[However, in order to dig a way to the tomb, everyone went underground to dig the earth, and there was no one in the camp. 】

[Seeing this, Steven Leila hurriedly went to the camp to search for equipment. 】

[And at this time, Mark, who was in a state of sub-personality, found Steven...... It seems that he has a good impression of Leila, and he is suddenly shocked. 】

["You guy, you can't be in love with my wife, right?"]

["I warn you, if you dare to touch her, I will kill you!"]

[Looking at Mark's "incompetent rage" in the mirror, Steven was suddenly extremely happy, and he walked away after a few words of ridicule. 】

[Good to die, just after Steven and Leila met, the more the two talked about their relationship, the deeper their relationship became, and finally ...... They kissed together!]

[Just after the kiss, Steven's hand suddenly punched hard...... Hit him on his own nose!]


[Steven let out a miserable scream and was directly knocked to the ground by the punch of "Mark".] 】

[Such a scene looks really weird. 】

[Next, with his rich knowledge of Egyptian culture, Steven led Leila and soon came to the depths of the catacombs. 】

[But at this moment, a scream suddenly came from the tomb!]


[Immediately after.] A dried corpse covered in blue, grabbing a cultist, walked out of the passage in the depths!]

[In this catacomb, there are actually living corpses!]

[Faced with such a terrifying scene, Steven and Leila hurriedly hid, trembling,]

[This dried corpse, I didn't find the two of them at first, but I just put the cultist down on a processing table and unloaded 8 pieces, and then took out all the internal organs and put them in some containers. 】

[It turns out that this dried corpse is in ancient times...... An Egyptian priest who was mummified to deal with tomb robbers in later generations!]

[But then Leila still made some noises, alarming the dried corpse!]

[Fortunately, Steven seized the opportunity to push a table down from a high place and crushed the dry corpse.] 】

[And the two are separated.] 】

[Unfortunately, just a table can't crush this thousand-year-old dry corpse!]

[Soon, the dried corpse crawled up and caught up with Leila again!]


[In the face of a terrible enemy, Lyra bravely put the light stick in her hand in the midst of the struggle...... Inserted into the eyes of the dried corpse!and pushed "it" into the pit next to him!]

[Unlike Leila, who died nine times for a lifetime, at this time, on the other side, Steven was a fool and a fool, and without encountering any danger, he came to the deepest part of the ancient tomb and found the pharaoh's tomb!]

[Steven was taken aback when he saw the patterns and words on the coffin!]

["This is a Macedonian account!"]

["Could it be that the pharaoh here is Alexander the Great?"

[Astonished, Steven opens the pharaoh's coffin with a trembling hand.] 】

[There's a mummy lying inside.] 】

[Steven gasped at first, and then, after thinking, broke Alexander the Great's mouth and pulled out a god statue from his body!]

[It turns out that Amit is not dead, but sealed!]

[Looking at the stone statue in his hand, Steven's heart was full of joy, and at this moment, Leila, who was pale, suddenly appeared in front of him. 】

[It turned out that Laila had met Arthur in the tomb just now.] 】

[Arthur tells her that her "husband" Mark may have indirectly killed her father.] 】

[Angry Leila, forces Mark to appear to confront him, and Mark's personality ...... Sure enough, it came out. 】

[Looking at the woman in front of him, Mark admitted that he was in that expedition back then. It was his companion who suddenly changed his mind and wanted to kill everyone!]

[Not only was Leila's father killed by his "companions", but even Mark was knocked down with a single shot and almost died. 】

[In this chaotic moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the tomb, apparently Arthur and others had arrived!]

[In a hurry, Mark hurriedly asked his beloved wife to find a way, and he ...... then stay after the break. 】

[It's a pity that in the face of a group of armed men with loaded guns, even though Mark is skilled, he was finally shot several times by Arthur and fell into the pool next to the coffin. 】


[In the pool, Mark sank deeper and deeper, as if sinking into the abyss of hell. 】

[But after a while, he suddenly woke up again.] 】


[Looking at the sick white coat on his body and the scene around him, Mark was completely stupid. 】

[This is a mental hospital.] 】

[He's not a mercenary, he doesn't have multiple personalities, he's just a patient locked up here.] 】

[The most terrifying thing is that his wife Leila. It's just a nurse who usually cares about him a lot!]

[Mark's arch-enemy Arthur...... It's the director of this psychiatric hospital!]

[According to the description of the hospital director, the adventure stories in Mark's mind all come from a movie. 】

[He...... Just a poor creature with mental problems!]

["No! no!"]

[Feeling that the whole person was about to collapse, Mark frantically knocked down the hospital staff and fled into the aisle. 】

[In a hurry, he hid in a room in a mental hospital and found it...... There was a pharaoh's coffin!]


[Soon, the coffin board began to shake, and a person emerged from inside.] 】

[That's Steven!]

["It's you!"]

[The two "personalities" hugged each other excitedly, and their faces were full of joy. 】

[I don't know what this is all about, but in this crazy mental hospital, it's always good to meet a "kind" person.] 】

[Just as the two were about to continue their escape journey, they didn't notice that there was another coffin in the next room. 】

[Moreover, this coffin is also constantly shaking, as if it contains something!]

[Steven and Mark, running around the hospital like headless flies, finally came to a door.] 】

[Just before they could open the door, the door suddenly opened, revealing a ...... standing behind it Hippopotamus!】

[This hippopotamus, dressed in ancient Egyptian gorgeous clothes, looked at the two marks and raised his hand in a friendly manner:]

["Hello ......"]


[Looking at the weird "hippopotamus man" in front of them, the muscles on Mark and Steven's faces twisted wildly, pulling their necks and screaming!]

"You look alike. "】

[The hippopotamus man also seemed to be a little confused, tilted his head, looked at the two and asked:]

"You ...... It can't be twins, right?"]

At this time, in the chat group, someone suddenly bubbled.

Diana, Wonder Woman: A hippopotamus with a woman's voice and an Egyptian shirt......

Wonder Woman Diana: She's not a hippopotamus, she's a goddess!

Tian Xiaoban: Ha Hippopotamus Goddess ( ̄△ ̄;)

Wonder Woman Diana: That's right, she's Tavorit, the one in charge of the dying man...... The Egyptian goddess extradited to the underworld!

Wonder Woman Diana: Mark and Steven, both dead!

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