in the live broadcast room.

"Moon Knight?"

Hearing an unfamiliar name, everyone in the live broadcast room ...... There are still some surprises.

"Who is this? New superhero?"

Peter raised his eyebrows, obviously very curious.

"Since this Moon Knight is related to the statue of the moon god Kongsu, it should be his messenger. "

Demonic Doctor Strange said calmly:

"Those gods in the divine realm will not come to the world casually, but generally use messengers to walk in the human world. "


Hearing this, little Wanda lowered her head and seemed to lose interest.

Just now, she also saw Thanos, who has extreme power, destroying the entire universe!

In contrast, the so-called earth gods are nothing more than an existence that can be completely destroyed by "Ahnaten"!

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[A middle-aged man with a disheveled hair sits at a table and drinks a glass of water. 】

Next, he wraps the glass in a piece of cloth. 】


[The middle-aged man picked up a cane and slowly knocked the glass into pieces.] 】

[And the real magic operation is only later.] 】

[The man poured all the glass shards into a pair of sandals, then put the sandals on his feet, and slowly walked out of the room. 】

[In the next second, the picture on the screen suddenly changed.] 】

[A man with deep-set eyes and a decadent face woke up from his bed. 】

[After waking up, the first thing this man did was to untie the restraints on his legs. 】

[It turns out that this decadent man is called "Steven". 】

[He has a very serious mental illness that causes him to sleepwalk a lot!]

[When he wakes up, "Steven" tends to be somewhere else!, and he doesn't remember how he got here.] 】

[In order to prevent this from happening, Steven not only tied himself to the bed with a rope, but also sprinkled sand under the bed, and even put a seal on the crack of the door!]

[The reason why he did these things was to make sure that he had sleepwalked last night when he woke up every day!]

[And today...... The situation looks fine. 】

[Even though there was nothing to do all night, Steven obviously didn't sleep well, and on the bus, he almost fell asleep against others. 】

After getting off the bus, Steven arrives at the British Museum. 】

[Steven's job is just the most humble gift shop clerk in this museum, responsible for selling all kinds of ...... to tourists] Gifts related to cultural relics. 】

Although he is only a small clerk, Steven loves Egyptian culture very much, and whenever he has the opportunity, he will popularize the knowledge of Egyptian history to tourists. 】

[It's a pity...... His female boss, "Donna", is a snarky woman who will hit him at every opportunity. 】

[Although he is frustrated at work, Steven is inexplicably proud of his love scene!]

[At work, a female employee suddenly came to him and told him that she was ready to go out with him for dinner tomorrow. 】

[In the face of this flying encounter, Steven was pleasantly surprised. 】

[But he can't remember when he made an appointment with this female colleague!]

[All this...... It's like a dream. 】

in the live broadcast room.

"Sleepwalking? without knowing it...... I made an appointment with a female colleague!"

Chewing on these few words, Bruce Wayne's eyes suddenly flashed.

"This man named Steven is most likely not sleepwalking, but schizophrenia, or even multiple personalities!"

Young Master Wayne said in a confident tone:

"The reason why he sleepwalks, perhaps, is that another personality has awakened!"

"Also, that female colleague is also his second personality! That's why he doesn't know anything about it!"


Looking at Bruce Wayne...... suddenly said such a set of theories, and the expressions of the rest of the people in the live broadcast room became very weird.

In the end, it was little Wanda who asked with a glare:

"How did you guess just by looking at such a few images?

Bruce Wayne hesitated for a moment, then said calmly:

"I have two degrees in mental illness and are still in professional journals...... Several papers have been published under pseudonyms. "

When the sentry heard this, he immediately became excited:

"Great, you have this ability, can you take a look at my illness?"


Facing the sentry's burning eyes, Master Wayne finally revealed a trace of embarrassment:

"There is no special treatment for dual personality, and ...... Your situation is also a bit peculiar......"

Truth be told, Bruce Wayne really doesn't know what a bold doctor to be...... Only then did I dare to treat the "million sun explosion" in front of me!

If something happens to the Sentinels, the Earth may be doomed!


Looking at Master Wayne's embarrassed appearance, little Wanda snickered at first, and then turned his head to look at the screen.

But at this moment, Peter Parker, who had been silent, suddenly clapped his palms and shouted in a voice of disbelief:

"Apocalypse! This Steven looks like an apocalypse!"


Everyone was stunned.

Tonisdak looked at the screen carefully, then nodded with a shocked face:

"It's kind of like, but ...... Is this possible?"

"This guy, the original mutant variant?"

At this moment, Young Master Wayne's eyes narrowed slightly.

No one else noticed, but he saw it clearly.

Just now, the weirdo who put the glass shards in his shoes...... The building is in a bit Egyptian style!

And Apocalypse is an Egyptian!

This is definitely no coincidence!

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[Image continues.] 】

[After work, Steven, who is alone, can only run to the street and talk to a man who dresses himself up as a brass sculpture...... They talked about their lives, and then went home alone. 】

[Before going to bed, Steven tied himself up with a rope as usual. 】

[But this time, the situation has changed.] 】


[After some time, Steven wakes up in a patch of grass.] 】

[Now he is covered in dust, and his jaw is almost dislocated!]

["This...... Here it is!"]

[Climbing up from the lawn, Steven's eyes are a completely unfamiliar town!]

[Architecturally, this may not even be the United States, but Europe!]

[Just when Steven was dumbfounded, almost thinking that he was still dreaming, his mind ...... Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice sounded:]

"Get back to sleep, parasite! "】

["Who are you?"]

[Steven looks left and right in panic, but doesn't see anyone.] 】

[At this moment, the voice in my head continued:]

["You idiot, hurry up and go to bed and give control of your body to Mark!"]

["What? Who's Mark?"]

[Steven was completely confused, and instinctively put his hands into the bag of his clothes. 】

[In the next second, he took something out of his pocket.] 】

[Steven opens his palm, only to see the foreign object...... It's a golden scarab. 】

[Just as Steven held the beetle in his palm, he ...... Suddenly, a strange man appeared covered in bandages and holding a huge weapon in his hand. 】


[Sensing that something was wrong, Steven turned his head sharply, but the strange man disappeared.] 】

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