[Through high-tech tracking, Thanos drove the spaceship, and together with the Silver Glider and other heroes, came to the location of the Heart of the Universe. 】

[Surprisingly, this is actually a spaceship!]

[From this spaceship floating in the air, endless powerful energy emerged. Rush to all corners of the universe!]

[Next, Thanos and the others rushed into the search spaceship, trying to find the heart of the universe!]

At the same time, Thor and Zeus, who escaped from Akhnadon's hands, also ran to the side of the Eternal God and asked him for help. 】

[The eternal god really just shook his head helplessly:]

["O god-king of the earth, the power carried by Ahmadon is beyond my comprehension. "】

"Now I can't do anything but wait for the end of everything. "】

["What did you say?"]

[God King Thor was shocked when he heard this:]

["Listen to you, is the universe about to be destroyed?"]

["Yes ......"]

[Eternity said coldly:]

"You guessed it right. "】

[Upon hearing this, Thor and Zeus were all stunned, and their brains almost stopped thinking!]

[As the embodiment of the universe, doesn't eternity say that...... Is he dying too?]

[And at the same time, Thanos Thanos, Silver Glider, Hulk Hulk and others...... Finally, a huge energy body was found in the spaceship of the Celestial Race. 】

"Behold, that is the heart of the universe. "】

["Such a powerful energy, it's unbelievable!"]

["It's so dazzling, Hulk needs sunglasses!"]

[Looking at the radiant energy core in front of him, both superheroes and Thanos began to have their own ghosts. 】

[This energy is bound to be impossible to distribute to everyone, so who should get it?]

[But at this tense moment, the Hulk suddenly saw a small robot.] 】

["Hulk...... Smash!"]

[The Hulk, who doesn't have a very good head, directly smashed this robot with one punch!]

[But this move also attracted the real owner of the spaceship...... Celestial!]

[These mysterious races, who have mastered the heart of the universe for countless years, have long relied on this infinite energy to transform themselves into energy bodies!]

["Be careful!"]

["These guys are too powerful!"]

[In the face of more and more Celestials, superheroes and Thanos and others are all in a bitter battle. 】

[Fortunately, relying on his own super technology, Thanos successfully severed the connection between the Heart of the Universe and the Celestial Race!]

[Now, the energy of these aliens is getting less and less.] 】

[But even so, the infinite power of the Celestial God Clan is still terrifyingly strong!]


[With just one scream, Doctor Strange was blasted into scum by a celestial god clan, and his body was destroyed, and he died without a whole body. 】

[Seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, Thanos immediately made a decision and yelled directly:]

["Captain Marvel, Silver Glider! Even if you die, drag them down!"]

["The whole universe depends on you. "】


[Captain Marvel Mar-Vell looked back and was immediately filled with anger:]

["Thanos, what do you bastard want to do?"]

["Of course it's to save the universe!"]

[Thanos laughed, jumped violently, and jumped into the "Heart of the Universe" energy ball in front of him. 】

[In fact, Thanos also knew that his move was ...... It's all about playing with your life!]

[According to his calculations, the Celestial Clan should use some kind of high-tech instrument to absorb part of the energy of the Heart of the Universe and then reuse it. 】

[Because, that kind of pure cosmic energy is not something that the Celestial God Clan can withstand at all. 】

[But on the other hand, Thanos has spent his whole life using his body to absorb all kinds of energy. 】

[So he thinks that his body ...... It should be able to withstand the heart of the universe!]

[To put it bluntly, this is gambling. 】

[And the result...... Thanos won the bet!]


[With a loud bang, the spaceship used by the Celestial Clan to store the Heart of the Universe completely collapsed in a terrifying burst of energy. 】

[Whether it's the Celestials, or superheroes such as the Silver Glider...... All of them died cleanly, not even a single atom remained!]

[In the void, Thanos's body is still drifting. 】

["Is this the heart of the universe?"]

[Feeling the endless power in his body, Thanos only felt himself...... On the verge of disintegration at any moment!]

[This energy is too strong!]

[But with a body that is almost the first in the universe and a strong mental willpower, Thanos actually controlled the heart of the universe!]


[Thanos laughs softly.] 】

[Even when he wore the Infinity Gauntlet, he didn't have the feeling of being in control now!]

[In other words, after mastering the 6 Infinity Stones, Thanos can twist and manipulate the universe as he pleases. 】

But now, he is the universe. 】

[The current Thanos is the source of all energy in the universe!]


[In just a moment, Thanos came to Earth and traveled back in time!]

[He came to the same plane as Doctor Doom and Ahnaten.] 】

[That is, Egypt thousands of years ago.] 】


[With a flick of his hand, Thanos took Ahnaton to the end of the multiverse. 】

["Impossible! How can you have such a strong power!"] 】

[Seeing Thanos controlling himself like a child, Ahnaton frantically launched a counterattack. 】

["Idiot ......"]

[But in the next moment, Ahnaton was completely defeated. 】

[What he has mastered is only a little scratch of the heart of the universe. 】

[And Thanos is now the Heart of the Universe!]


[After defeating his opponent, Thanos also transformed Ahnaten's body into a butterfly. 】

[After annihilating Ahnaten, Thanos did another thing. 】

[He reversed time and space and erased the Celestials from the timeline. 】

[Thousands of years ago, this race discovered the ultimate mystery of the universe, that is, the existence of the heart of the universe. 】

[But under Thanos's space-time interference, the Celestial Race has been completely wiped out. 】

[According to the so-called "grandfather paradox", without the Celestials, the Cosmic Heart would not have been discovered, and Thanos would not have been able to access the energy of the Cosmic Heart. 】

[But the current Thanos is time and space itself!]

[No law can bind him!]

[After discovering Thanos' tampering with the cosmic timeline, the final arbiter of the multiverse, the "Court of Life", also made a move. 】

[He summoned the most powerful gods in the multiverse and prepared to impose sanctions on Thanos!]

[Eternal, Infinite, God of Hatred, God of Love, Lord of Order, Lord of Chaos, Middleman, Observer......]

[And the invincible Devourer of Planets!]

[After assembling the strongest forces in the multiverse, the Court of Life has decided to fight Thanos to the death!]

[But just when the thought of this thought arose in the Court of Life, Thanos already knew everything.] 】

[Now he has fully comprehended the essence of the heart of the universe. 】

[At the beginning, when he obtained the Cosmic Cube, although Thanos became a cosmic-level god, his power at that time was still limited. 】

[After wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, although he can control time, space, power, reality, and soul, it is only superficial control. 】

[Now, Thanos is intoxicated with the universe itself!]

[He is everything in the universe, and everything is him!]

[Thanos can be anyone, anything, or anything in the universe!]

[An alien, an asteroid scattered in a star field, or even a light particle emitted by a sun...... It's all him!]

[From the microcosm to the macrocosm, from the past to the present, Thanos is able to see everything in the universe. 】

[At this moment, Thanos realized a terrible reality. 】

In this universe, there is a deep-rooted disease, or cancer. 】

[This innate defect is predestined...... will bring the entire universe to an end. 】

[Even Thanos, who is the universe itself, can't cure "it". 】

[In the end, Thanos has to face a terrifying future. 】

[The universe will soon be destroyed, and no one can change this!]

Seeing this, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Wanda Maximov: What's going on? Is that universe doomed? (⊙o⊙)

Tian Xiaoban: Cancer, the whole universe suffers from cancer?( ̄△ ̄;)

Stephen Strange: Even if it's cancer, it's not incurable.

Stephen Strange: Since Thanos has the heart of the universe, it is equivalent to the universe itself!

Dr. Demonized Strange: Bitter smile, my variant, sometimes...... The cancer is removed, and the disease is cured, and the cost is ...... It's the death of a sick person!

Speaking of the results of his "resurrection girlfriend", a flash of realization suddenly rose in Dr. Demon's mind.

Perhaps, the reason why Thanos destroyed his own universe was because he wanted to heal it and finally ...... But it failed!

Of course, there is another possibility!

He knew that the universe was about to end, so he simply destroyed it himself!

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