"Create creatures?"

Tony chewed on this sentence, and Huo Ran turned his head to look at Dr. Demonization, with a look of disbelief on his face:

"What do you mean...... This life on Earth was created by these aliens?"

"Is this the answer you came up with with magic?"

Dr. Demonization shook his head slightly:

"It has nothing to do with magic, I just saw the DNA pattern on the screen. "

"After being infected with that black substance, all the DNA was rearranged and combined to form new life forms. "

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Dr. Demon spread his hands with a wry smile:

"Don't look at me like I am now, I'm also a doctor with formal medical training, and I always recognize the DNA sequence. "

"No basic creature has been born yet, is this the earth of ancient times?"

Bruce Wayne bowed his head slightly, and said to himself:

"This alien came to Earth to create new life, and even sacrificed himself!"

"Why, why did he do it?"

"Is the planet Earth worth such a sacrifice?"

Hearing this, everyone in the live broadcast room was speechless for a while.

Seeing that now, they already have an understanding of the "creator" of the earth in various parallel universes.

For example, the Celestials once created mutants on Earth!

But...... That's for experiments, too.

And the white giant on the screen didn't even want his own life!

If this is for the experiment, then the sacrifice is too great.

When everyone's expressions were confused, and no one could figure it out for a while, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Time flies. 】

[After the aliens sacrificed themselves, hundreds of millions of years have been spent on Earth. 】

[It is the emergence of countless new lives in evolution. 】

And the ...... who finally rules this planet It's human!]

[Time comes to 2089.] 】

[A Doctor and Wife, in a Scottish Gorge. Found the remains of an early human. 】

[In the ruins of the cave, the two doctors saw a mural.] 】

[The mural is painted with ...... A giant showed several stars in the sky to several humans who fell to their knees. 】

Moreover, the layout of these stars seems to show humans the location of a specific constellation in the universe. 】

[In other words, it's a star map!]

[Under the guidance of this star map, 4 years later, human beings launched a spaceship called "Prometheus" into the deep space of the universe!]

[The target of this spacecraft is the ...... on the star map] A planet pointed by giants!]

[Since the current human beings have not yet invented the technology of faster-than-light travel, the voyage time is very long. 】

[In this case, the crew of the spacecraft entered the hibernation pod during the voyage.] 】

[But there is one exception.] 】

[Or ...... A biochemical robot. 】

[This cyborg is named David, and he will not grow old or die, let alone be bored. 】

Therefore, human beings gave him a task. 】

[That is, to keep the ship running while all crew members are dormant.] 】

David was not idle during this time. 】

[In addition to maintaining the spaceship, he also uses the facilities on the spaceship to play...... Watch a movie...... Life was very pleasant. 】

And seeing this, there are also people bubbling in the chat group.

Magneto: What? That's ...... Me?( ̄△ ̄;)

Deadpool: Eric, you're the savior of our mutants!

Deadpool: Even if it's another universe, you didn't let me down. O(∩_∩)O haha~

Magneto: How could I become...... Robots!╥_╥

Magneto: Also, these damn humans dare to drive "me" to serve them!

Charles Xavier: Ahem, Eric, so-called robots are like household appliances, you don't need ...... I'm angry about this.

Magneto: Household appliances! Charles, have you always seen me that way?

Magneto: I can drive electromagnetism, but you can't insult me like that!

Charles Xavier: ............ (⊙_⊙)

Wanda Maximov: This guy is already on top, don't talk nonsense with him.

Wanda Maksimov: In comparison, I would like to know more...... What are these humans looking for when they go to that alien planet?

Dr. Strange: If my guess is correct, all the creatures on Earth were created by the alien who drank the black water.

Doctor Strange: So...... These earthlings may be looking for their own creator.

Loki Odinson: What's the point of finding the Creator?

Rampage Lori Jinx: Hehe, some orphans try their best to find their biological life after they become adults, what do you say this is for?

Jerome Valeska: In Search of Self-Worth, or ...... Do you have a place in this world?

Rocky Odinson: ............

Hearing this, Loki immediately remembered his "father", and his heart suddenly shook!

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Finally, after a long journey, the Prometheus arrived at the target planet, and according to the predetermined procedure, the crew of the ship was also awakened. 】

[The first one to wake up is the female boss of the cyborg David, Vix.]

[After all the crew members woke up, Vics summoned them and unfolded a holographic projection in front of the crew. 】

[In the projection, an old man on crutches appeared, his name is Peter Weilun, the founder of Weilun Company, and the man who launched this space expedition. 】

[Peter Wellen, also Vix's father.] 】

[When this video was broadcast, Peter Weilun had already passed away, and he also informed all the crew members of his last wish through this video......]

[That is to go to that unknown planet and find the creator of mankind on it, so as to answer the ultimate question of mankind:]

Who am I?]

[Where did it come from?]

【Where are you going?】

[After Peter Wellen finished speaking, the Doctor and his wife took his place and began a new lecture.] 】

[It turns out that according to the research of Dr. and Mrs. Sean, the existence of some kind of giant has been recorded in the ancient ruins of various civilizations. 】

[and...... Those 6 planets are a constellation!]

[Dr. Sean regards the "constellation murals" in the ancient ruins as an invitation from aliens to humanity.] 】

[And also named these aliens "Engineers"]

[Not only that, but he also made a terrifying hypothesis!]

[That's it...... Humans may have been created by these engineers!]

[Hearing this absurd conclusion, most of the other crew members refused to believe it, and some even ridiculed Sean in turn.] 】

[But anyway, it didn't take long for the ship to land on the planet called LV223.] 】

[After coming to the surface of the planet, Dr. Sean soon discovered that although this planet is not suitable for human life, there are indeed man-made ruins!]

[After landing, the crew of the spaceship, led by Dr. Sean, immediately formed an expedition team, and set off on the landing vehicle to the ruins that looked like buildings. 】

[Since the air on the planet is not suitable for human breathing, all members of all expedition teams must wear spacesuits. 】

[And after entering those ruins, everyone immediately found that this place seemed to be transformed from a natural cave. 】

[After going deep into the cave, scientists found that the air here has become the same as on Earth, and it is possible to breathe.] 】

[Seeing this, all the members of the expedition team, led by Dr. Sean, took off their helmets and began to breathe free air. 】

[But not long after leaving, everyone heard a scream coming from the cave!]


[Immediately after, a few "giants" formed by glimmers of light ran out of the cave! and even passed through the body of the expedition team. 】

[It turns out that the images of these giants are just some kind of 3D imaging, not entities.] 】

[Scientists ran after the projections of these giants, and finally found a stone door, as well as the corpse of the giant in front of the stone gate. 】

[They found the remains of the Engineer!]

[And it didn't take long for the cyborg David to use his own technology to open the stone door and show the secret room behind it in front of everyone. 】

[Directly in front of this chamber, there is a huge stone head. 】

[On the ground, there are a lot of strange oval jars.] 】

[On all sides of the walls of the chamber, murals are carved. 】

[Everyone can see that these murals seem to be carved with engineers...... A scene where you fight another creature. 】

[Directly in front of the chamber, a strange creature with an oval-shaped head carved into the wall.] 】

[It looks like an insect whose body has been magnified many times!]

[However, this "insect alien" has limbs similar to those of humans!]

[Just after everyone opened the secret room and let the air outside pour in, a strange change immediately occurred in the secret room. 】


[Encountering fresh air, the murals on the walls of the secret room began to oxidize and dissolve.] 】

[On the oval jar on the ground, a strange black liquid has also begun to flow!]

Seeing the black liquid, Peter Parker was the first to cry out:

"Blackwater! that's what kind of ...... Black water that can melt aliens!"

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