[The name "Torrecchia", in the language of the Land of Light, means "crazy curiosity"]

[And "Taylor" is "a man full of courage and a lover of justice."] 】

[His parents have a high status, and his personality is also cheerful and outgoing, Tairo has a very high popularity in Ultraman Elementary School, and there are always a large number of classmates around him.] 】

[But Torrecchia is always alone, and often leaves on his own, not playing with the other children at all.] 】

[After a long time, Taylor also noticed this...... Some strange Blue kids. 】

[It didn't take long for the Ultraman kids to become friends.] 】

[The personalities of the two of them are diametrically opposed, one is hot-blooded and outgoing, and the other is delicate and introverted. 】

[But because of this, when these two people are together, they form a kind of "complementarity", which makes them get along very well. 】

[From elementary school to adulthood, they have always been good friends. 】

[As an adult, he was inspired by Taylor, and Torrecchia joined him in trying to enter the Cosmic Guard. 】

[The Cosmic Guard was established by the father of Ultra to protect the peace of the entire universe, and it is all composed of the first-class elites of the Land of Light. 】

[Among the 10,000 Ultramans, ...... who are eligible to join the Cosmic Guard Probably none. 】

[Although Torrecchia is well-read and has a good mind, the work of the Space Guard requires strong combat effectiveness!]

[So, he was brushed off in the end.] 】

[Taylor comforted her kindly, claiming that serving the Land of Light is not the only way to serve the Cosmic Guard. 】

[But for Torrecchia, the real regret is not that he did not join the garrison, but that he ...... Can't be with Taylor anymore. 】

[It was from this moment that Torrecchia ...... I have a thirst for "power"!]

[If he is also as strong as Taylor, how can he not enter the Cosmic Guard?]

[Failed to enter the garrison, Torrecchia had to be admitted to the Universe Science and Technology Bureau like other Lan clans and became a scientific researcher. 】

Although there is less gathering and more separation, the friendship between Torrecchia and Taylor has not faded. 】

[On this day, after the two reunited after a long absence, Torrecchia showed Taylor that he had just developed...... Nebula Particle Transformation System. 】

[To put it simply, this system allows Ultraman to transform into other lifeforms.] 】

For example...... Mankind. 】

["Great, with this, we can change into human beings in the future!"]

Taylor can't get enough of this new device. 】

[Lately, Taylor has been talking about his relationship with the newly discovered intelligent life on "Earth"...... Human beings, who have established positive bonds and bonds. 】

[In the future, with this "human body transformation system", it will be more convenient for Ultraman and humans to get along with each other. 】

[And seeing Taylor talking about those humans with great interest, a trace of strange feelings rose in Torrecchia's heart. 】

"This new invention is indeed useful. "】

["But ...... name 'Nebula Particle Transformation System' is too long, right?"]

[Taylor touched his chin and thought for a while, and suddenly had an idea:]

["By the way, just like the plasma spark, this invention of yours is called the Taiga spark, how about it?"]

["Taiga!" refers to ...... "the man of courage who embraces the sun!"]

[Taylor's face is full of excitement:]

["This name represents a symbol of friendship between the two of us!"

Seeing this, someone in the chat group finally couldn't help it.

Wanda Maximov: Hey, the one named Totrecchia is also divided into men and women in your Ultraman world.

Torrecchia: ...... What do you want to say?→_→

Deadpool: Hahaha! Don't pay attention to Wanda, she's a single dog, so ...... will be jealous of the relationship between you and that Taylor boy!

Wanda Maximov: Phew, who's going to be jealous, Ultraman looks so strange, I'm looking for a human!

Torrecchia: Heh, there are still people who look down on Tyro?

Torrecchia: He's in the Land of Light, but he's a heartthrob, and I don't know how many girls are fascinated by him!

Wanda Maximov: You can't be proud of that tone, right? (⊙o⊙)

Wanda Maximov: If you really have a ...... with that Taylor Shouldn't you be jealous then?

Torrecchia: Hee-hee, you won't understand the relationship between me and Taylor.

Big bones boiled into soup: What are you talking about? I don't understand. (⊙_⊙)

Rampage Lori Jinx: Hahaha, what I don't understand about this, I can understand it as soon as I see it.

Rampage Lori Jinx: The relationship between the pair of Red and Blue Ultraman is the same as the relationship between Batman and the Joker! ^_^

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Although he can occasionally meet with Taylor, Torrecchia spends most of his time either researching or reading and thinking in the library. 】

And in the process of reading the history books, he finally knew...... The existence of Ultraman Darkness "Belial"!]

[This traitor, who is unique in the history of the Land of Light, not only sank into darkness, but even led an army of monsters to counterattack the Land of Light!]

[It's unbelievable!]

[Growing up, Torrecchia has been told that the Land of Light is the most peaceful and peaceful place in the universe, and the people here are ...... They are also perfect and bright people. 】

"Is it impossible to avoid even the brightest places...... Will darkness breed?"]

[Alone for many years, Torrecchia gradually got into the tip of the bull's horns in the process of continuous thinking. 】

[And in the end, it was Torrecchia's boss in the Technical Bureau, Hikari, who caused his confidence in the light to collapse completely.] 】

[Because of what happened to the Star of Life Abai, Hikari turned into a vengeful demon in front of Torrecchia...... Hunter Knight Sword!]

[It was the usually gentle and calm boss who also fell because of hatred, and Torrecchia's heart was finally shaken. 】

[Shikari is a person who was once recognized by the King of Ultra, and he has also given him such a treasure as a knight's breath!]

[If even such a great Ultraman could sink into the darkness, then do others need to say it?]

[The "light" that the country of light has been flaunting is just a lie?]

[Is the gap between light and darkness really that big?]

[The more I thought about it, the more confused I became, and Totorecchia, who couldn't get an answer, escaped from the Land of Light in a daze and madness, and hid in the abyss of the universe. 】

[While wandering in the abyss, Torrecchia can occasionally hear some news related to the Land of Light.] 】

[For example, Taylor has grown into a famous hero, married, and has given birth to a son.] 】

[And what surprised Torrecchia the most was that Taylor actually named his son "Taiga."] 】

"Hey, it's not ...... Did you give my invention a name?"

["You actually used it on your own son, you are still so nervous......"]

[Smiling softly, Torrecchia continues his search.] 】

[In the long lonely journey to the universe, his character and thinking ...... It's starting to change. 】

["Neither darkness nor light is meaningless, only chaos and nothingness are the truth of everything!"]

["And in order to pursue the ultimate chaos, there is only one thing that can be done!"]

After years of searching, Torrecchia came to a planet called Borges. 】

[In ancient legends, the planet was sealed with Chaos Monsters from the primeval era. 】

[But Torrecchia knows that the chaos here is far more than just Warcraft. 】

["Hahaha...... The sealing spell of the gods, but so, I have finally unlocked it!"

[On top of the planet's secret ruins, Torrecchia raised his head and let out a smug laugh. 】

[Countless years of research and decipherment, finally paid off!]

["The darkness of the universe that travels among the stars. Listen to me. Wake up from a long slumber!"

[In the midst of Torrecchia's loud chanting, there is a magic array composed of ancient cosmic characters, which is impressively formed in the sky!]

There is no magic in the world of the Land of Light. 】

[But through his studies, Torrecchia has learned things that have never been taught in these schools!]


[The earth began to shake wildly, and the bottomless rift opened!]

[Out of the rift emerges unfathomable chaos and phantoms.] 】

[This is the Chaos Evil God that existed before the birth of the universe!]

"He" is sealed here by the gods of the Ancient Universe!, and now, Torrecchia is ready to make a ...... Something that even God hasn't done!]

["Come on, evil gods, come and eat me"]

[Facing the ancient chaos that broke free from the seal, Torrecchia's outstretched hands.] Shouted. 】

["My body is a sacrifice for you!"]

["Boom, boom!"]

[Endless Chaos is like a hungry beast, madly rushing into Torrecchia's body, and finally ...... Completely accommodated by the timer on his chest!】

["Bang Bang Bang!"]

[In the next moment, a strange cross-shaped armor covered Torrecchia's chest, completely covering the timer. 】

[This Ultraman of the Blue Clan, with his own magic and technological power, completely sealed this ancient Chaos Demon God. 】

[And turn "Him" power into your own completely!]

[And through the power of this demon god, Torrecchia also gained ...... Travel through the power of the multiverse. 】

Seeing this, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Wanda Maximov: ...... with her own body Seal the Chaos Evil God?

Wanda Maximov: You...... You're ...... ( ̄△ ̄;)

Torrecchia: Hey, little girl, do you need to be so surprised?

Torrecchia: If you'd like to seal the demon god Sithorne ahead of time, maybe I can give you some advice. ^_^

John Constantine: Good fellows, do you think all the evil gods are a tonic⊙⊙?

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallowers: Crossing the Multiverse......? It's already a multiverse-level powerhouse?

Beria: Where did you learn this magic, little imp, and the Land of Light doesn't teach you that!

Torrecchia: You have so many questions that I can't answer them, hahahaha. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

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