"The Ancient?"

Peter Parker chewed on the word, and his eyes suddenly lit up:

"I remembered that in this "Cthulhu world", these alien creatures once started a big war with Cthulhu!"

"There was no winner in that war, the two sides made peace, and then divided the land and the sea. "

"But ......"

Turning his head to look at the screen, Peter's eyes also showed some doubts.

How can these alien monsters, which even Cthulhu can't defeat, ...... now? All turned into frozen fossils?

Didn't they once rule nearly half of the planet?

At this time, little Wanda ignored the ancient fossil on the screen, and just said the horrific words to herself. :

"It's too strange for this person from Miskatonic University, isn't it, have all the teachers there read the Necronomicon?"

"If that's the case, the people from this school...... They should all be crazy, or die......"

“............ (⊙_⊙)"

Holding the Necronomicon "confiscated" from little Wanda, Tony listened to it with black lines on his head, and he didn't know whether to put the book down for a while.

And Bruce Wayne raised his eyebrows slightly at this moment, as if he remembered something.

Just now, in the image of "Murmuring in the Night", the unlucky guy who encountered the alien monster "Migo" and was finally taken out of his brain...... Also a lecturer at this university.

How often do people in this university encounter old dominators and alien monsters...... It's too tall indeed!

Could it be that it's because the university has a collection of the Book of Necronomicon?

Just when everyone was full of suspicion and was speechless for a while, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the underground cavern, biology professor Lake began to carefully analyze these huge monster fossils in front of him. 】

[The fossils have five-pointed star-shaped heads, five tentacle-like arms, and triangular pseudopods underfoot.] 】

[Professor Lake believes that it is these monsters that have left triangular footprints on those ancient stone slabs.] 】

[However, just as they found these monster fossils, the sled dogs that Professor Lake brought with him all began to bark wildly as if they had encountered natural predators.] 】

[In order to prevent these sled dogs from going berserk, the professor had to put them all in cages.] 】

[Then, it took them a lot of effort to move these 14 monster fossils from the underground cavern to the surface. 】

[Immediately after biology professor Lake.] Begin dissecting one of the broken monster fossils. 】

[After cutting the monster's body open, green mucus immediately flowed out of its body, and the stench was terrible.] 】


[At the same time, those sled dogs who were locked in the cage also roared wildly again!]

[It's like...... Something terrible is about to happen!]

[But in the face of the astonishing discovery in front of him, Professor Lake didn't care whether the dog barked or not, but just dissected the monster corpse in front of him as if he was fascinated.] 】

[After a detailed dissection, Lake told the expedition team members in the rear by radio...... These monsters have a highly developed nervous system and may have extremely high intelligence during their lifetime. 】

[Not only that, but "they" are not only amphibians, but even have membrane wings that can be used to fly!]

[With advanced intelligence, it can also move freely in the three fields of land, sea and air!]

[What the hell is this?]

[Seeing the incredible creature in front of him, Professor Lake couldn't help but think of the ancient ones that were once recorded in the Book of Necronomicon. 】

[Moreover, he also remembered the ...... who had mysteriously disappeared before] A professor of literature. 】

[This professor has a side job, which is to study folklore. 】

[Before he disappeared, he also told Lake that he was in the deep mountains and dense forests of New England...... There is some kind of alien monster hidden!]

Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Stephen Strange: The Missing Professor of Literature?

Stephen Strange: Isn't that Wilmas? (⊙o⊙)

Deadpool: Good guys! The professors at this university are amazing, just walk around...... You can run into aliens. ^_^

Agent J: Sigh, I thought that this Cthulhu world needed an organization like ours.

Agent J: But ...... If those outer gods are really so strong that they can even manipulate time and space, we can't do anything if we go.

Bruce Wayne: Don't be overwhelmed by fear!

Bruce Wayne: There is only one being like Yog Sototh, there is only one in the universe!

Bruce Wayne: Even an alien creature like Migo has been drowned in water and bitten to death by dogs!

Bruce Wayne: It can be seen that even aliens with super technology are not invincible!

Master Wayne's "principle of not killing" is only for earthlings.

If you do run into an alien invader, Bruce thinks...... He will do what he has to do if he has to!

John Constantine: If you say that, I remember that when that Cthulhu woke up, his body was smashed by a ship!

John Constantine: Maybe these old dominators...... It's not as scary as you think.

John Constantine: But the outer gods, that really can't be helped. ╮(╯_╰)╭

Hearing Konstantin mention the provinces, there was also a little silence in the chat group.

In front of these gods, who can gallop freely in the galaxy and may even grasp some of the basic laws of the universe, human beings are really too small.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After completing the dissection of the frozen monster, Professor Lake went to sleep with the people.] 】

[And on the second day, the scientific expedition team members in the rear couldn't contact him!]

[After a day of anxious waiting, the scientific expedition team members in the rear decided to take the relief materials and take the last plane!]

[They are ready to fly to the base ahead and see what is happening!]

[In the process of flying, these scientific expedition members actually saw a magnificent fantasy city!]

[It is this city floating in the air that is like an illusion, and it is full of various cones. Cylinders, pentagons, etc...... Upside down distorted geometry exists. 】

[No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a city in the world!]

[And after a while, this weird huge city actually disappeared again!]

[Obviously, this is just a mirage.] 】

[But after seeing such a strange mirage, a trace of ominous meaning appeared in the hearts of the members of the scientific expedition team. 】

[This ominous thought, when they landed at Professor Lake's base, became a reality!]

[I see...... The base is full of human corpses that have been torn to pieces, as if there are countless beasts that have wreaked havoc here!]

[At this time, all the humans in the base have become fragmented!

[Like the hapless Professor Lake, there is only a skeleton left...... And a face!]

[The corpses of the other scientific expedition members who were killed have also lost their flesh and blood, and their skeletons have also been suspended!]

[It's like...... Expose the corpse to the public!]

[The canned food in the base has obviously been opened, and even the matches and those dissecting instruments have been used!]

[The sled dogs and humans in the base were all killed, and their corpses were as if they had been disposed of by a clever butcher, and all the flesh and internal organs were removed!]

[The rescue team searched the base, but they did not find the whereabouts of the meat and internal organs. 】

[Soon, the rescue team members discovered something even more amazing!]

[That's Professor Lake in the correspondence...... A sample of a monster fossil nicknamed "The Ancients"!]

[Rescue team members, on the other side of the base, only six broken monster samples were found!]

[The corpses of these monsters were piled up and laid out in a 5-cornered tomb.] 】

[But Professor Lake told them clearly in his correspondence before......]

[They are the "advance team members", but it took a lot of effort to move the corpses of 14 ancient people from the underground space!]

[Now, there are only 6 here!]

[So, the remaining 8 corpses of the "Ancients"...... Where did you go?]

in the live broadcast room.

"Not good!"

"Corpse! That's not a corpse!"

Little Wanda, Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne, all three screamed almost at the same time.

"The Ancients, the frozen Ancients have come to life!"

Young Master Wayne's face turned pale, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"Did these resurrected ancients dissect those humans......? Eat them all?"

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