Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Reed Richards: What kind of attack is this, shattering all the singularities leading to another dimension? (⊙o⊙)

Tian Xiaoban: That King Ghidorah...... Is it dead?

Divine Keisha: This high-dimensional existence, like the ultimate horror hidden outside the universe, is not so easy to die.

Holy Kesha: But the fanatics of King Ghidorah are dead, and there is no observer, and it can't ...... Let's descend into the material universe again.

Big Bone Soup: Those people are really crazy, why would they summon monsters from different planes to destroy their own planet?

Holy Keisha: Who knows, maybe they think ...... "destruction" is the only truth in the universe.

Holy Kesha: It seems that there are such madmen who are obsessed with death and destruction in every universe.

Big bones boiled into soup: What is called high dimension, and what is called observer? I was dizzy when I saw it, and I didn't understand it at all.

Divine Kesha: To put it simply, what is on the paper is two-dimensional existence, like you and I are three-dimensional existence, and then ...... It's high-dimensional!

Divine Keisha: In the eyes of high-dimensional beings, low-dimensional beings are like paper...... Vulnerable.

Divine Keisha: Fortunately, this three-headed Ghidorah can't completely descend the body, so he can only strike from one dimension.

Holy Kesha: That's why Ghidorah needs an observer...... to "position" it!

Holy Keisha: Otherwise, it wouldn't even be able to target Godzilla.

Hermione Granger: So, what was Ghidorah that Godzilla defeated in the end? (O_O)

Holy Keisha: Should ...... It's something like a "projection".

Deadpool: Haha, as a high-dimensional creature, it's a bit of a stretch.

Deadpool: Compared to the blue eagle, it's really not a little bit worse.

John Constantine: Luckily, there's only one Manhattan doctor in the multiverse.

John Constantine: Otherwise, if a three-headed monster dragon were that strong, the Godzilla universe would be over!

Godzilla: If there really is such a monster, then I ...... It must have evolved into a higher level of existence!

John Constantine: Higher level, higher than the planet Godzilla?

Tian Xiaoban: It's more powerful than that big monster, what is that?(⊙o⊙)

Deadpool: Wow! That's great, if only I could see it. ^_^

At this moment, the voice of the system suddenly sounded again.

[Ding!] Random live broadcast is on. 】

【Ding...... Pick random items ......】

[Selected: Statue of Cthulhu, belonging to "Deadpool."] 】

[Start streaming the relevant "parallel" universe stream.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided to be: "Yog Sototh"]

Hearing the sound of the system, many people were slightly surprised.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): The statue of Cthulhu, Deadpool, do you still have that thing?

Deadpool: No, I threw it out a long time ago, what...... Is it still mine?

Wanda Maximov: Thrown out, you're not kidding, are you?

Wanda Maximov: If someone picks it up, it can be a tragedy.

Deadpool: Haha, you're thinking too much, I seem to ...... Haven't heard of it yet...... (⊙_⊙)

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

An eerie narration sounded again.

["Azathos is the beginning of all things, and everything in the universe is born from "Him" dreams. "】

["And as one of the three pillar gods, Yog Sotos laid the foundation of the universe...... The existence of rules of time and space. "】

["Because of Yog-Sotos, space is stabilized and time flows. "】

Because of His power, space does not overlap, and time does not become chaotic. "】

["All things develop from one point to many points, and this is the law of the universe. "】

"And this law ...... It was also formulated by Yog Sothos. "】

Therefore, "He" is called the One of all things. "】

["All things in one life, all things are one. "】

["Yog Sothos is omniscient, omnipotent, all-seeing, spanning all multiverses, connected to all time and space!"]

["He" can exist in various places in the universe at the same time, but in reality, it does not exist anywhere in the multiverse. "】

["Whether it is the root of all things pursued by religion or the ultimate law of the universe studied by scientists, it is Yogsotus. "】

"Yog Sothos is both the door, the key to open the door, and even the gatekeeper. "】

["He" knows all the timelines, and all things in the multiverse. "】

["The past is in "Him", the present is in "Him", and the future is in "Him"!"]

["In fact, all the wisdom and knowledge in the universe was built on the basis of Yog-Sothos. "】

For scholars, "he" is the source of wisdom. "】

For the mage, "he" is the vortex of roots. "】

["To all who seek knowledge, He is the door of truth!"

["In legend, if you sacrifice to Yog Sothos and please Him, you will get ...... Infinite knowledge beyond human imagination. "】

["There is even a chance to travel through the rift in time and space to go anywhere in the universe, even beyond the multiverse!"]

["However, as one of the three pillar gods, the knowledge that Yog Sotos has is too profound and too different from human thinking to be understood by ordinary people. "】

["The end result of those humans who tried to gain knowledge of Yog Sothoth...... They are all corrupted by knowledge, their self-perception completely collapses, and they are not only mentally crazy, but even their physical bodies will mutate and turn into terrible monsters. "】

And after being completely monstrous, these unfortunate fellows will become loyal servants of Yog-Sotos who will surrender unconditionally. "】

["Even with such horrific side effects, Yog Sothoth still has a large number of followers on Earth. "】

["After all, the temptation of infinite wisdom to human beings is too great. "】

["Although there are few sects that worship only one god, Yog Sotos, there are many cults that worship other outer gods...... Or the ruler of the old days, and at the same time worship the great and great One of all things. "】

["Those wizards who practice magic will use all means to communicate with Yog-Sotos and obtain advanced spells from him. "】

["As a being who knows everything, Yog Sothos will have whatever he wants. "】

["If "He wants any magic, he can invent it with a thought!"]

[In the legend, if you want to obtain the ultimate wisdom and knowledge from Yog Sotos, the only way is to get the legendary "Silver Key" and go to the ultimate gate in the depths of the universe. "】

["As long as you can pass through the Ultimate Gate alive and hold the silver key, you will be able to see the true body of Yog Sototh. "】

["In some of the classical texts, the appearance of Yog Sotos ...... It has been described as: "a ...... that is constantly converging and splitting Countless glowing orbs. "】

Moreover, the image of "Him" in each dimension is different. "】

["So, no one knows what Yog Sothos looks like. "】

["After all, when ordinary humans see the body of the outer gods, their brains may collapse on the spot because they can't bear it. "】

["Yog Sothoth, with two known incarnations. "】

["One of them, Tavir Yat Umr, also known as the "primeval eternals", is the eternal guardian of the Gate of the Silver Key. "】

["If someone could come to the primeval eternal with the silver key in hand, he would guide the human to the ultimate gate in the depths of the universe. "】

["It is said that His appearance is a silhouette of a human figure, draped in a veil that shimmers with a glimmer of light. "】

["If someone lifts the veil of the 'primeval eternal', they will immediately see it...... Thus the infinite expanse and far-reaching universe within! "】

[In addition to this, another incarnation of Yog Sotos is named "Yaphgomon". "】

["This incarnation is the embodiment of the dark and evil side of Yog Sothoth, who is regarded by many secret sects as the god of time in the future. "】

[It is said that the appearance of Yaphgomon is displayed as a strong light, but few people have actually seen it. "】

["For" He "only appears before men in times of rage!"]

Moreover, after appearing, "Yaphgomon" will often use a bright light, bringing all the humans present ...... All burned to ashes!"]

["Although in the mouths of worshippers, Yog Sothos is described as ...... The ultimate being second only to Azathoth, the strongest of the Three Pillared Gods. "】

"But even such a ...... The unity of time and space, the supreme god of knowledge and wisdom, has also responded to the call of believers and descended into an incarnation on earth!"]

["And, with a human woman, gave birth to a strange creature that can be called an "alien"!"]

[Not only that, as one of the Three Pillar Gods, the One Who Returns All Things to One also has its own followers on countless planets other than the Earth. "】

["Some believers even named themselves after Yog Sothos. "】

"The most famous of them is Migo, who is known as the "Yogurs fungus". "】

["This alien race is very respectful of scientific knowledge, so it also worships Yog Sotos, who knows everything in the world. "】

["And these alien monsters called "Migo" have also descended on the earth, and have derived all kinds of terrifying strange ......"]

Seeing this, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Morty: Isn't it, this outer god who looks like countless bubbles has given birth to a human woman? ( ̄△ ̄;)

Deadpool: Outer Gods...... Do you have that interest? haha! ^_^

PS: Bubbles and Humans have a baby is from "The Dunwich Terror", and Migo's story is from "Murmuring in the Night" and "Mountains of Madness". I'll talk about it this time. ^_^

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