
In the live broadcast room, Bruce Wayne's face changed drastically, and he exclaimed!

No matter what parallel universe he is in, he won't believe it either...... His loyal old butler will be that crazy clown!

But after all, Master Wayne had a quick mind, and with a turn of his mind, he quickly sensed that something was wrong:

"In the previous video, I clearly saw ...... The Joker and Alfred were at the funeral at the same time!"

"If the two of them are alone, how can this happen?"

"What's more, according to this Alfred story, all the Gotham villains, including Catwoman and the Penguins...... It's all actors!"

"And just now, what happened to Catwoman's story?"

"Is she an actress, or is she a real jewelry thief?"

Hearing Master Wayne's excited words, everyone in the live broadcast room looked at each other, and they didn't know how to answer for a while.

"This funeral is so weird......"

Peter Parker scratched his head, and his face showed doubt:

"These supervillains, drag heroes, and cops...... All live together in harmony. "

"Won't they fight?"

Hearing this, the suspicion on Wayne's face became more and more intense, he carefully observed the image on the screen, and muttered in a low voice:

"This funeral scene, is it real?"

"No, is that ghost really Batman......? Did he fall for some illusion?"


Hearing this, Tonis Darker couldn't help but bow his head and glance at little Wanda.

After entering Kama Taj, due to Tony's "faith" in science and little Wanda's mischievousness, both of them were pulled into the "spiritual dimension" by the ancient mage and taught a good lesson.

The visions I saw in that dimension were all lifelike!

"Could it be...... That Batman, who also fell for the magician's trick?"

Tony whispered the words, but no one could answer him.

And in this atmosphere of suspicion, new images appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After Alfred pretended to be a Joker, he and Bruce experienced countless glorious duels!]

[The Dark Knight of Gotham, fight against the mad prince of crime!]

[And in the duel with the Joker, Bruce Wayne completely left his melancholy and depression behind, and was reborn out of the cocoon!

[It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. 】

[Although Bruce Wayne is not in his right mind, he is indeed an excellent detective. 】

[He first caught the actor "Penguin Man", and from him, he learned everything Alfred had done. 】

[Faced with this harsh reality, Bruce Wayne almost collapsed. 】

[Only then did he know that the so-called Batman was nothing more than a big joke.] 】

[All this is just a huge scam created by his housekeeper in order to amuse himself!]

[Facing the gloomy young master, Alfred put his hand on Bruce's chest and said in a serious voice:]

["Sir?, perhaps, it's time for Batman to end."] "】

[Facing the sincere Alfred, Bruce shook his head:]

["Even if the criminals I fought for were all fakes and lies, I would still be Batman!"]

["I must keep fighting!"]

["But it's all a lie, isn't it?"]

[Thinking that Master Bruce was finally hopeless, Alfred's words were full of bitterness. 】

[But Bruce said with a solemn face:]

"Maybe that's true for me, but what if somewhere, those supercriminals are real. "】

["Or rather, the evil in that place is worse than Gotham City!"]

["Do you think Batman will give up in that situation? Will he simply fall and die?"]

[Looking at Bruce's serious face, Ah Fu finally understood. 】

[Maybe at first it was just playing, just a game, but after such a long time of immersion in it, Bruce Wayne ...... has completely become Batman!]

Alfred sighs softly. 】

["Sir, I don't think Batman will fall down like that and die ......"]

"Very good. "】

[Bruce Wayne nodded and opened the door to the balcony.] 】

[I saw a ray of light shine into the sky, reflecting a huge bat on the clouds.] 】

[The bat light is on.] 】

[People are calling Batman.] 】

[Bruce Wayne puts on a bat costume again and arrives at a zoo surrounded by police.] 】

[It turns out that it was Eddie the Riddler who kidnapped several children as hostages.] 】

[Batman walked into the zoo without fear.] 】


[He calls out the Riddler's real name and tells him that he already knows all the truth.] 】

[But the maniac in front of him has already entered the play too deeply. 】

["I'm not Add! Add is gone, I'm the Riddler!"]

[The Riddler raises his gun at Batman and shouts hysterically!]

["I'm not crazy!"]

"Add, calm down, I'm here to help you. "】

[Batman is still very calm in the face of the muzzle of the black hole, and reaches out to take the toy gun from Eddie.] 】

[But in the next moment, with the sound of a gunshot, real bullets shot out of the chamber!]

[At the funeral, Alfred hung his head heavily:]

"Add was sent to a real insane asylum, and Master Bruce was sent here. "】

"This is my story. "】

After saying that, Alfred left the funeral scene alone. 】

[And looking at his back, "Batman Ghost" couldn't help but scream:]

"This story is ridiculous. "】

["Did you see that the clown was sitting there, how could he be Alfred?"]

[Halfway through speaking, "Ghost Batman" suddenly looked at the female ghost with a blurred face next to him and asked in a low voice:

["Am I already dead?"]

[The female ghost replied in a gentle voice:]

"Not yet. "】

[Ghost Batman continues to ask:]

["Are you the goddess of death? are you waiting for me to die...... Take my soul away?"]

"I don't think the Grim Reaper will be what I am. The female ghost's voice was still calm. 】

[Hearing these ambiguous answers, Ghost Batman finally couldn't hold it anymore:]

["Then why didn't you tell me who you were and what happened?"]

[The female ghost asked lightly:]

["You are the greatest detective in the world,"]

["Bruce, why don't you find out for yourself?"]

in the live broadcast room.

"You're dead, isn't this Batman dead? The body in the coffin ............"

At this point, Young Master Wayne frowned, his brain was running rapidly, and he had already come up with dozens of possibilities in an instant.

"Perhaps, 'I' fell into the hands of some criminal organization!"

"They deliberately let Batman fall into this illusion in order to steal some kind of information from his brain!"

"Or, as Tonydak said, it's an illusion created by magic. "

"The female ghost told 'me'...... I'm dying, are you trying to intimidate me?"

"Or is it like the legendary Sphinx, proposing me a puzzle? if I can solve it...... Can you live?"

The more I thought about it, the more possibilities I had, but Master Wayne couldn't be sure which one was real!

Just as he was racking his brain, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After Catwoman and Alfred step down, one after another takes the stage to tell their own version of the Batman story. 】

[Ghost Batman stands aside, and the more he listens, the more confused he becomes. 】

[The situation in front of me is so strange that I can't explain it at all!]

[He himself is Batman, and lying in the coffin, that one is also Batman, and each storyteller tells a completely different Batman!]

[In these people's stories, Batman's experiences are almost all different, and the final way of dying is also very different!

[Like, what they are talking about...... They all belong to different worlds, countless Batman legends!]

[And the most outrageous thing is to face these bizarre and contradictory stories. None of the decent or villains in the room were surprised, just listened quietly. 】

[In the midst of these strange ways to die, sometimes, Batman jumped into the sea with a bomb in order to save Gotham City. 】

[And in the Joker's own story, he will be enough to poison a group of elephants to poison the Joker toxin, injected into Batman's body!]

[But even so, he still didn't laugh!]

[Or, no succumbing!]

["Laugh, you guy!"

[The clown jumps to his feet and shouts.] 】

["Why don't you laugh?"]

["Because it's not funny......"]

[After uttering this sentence with the last of his strength, Batman fell to the ground and was no longer silent.] 】

["Until he breathed, he still didn't laugh. "】

[But in front of Batman's coffin, the Joker didn't smile, but cried and showed a depressed expression. 】

"But now I want to come...... He's right, it's really not funny, but it's supposed to be funny......]

[Watching the Joker hang his head and staggered out of the room, Ghost Batman suddenly felt a trace of excitement. 】

[All these people, the Batman stories they tell, although they are different, but the core is the same. 】

[No matter how hard the blow is encountered, or how difficult the obstacles, the Batman in their narrative is for Gotham City...... Fought until the last moment!]

[Never give up.] 】

[Didn't give in either!]

[Moreover, no matter which version of Batman it is, it will do everything in its power to save lives, no matter who the other party is!]

"He saved me...... I'm a super criminal, and I've sacrificed myself!" The supervillain "Clay Face" stood in front of the coffin, his ugly face drooping down, looking very pitiful. 】

[Looking at his appearance, it seems that the person who wants to die is not Batman, but himself.] 】

[Seeing this, Ghost Batman suddenly felt that no matter which version of Batman lying in the coffin was, he seemed to be able to be called dead without regrets. 】

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