[Video continued]

[For a while, more than a dozen Lokis were in a mess in the refuge room.]

[Even Loki himself can only carefully dodge left and right so as not to be drawn into the battle.] 】

["For a glorious mission. "】

[A Loki yells and rushes over, only to be knocked down by a green light from old Loki.] 】

[Looking at the mess in front of him, Old Loki shook his head, clenched his right hand into a fist, and slammed it!]

[I saw a flash of green light.] The visions of Old Loki, Little Loki, and even Loki the crocodile, popped up in an instant. 】

["Phantom Little Loki" also throws Loki, the crocodile, out of his hand and bites one of the enemies.] 】

["Phantom Old Loki" even continued to release magical balls of light, hitting several Loki. 】

[Seeing that the enemy was completely attracted by the illusion he had summoned, Old Loki waved his hand at Loki and the others, and then directly opened a portal next to him. 】

"Come with me. "】

[Old Loki, little Loki holding the crocodile, the three of Loki passed through the portal and left this underground shelter that had been reduced to a battlefield. 】

Kama Taj.

"No, those visions...... How is that possible?"

Mage Mordo's eyes widened, staring at the lifelike Loki illusions on the screen, and his eyes shot a look of disbelief.

Grand Master Wang, who was standing beside him, also frowned at this time, and his expression became extremely solemn.

These illusions are not only fighting, but even casting spells!

The most incredible thing is that these spells ...... They all hurt!

How could there be such powerful illusion magic in the world?

Looking at the screen, the ancient mage's always calm eyes also showed a slight wave.

"Is it almost a real illusion?...... What an amazing mage. "

Nodding slightly, the Ancient One Mage said in a voice with a bit of exclamation:

"This old man's attainment in illusion magic has reached its peak, as long as it goes further...... He will be able to break through the barrier between reality and illusion. "

Breaking through reality and illusion?

Master Mordo and Master Wang glanced at each other. They all saw the shock and horror in each other's eyes.

Doesn't that mean that the illusion can be turned into reality?

That's already the realm of modifying reality.


"What a vision. "

In the otherworldly live broadcast room, Loki also saw his pupils shrink suddenly, and his heart shook violently.

A master of illusion magic. Of course, he could see the power of old Loki's spells.

At this moment, a sense of pride actually rose in Loki's heart.

Originally...... This kind of illusion magic, which has always been despised and even ignored by other Asgardians, can still exert such great power!

Just when Loki's heart was surging and excited. Other people's voices rang out in the live broadcast room.

"Mr. Stark?"

Peter frowned and asked with a confused expression, "Why are these Lokies fighting around like this?"

"It feels like they're all a little ......"

The thin-skinned Peter was embarrassed to continue, but Tony laughed and finished for him. :

"Do you think those Lokis are like crazy people?"

"That's right. "

Exchanging glances with Strange next to him, Tony said slowly:

"Although these guys should all be considered to be Loki who deviated from the time management bureau's setting, since they are Loki, their personalities should also feel similar. "

Strange interface says:

"That distrust of others and the urge to betray must be part of Loki's personality. "

"No, isn't this just a natural rebellious?"

Little Wanda heard this, and immediately met Loki's angry glare.

"It's a lot more complicated than that," Tony said. "

He stretched out his hand and pointed to the screen:

"You remember the little kid king, it seems to me that this kid should have been the first to discover the underground vault, so he made himself king there. "

"He even made himself a throne!"

Strange listened thoughtfully, and glanced back at Loki:

"No wonder that old Loki, and that black Loki, respect this little Loki's self-proclaimed king. "

"The two of them must have arrived late, and then were taken in by little Loki in his own kingdom. "

Natasha Romanov thought for a moment, then opened her mouth in disbelief:

"King, throne?"

"These Rockies...... Is it reliving life in Asgard?"


Tony Stark gave Natasha Romanoff a thumbs up.

"That's it!"

Peter glanced back at Loki, who looked cloudy and seemed a little embarrassed, and sighed softly.

"Even though he was banished to the end of time, he still didn't forget his hometown. It seems that this is also Loki's side. "

[Image continues.] 】

"Damn, what a bunch of beasts. "】

[Old Loki led Loki and the others out of the portal, and then immediately scolded in a low voice:]

["We lied, we lied, we killed everyone around us, for what?"]

[Old Loki has a self-deprecating smile on his face:]

["Power! glorious power, glorious mission!"]

"We're not going to change at all. "】

["We're badass, every Loki is like this!forever!Incurable!"]

[Little Loki was also excited when he heard it:]

"And, if any Loki wants to change his ways. Those Time Authority people are going to send me here to die!"

Hearing this, almost everyone in the live broadcast room of the other world took a slight breath.

It's a real hammer.

Although they had made all kinds of speculations before, thinking that the Time Authority's setting for Loki was ...... It's that he has to stay evil forever, always fail and so on.

But it was only now that they got proof from little Loki's mouth.

This is Loki in the multiverse, a predetermined fate.

[Image continues.] 】

[Hearing the complaints of the other two Lokis, Loki hurriedly opened his hands and said passionately:]

"That's why I have to get out of here." We can't change anything without bringing down the Time Mutation Authority. 】

[Old Loki turned around and asked, "Do you believe that female Loki?"

Loki nodded solemnly. 】

"He's the only one I believe, and at this moment, I think she's our only chance to destroy the Time Mutation Authority. 】

[Little Loki, who lost the kingdom and had nothing, also changed his mind at this time and nodded:]

"If this is an opportunity, then we have to seize it. "】

[Seeing this, old Loki also agreed.] 】

["Okay, okay, since you say so, we'll help you. "】

[However...... Old Loki had another look of hesitation on his face: "Approaching Elrios...... That's death. "】

"We can help you get closer to him, but that's all we can do. "】

[The implication is that old Loki has made it clear that he will never work hard for Loki. 】

[Next, the three Lokis walk towards Elios' location.] 】

[On the way, Old Loki asked, "Do you have any plans?"]

[Loki spreads his hands: "Rush into that fog and find his heart and brain or something.] And then, you know, ruined it. "】

[Feeling the suspicious eyes of the two people around him, Loki argues.] 】

"Just because a simple plan doesn't mean it's not feasible. "】

[Little Loki smiled bitterly: "But simple doesn't mean it's feasible.] "】

[At this time, Loki, a crocodile crawling on the ground, suddenly opened his mouth. There was a roar. 】

[Seeing this, Loki hurriedly said as if grasping a life-saving straw, "Look, even you crocodile are agreeing with me.] "】

[Old Loki sighs:]

"The crocodile was praying, and he felt like we were going to die. "】

[At this moment, the instrument in Little Loki's hand rang. 】

[This is a device made by Loki,]

[Every time something large is cut out by the Time Authority and falls into the void, this device will ring.] 】

[Soon a colorful light flashed in the air.] 】

[Immediately after, a huge battleship appeared in mid-air out of thin air and fell to the ground at once. 】


Looking at the number on the battleship, Stephen Strange's eyes suddenly showed curiosity.

"Is this the battleship that disappeared in the legendary Philadelphia experiment decades ago?"

"Unexpectedly, it was actually cut by the Time Authority. "

Tony's face turned serious.

Even such a large battleship can be cut to the other world, and the power of the Time Administration seems to be much stronger than he imagined.

[The loud noise emitted by the landing of the huge battleship soon attracted Elios.] 】

[Seeing Ellios rushing towards the battleship, Loki nodded slightly. 】

"This guy is just like a normal animal, he will rush to the biggest prey first. "】

And when Elrios's attention is attracted, we can sneak behind him and find an opportunity to attack. "】

[Face the terrifying purple monster that swept the sky. The sailors in the hotel, all of them were terrified, frantically operated their weapons, and fired at the monsters in the air. 】

["Boom, boom!boom!"]

[Countless artillery fire blasted into the mist, but to no avail. 】

[In an instant, purple mist quickly swept across the entire battleship. 】

[As soon as they were swept up in the mist, those sailors immediately turned into skeletons.] 】

[And the steel battleship itself was instantly corroded by the terrifying mist and turned into a pile of scrap metal. I can't even see the prototype. 】

[Look at the terrifying power of Elrios.] The look of confidence on Loki's face vanished in an instant. The attitude of winning just now is also gone. 】

[Instead, there is only bottomless horror and fear.] 】


[Loki's eyes widened, and he swallowed hard before he spoke.] 】

"Maybe we...... Well, you should think about it again, what do you think?"

[Old Loki and Little Loki glanced at each other, and both nodded wordlessly. 】

"What, that's cowardly,"

In the Otherworldly Live Room. Little Wanda looked disappointed, and couldn't help puffing out her cheeks:

"What about your courage? Are you still a man? "

Loki opened his mouth, trying to defend himself in another universe:

"This ...... This can only be described as a strategic turnaround,"

"After all, they now have a better understanding of the enemy, so ...... It's not for nothing......"

Seeing the rest of the people looking at him with strange expressions, Loki's voice gradually lowered, and finally he couldn't say any more.

Stephen Strange withdrew his gaze and nodded slightly.


The desire to survive is extremely strong.

This must be one of the characteristics of being Loki.

[Image continues.] 】

[Just when the three Lokis were terrified by the horror of Elrios.] 】

[The sound of a car is heard behind them.] 】

[It turned out to be Morbius and Sylvie, who followed Elrios to this place.] 】

[Loki greeted him happily, and he was even more excited to see the female Loki and Morbius. 】

["This is our children's version, this is our future, this is our um, alligator version. "】

[Introduces Sylvie and Morbius to the remaining three Lokis.] 】

[Morbius looked speechless: "Throwing a rock in this place can hit a Loki.] "】

[And Sylvie cut straight to the point: "Are you chasing that huge cloud monster like me?"]

[Loki says he wants to kill it.] Sylvie scoffed. 】

[Sylvie then claims that the mastermind behind the Time Authority lives at the end of time outside the void.] 】

[And that Elrios is the watchdog of this big boss.] 】

[As long as she can possess Elrios, she will be able to enter that entrance and meet the final boss.] 】

["Hahahaha. "】

[Loki laughs loudly and says: This is your plan.] 】

[Sylvie sneered: "It's better than your plan, to hack the clouds to death one by one?]

[Loki seems to feel that his dignity has been challenged, and argues, "Listen up. I've been here longer than you, and I'm ...... better informed than you"]

[But Sylvie didn't listen to him, and directly made the final decision:]

["I'm going to possess that monster!"]

[Loki was speechless when he heard this, and finally had to agree. 】

"Aha, Mr. Stark, you're right. "

Seeing this, Peter shouted out in surprise.

"Hmm. "

Tony's expression was very calm at the moment.

Judging by what happened to the battleship just now. The fog was destructive and faster than expected.

If you want to be rich and give birth to him, it is definitely not that simple.

On the other hand, little Wanda giggled again:

"Four big men, but in the end they can only listen to one girl, it's really ...... Hahaha......"

Hearing this, Natasha became uncharacteristically serious:

"Little girl, it's not about men and women, they choose to listen to Sylvie because he is the only one who has the ability to possess magic, and her plan is much more plausible than that Loki's. "

Little Wanda puffed out her cheeks unconvinced, and muttered in a low voice:

"Anyway, in the end, it's up to Sylvie to defeat the monster alone, right?

[Image continues.] 】

[Before launching the final battle.] The crowd decided to take a break. 】

[Out of some tacit understanding, out of some tacit understanding, Morbius and Loki Sr. stayed inside the house, ensuring that Loki and Sylvie stayed outside the house, so that they could enjoy the space for two. 】

[After the two reunited after a long absence, they inexplicably felt a sense of alienation, and they couldn't even find a topic for a while. I had to start with Morbius. 】

[Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and Loki shivered slightly. 】

"It's a little cold. "】

[Sylvie also nodded: "Yes, I feel cold too.] "】

[Loki thought about it, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he used his magic to conjure a blanket and wrap himself up. 】

[Sylvie looked back and was stunned. 】

[Sensing Sylvie's resentful eyes, Loki said with a smile on his face: "If you want, I can also change one for you.] "】

[Sylvie's face was helpless, and she immediately changed the subject. 】

["You might as well change a new outfit for me, you don't know how uncomfortable it can be. "】

Seeing this, the live broadcast room was quiet for a while, and then burst into laughter.


Natasha leaned back and fell back with laughter, tears almost bursting into her eyes.

"Poor fellow, didn't you see that girl's eyes? he wants you to report her and keep her warm. "

And Tony Stark's eyes when he looked at Loki were even more compassionate, as if he was caring for a mentally retarded man who had not had a girlfriend for more than 1,000 years.

"Those old guys have created a two-person world for you, but you're just sitting there wrapped in a blanket?"

"Even elementary school students know how to pull hands!"

"Could it be...... Have you never had a girlfriend in your life?"

PS: It's the glorious mission of old Loki soon!

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