Listening to little Wanda's heartless laughter, Bruce Wayne's face sank and ignored her, while Clark Kent shook his head:

"This cruel knight...... If you see a criminal, you will kill them, and even the police will not let them go, you are a murderer at all!"

"If he still applies his killing methods to the whole city for a long time, then he is just a crazy tyrant!"

Looking at Bruce and Clark's ugly expressions, little Wanda pursed her lips and said to herself:

"If I were an ordinary person without any superpowers, I would rather live under this tyrant!"

"That way, at least...... I don't have to worry, if I go out one day, I'll be shot in a small alley!"


Young Master Wayne twitched the muscles on his face when he heard this, but he ...... for a moment I don't know how to refute it.

The Cruel Knight Man is indeed a ruthless fellow as his name suggests.

But in any case, he didn't kill ordinary citizens.

If you look at it purely from the perspective of ordinary people, you may really prefer to live under the rule of a stable tyrant rather than live in a chaotic criminal paradise!

However, it is absolutely wrong to use such bloody and violent means to stop violence by killing!

What is the difference between doing such a thing and those criminals who kill like a murderer?

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[On this day, in Gotham City, where the Cruel Knight is located, a family of three walked into a small alley after watching the movie. 】

[A thief who secretly followed them pulled out a pistol from his pocket.] 】

[Just as the thief raised his gun and aimed it at the family, the gunshots rang out. 】


[The thief was brain-smeared and died in front of that family. 】

[It turns out that the Cruel Knight has specially launched several surveillance satellites to monitor every corner of Gotham City from outside the atmosphere!]

[As long as someone is found trying to commit a crime, the "mechanical sentinels" in Gotham City will kill those criminals!]

[Now, Gotham City has become a hell for criminals!]

[No one dares to have any evil intentions, otherwise, the next moment will be ruined!]

[But the brutal rule of the warehouse knights finally disappointed Alfred, who had been following him.] 】

"Your parents don't want to see you like this. "】

After saying that, Ah Fu left Bruce. 】

[The Cruel Knight originally installed a remote-controlled bomb on Alfred, and he could blow up the old man at the press of a button.] 】

[However, in the end, he still couldn't make this move.] 】

[On that night of the Criminals Massacre a few weeks ago, the Cruel Knight did not kill James Gordon.] 】

[Since then, Gordon has gone into hiding, researching all things brutal Batman!]

[In the end, he finally saw through the true face of this Batman.] 】

[He's Bruce Wayne!]

[Using the evidence gathered, Sheriff Gordon found the new mayor, Dante, the two-faced man.] 】

["I know, that Batman ruined half of your face, and that's why he broke you down and made you have to obey him!"]

[Looking at the two-faced man with an ugly face like a ghost in front of him, Sheriff Gordon said sternly:]

["Now, the whole city has become the killing field of that madman, but you have a chance to put an end to this!"]

[Under the persuasion of Sheriff Gordon, Mayor Dante finally agrees to his raid plan. 】

[Next, Sheriff Gordon took the FBI and went all the way to the Wayne family's mansion. 】

[And Bruce Wayne saw this, and did not resist, but just walked out in the form of a pretend, and claimed with a smile...... Gordon must be mistaken. 】

[But Sheriff Gordon came prepared for this trip.] 】

[He produced evidence to prove that the equipment provided by the Wayne Group to the police department contained nanoworms. 】

[And, just now, his police have raided all over Gotham City and dismantled the mechanical sentries set up by Batman!]

[The Cruel Knight relied on these things to control the entire Gotham City.] 】

["Now, this city is no longer yours!"]

[Seeing that Bruce doesn't want to admit it yet.] Sheriff Gordon delivered the final blow to him!]

["Your former butler...... Alfred has found us, and he has told us everything!"]


[Hearing that Alfred also betrayed, Bruce Wayne finally broke down!]

[He rushed forward desperately, wanting to kill Sheriff Gordon empty-handed!]


[However, perhaps it was the use of firearms over the years that caused this blues to abandon the practice of fists and feet.] It didn't take much for Sergeant Gordon to knock him to the ground and handcuff him. 】

["Bruce Wayne, you've been arrested!"]

[This is the end of the cruel knight.] 】

[In the end, it was the Laughing Bat who traveled to this multiverse, rescued him from his cell, and became his partner.] 】


[In the underground tunnels of Gotham City, the Cruel Knight recalls the tragic situation of being defeated by "Gordon", and the expression on his face suddenly becomes extremely hideous. 】


[I saw him pull out his gun and aim it at the "Sheriff Gordon" in front of him, as if he was going to shoot him in the next moment. 】


[The next moment, a cold finger seized the gun of the cruel knight. 】

[The Laughing Bat is here.] 】

["Hahaha...... Don't get me wrong, I'm not stopping you from getting revenge. "】

[The laughing bat said while laughing strangely:]

["What I'm going to do to James Gordon next is much more cruel than killing him......"]

[Next, the picture, back to the real Batman.] 】


[Look at your beloved little master. Alfred was shocked to put the "metal eye guard" of the laughing bat on his head, and hurriedly took a few steps forward and reached out to snatch the eye guard. 】

[Next, Ah Fu glanced at Bruce's face, and was immediately taken aback. 】

[I saw that Bruce's eyes were bloodshot at this time, his expression was hideous and terrifying, and even his pupils were dilated, looking like a monster!]

[Ah Fu was terrified. Think Bruce has lost himself!]

[But Bruce tells Ah Fu that he did it for a reason!]

[As long as you wear it, this eye protector made of dark metal can see through the membrane of the dark multiverse and see through the deep desires of others...... And fear!]

[In this way, Batman can predict where the next Bruce Wayne will appear!]

[That being said, Bruce Wayne's current situation is indeed getting worse and worse. 】

[In order to be able to think from the perspective of the laughing bat, he gave up injecting himself with antivenom.] 】

[Now he has toxins into the brain!]

["Give me back the eye protection!"]

[Driven by madness, Bruce had no interest in explaining any more, he pounced directly on Alfred and grabbed it directly!]

[However, the butler is not in vain!]


[Although Alfred is old, his movements are still agile, and his fists are even more powerful. 】

[Just a few casual moves, I beat the crazy Bruce Wayne to a blue nose and swollen face!]

[But under Ah Fu's attack, the clown toxin further invaded the brain!]


[Bruce yells, pounces on him like a madman, and chokes Alfred by the neck.] 】

[And at this moment, the frenzied Bruce noticed that tears were flowing from the corners of Alfred's eyes.] 】

[At this moment, he woke up from his madness. 】

[Bruce Wayne stepped forward and gently hugged the loyal old butler.] 】

[He tells Ah Fu that this time the enemy is too strong, and if he does not use extreme measures, there is no hope at all, and Gotham City will be completely destroyed. 】

[After hearing all this, Alfred finally decided to believe Bruce.] 】

[Because the people of the Wayne family have always done what they say. 】

[After leaving the Batcave, Batman with a dark metal eye guard drives the streets of Gotham City in a Batmobile. 】

[Through the dark metal, he can clearly see the dark energy diffused in Gotham City!]

[He already has a good prediction of where the Laughing Bat will appear next!]

[However, Dark Metal also allows Batman to see something else.] 】

[That is the desire and fear of the human heart.] 】

[Through the window of the Batmobile, Batman sees everyone on the side of the road...... The deepest darkness of the heart. 】

[All kinds of gloom... The ulterior thoughts were all clear in his eyes. 】

[Is this the simple Gotham City, what does it really look like?]

[Looking at the terrifying dark vision in front of him, Batman couldn't help but recall the conversation he had with another person a few hours ago.] 】

[At the time, Batman was in an underground waterway, testing for toxins in the water. 】

[Suddenly, the missing clown appeared behind him.] 】

["It's you!"]

[Angry Batman, knock the Joker to the ground!]

[It's this madman who caused himself to be infected with this clown toxin!]

[What does he want to do?]

[Facing Batman, the Joker candidly stated his motives.] 】

[For many years, the Joker has regarded Batman as his best opponent.] 】

[Gotham City is the grandest stage for the two of them. 】

[The Joker doesn't want to defeat Batman, but wants Gotham City, and he will chase each other forever.] 】

[However, that laughing bat wants to completely destroy this stage!]

[In the eyes of the Joker, this "blackened Batman" is his worst enemy!]

["So...... I'm here to wish you the best of luck this time, and I hope you can defeat that bastard. "】

[Hearing the Joker's words, Batman suddenly regained his composure:]

["Joker, my friend......"]

"If I become that monster, I hope you can do one more thing for me. "】


[Without waiting for Batman to finish speaking, the Joker smiled and took out a gun:]

["When it really gets to that point, I'll shoot you in the head with my own hands."] "】

[Batman continues: "So...... I want you to swear!". 】

[The clown didn't speak, just reached out and stroked his chest.] 】

[Alfred had a chest opening operation on him before, and now the clown has a cross-shaped sutured wound on his chest.] 】

[This cross-shaped bloodstain looks ...... Very similar to some kind of unbreakable blood oath!]


[Immediately after, the Joker and Batman...... At the same time, laugh wildly!]

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