Seeing Batman laughing wildly on the screen, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Big bones boiled into soup: What's going on?Why did this person suddenly go crazy?( ̄△ ̄;)

Wanda Maximov: Laughing Toxin!, when the Joker's heart stops beating, it releases the Laughing Toxin, infecting the person who killed him!

Wanda Maximov: This clown wants to turn Batman into the second laughing bat!

Daddy: So, is the clown trying to hurt people?

Jerome Valeska: No, he wanted to help Batman.

Jerome Valeska: That laughing bat is hidden in the shadows, and there is no fault at all.

Jerome Valeska: Neither Batman nor the Joker can catch him!

Jerome Valeska: The only way is to turn Batman into a laughing bat in order to fight poison with poison!

Daddy: You're trying to say that only that "Crazy Laugh" can deal with Crazy Laughter?

Jerome Valeska: Hahaha! You don't talk about it very often...... Do you want to defeat magic with magic? ^_^

Rampage Lori Jinx: Oh, if this isn't true love...... O(∩_∩)O haha~

Rampage Lori Jinx: In order to help Batman defeat the enemy, this clown doesn't even want his life!

Daughter of the Star Swallower, Ganata: Mm-hmm, not only that, but even if he dies, he will die in Batman's arms!

Daughter of the Star Swallower, Ganata: Such a great love, I was so excited to see it! ^_^

Ganata, the daughter of the Star Swallower: The relationship between humans is really different!

Ghost Rider: Uh, Miss, this is a crazy pair...... It's not normal, and it can't be used as a benchmark for judging ordinary humans.

Bruce wayne:......... →_→

Clark Kent: If this Batman turns into a laughing bat, then this earth, and even this universe, will be doomed!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Sizzle...... Could it be that this is the Joker's ultimate conspiracy?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Just like the Joker in the dark multiverse, he doesn't want to die, but wants to become one with Batman to create a "Joker Batman"!

Starlight: It's miserable, if that's the case, it's not a poison attack, but a double poison attack!

Starlight: This universe is over!╥_╥

Just as everyone was worried about Batman's fate, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continued]

[In the Bat Cave, Alfred, a former military doctor, is operating on a man. 】

[That's the clown.] 】

[While doing the operation, Alfred said helplessly:]

["Master, he is about to lose his hand. "】

[If given the choice, Alfred would rather watch the Joker die.] 】

[He brought endless pain to Batman, and even to all his companions. 】

[However, there is one person who insists on keeping the clown alive.] 】

["No! he can hold it! hehehehe......"]

[In the corner of the Bat Cave, there is a strange laugh. 】

[The eyes of the laugher are red, the expression on his face is hideous and terrifying, and his muscles are constantly twitching. 】

[This person is Batman!]

[Batman believes that the existence of the Joker is indispensable in order to defeat the Laughing Bat.] 】

[However, he is also in very bad condition now.] 】

[I saw Batman naked, his body was full of needles, and a large amount of liquid was injected into his body!]

[These...... It's all the antivenom that Batman can make! 】

[These toxins can temporarily stop him and transform into the second laughing bat, but it will only last for a week at most!]

[The most terrifying thing is that because of the toxin, his complexion has also begun to turn white!]

[Batman only has 7 days to find ...... And defeat the Laughing Bat. 】

[Otherwise, everything is over!]

[At this time, in Gotham City, the body of the second Bruce Wayne was also discovered.] 】

[Obviously, the person who had them kill and transport them to Gotham City must be the Laughing Bat.] 】

[After Batman examined the corpse of this Bruce Wayne, he came to two conclusions. 】

[First, this Bruce Wayne also gave up his career as Batman and lived an ordinary and happy billionaire life. 】

[Second, all the dead Bruce Wayne had obvious wounds in their hearts. 】

[Batman judged that the Laughing Bat should have extracted some kind of cell from the hearts of these "Bruce Wayne" in different parallel universes, and then combined it with dark matter in the dark universe to create some kind of dark serum!]

[This serum can turn everyone into a fallen nightmare incarnation, just like those "Nightmare Batman"!]

[Next, Batman suddenly remembered one thing. 】

[Hundreds of years ago, the Five Great Families established Gotham City in the wasteland, intending to build it into a city that represents the pinnacle of culture and morality. 】

[But in 1780, a plague destroyed one-third of Gotham City.] 】

[In order to prevent a similar plague from happening again, the Five Families have built a defense system in Gotham City called "The Last Smile". 】

[Once there is a plague in Gotham City, this defense system will blow up all entrances and exits!]

[Moreover, "The Last Smile" can also open underground water sources and food warehouses to help the city survive the plague.] 】

[In recent years, Bruce Wayne has also used the latest science and technology to strengthen this "last laugh" system, and the control center of this system is on the top floor of the Wayne Building. 】

[In order to prevent the wicked from abusing this system and turning Gotham City into a besieged city, only Bruce Wayne's DNA can activate it.] 】

[But now, there are too many Bruce Wayne in Gotham City to count.] 】

["That guy must be trying to take advantage of this system!"]

[Batman suddenly realized, and desperately ran to Wayne Tower.] 】


[When Batman broke through the glass of the Wayne Building and rushed in, he found ...... The Laughing Bat has broken in and is on a killing spree!]


[In the face of the laughing bat, Batman rushed straight up, which is a series of combo skills!]

[But all his attacks were easily defused by his opponent,]

[After all, the other party is also Bruce Wayne!]

[The fighting skills he has mastered, the other party knows everything!]

["Look at the move!"]

[But Batman suddenly made a ...... An unprecedented strange move, knocking the laughing bat to the ground. 】

[It turns out that Batman has been practicing this kind of ...... since the last metal incident.] A stunt specially designed to restrain "yourself"!]

[Now, this trick has finally come in handy!]

[Seeing the enemy fall to the ground, Batman is about to go up and completely subdue the laughing bat.] 】


[But at this moment, a bullet suddenly came and hit him in the chest!]

[And the one who released this shot was the "Cruel Knight" hiding in the building opposite Wayne Building!]

[The laughing bat didn't come alone. 】

[It turned out that in the fight just now, Batman unknowingly led the laughing bat to the window!]

[Moreover, the Laughing Bat also deliberately let Batman knock himself to the ground so that the Cruel Knight could ...... Knock him down with one shot without hindrance!]

[However, this gun is not a real bullet, but just a stun gun.] 】

[The laughing bat doesn't want Batman to die now, he wants to make him miserable and make him fall......]

[He wants to completely destroy the dark knight in front of him.] 】


[Looking at Batman who fell to the ground, the Laughing Bat walked in front of the last laughing system and easily cracked it.] 】

[Not only that, but it also activated the Wayne Building's self-destruct system.] 】

[This system was originally when Batman was coming to an end. and the enemy were exhausted, but now...... But it was activated when there were many innocent employees in the building. 】

["No! I beg you, don't do this!"]

[Seeing the laughing bat, ready to blow up the entire building into the sky!] Finally couldn't help but plead. 】

["Hum Hum ......"]

[The laughing bat that is above Batman at every step and completely crushes his opponent intellectually, mocks the loser in front of him with a smug face:]

["You have also found out, those Bruce Wayne who gave up being Batman have all lived happily ever after. "】

"And you...... It's the most painful and broken one in the multiverse!"

["Even us Nightmare Batman are not as miserable as you!"]

["The bat lamp that comes on every night is a nightmare and a sad joke!"Never stop doing one...... Don't you think it's ridiculous that it's impossible to do?"]


["I...... I'm going to kill you!"]

[Under the cold ridicule of the laughing bat, the red-eyed Batman slowly stood up, and the clown toxin seemed to have begun to invade his brain. 】

["Oh, kill me?"]

["Do you think...... Killing oneself isn't a killing ring? hehehehe......"]

[The laughing bat walked to the floor-to-ceiling window that was shattered by the cruel knight's shot, and let out a weird laugh:]

["I smell a familiar smell in you!"]

"Now, you can feel ...... It became my feeling. "】

[After leaving these words, the laughing bat jumped down from the window!]


[A few seconds later, the entire Wayne Building exploded and collapsed!]


[Batman, who barely escaped with his life, is sad and angry...... Howls like a trapped beast!]

[This time, he was completely defeated!]

[He can think of all the tricks and means, the Laughing Bat and the Cruel Knight, too. 】

[All his plans, preparations, and even his innermost thoughts, the other party can guess. 】

[One Batman will never be able to win against two blackened Batmans!]

["Wake him up for me!"]

[After returning to the Bat Cave, his eyes are red, and he looks like a crazy and angry Bruce Wayne...... Rushed onto the operating table and shook the unconscious clown frantically!]

[Now, he can only count on the Joker...... Guess the idea of the Laughing Bat. 】

[Because only a madman can understand a madman!]

And at this moment, the unbelievable happened. 】


[The Joker, who couldn't even be saved by Alfred's surgery, heard Batman's roar and actually grinned and let out a weird laugh. 】

[Joker, wake up!]

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