[Image continues.] 】

[After leaving Pharaoh and the others, Dr. Manhattan returned to Mars. 】

[For the first time since November 9, 1959, when the quantum conversion experiment completely changed his life, he was overwhelmed by curiosity. 】

[Through his eyes that can see through time and space, Manhattan sees...... A month later, Superman's eyes filled with rage and he threw his fist at him. 】

[Then, the future becomes a blank slate.] 】

[A year, a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years, all are blank. 】

[Dr. Manhattan, who can't see the future, only wants to know one thing now.] 】

[A month later, it was Superman who destroyed himself......]

[Or did you destroy everything?]

[At this time, the whole world was shaken by the "anti-superhuman movement" of the United States. 】

[But not everyone hates the superhumans of their country like the people of the United States. 】

[In the distant country of Solstice, the people here are very supportive of their own super power...... Burner. 】

[However, this superhuman named Burning Shi has a contradiction with the superhero "Fire Storm" in the United States. 】

[And the fire storm was furious, and even flew all the way to the territory of the Solstice Country, and started an air battle with the "Burning Warrior"!]

Soon, the rest of the Solstice superheroes also joined the fight! 】


[Although his strength is not weak, Fire Storm is invincible with two fists and four hands, and he was soon shot down from the sky by a hero and fell into the crowd. 】

["Damn! This Mi man dares to rush to our country to spread wild!"]

["Kill him, kill him!"]

[The fierce people of the Solstice Kingdom all rushed up, their fists and feet like raindrops...... It fell on the body of the firestorm! It seemed to kill him on the spot!]

["Don't, don't come here!"]

[Surrounded by the crowd, the fire storm was very scared, and in an extreme panic, the superpower in his body burst out!]


[With the screams of the fire storm, intense flames swept out of him! 】

[When Firestorm finally came to his senses, he glanced left and right, and was completely stupid. 】

[The people who surrounded her just now and punched her have all turned into glass!]

[The superpower of Fire Storm is to change the atomic composition of the object, and even change the essence of matter. 】

[And the scene in front of him is after his superpowers are out of control...... The tragedy that was caused!]

["Oh God, I didn't mean to, don't!!"

[Fire Storm, who was stupid by his superpowers, flew into the sky desperately and fled. 】

[This terrible tragedy shocked the whole world, and the firestorm instantly became the target of everyone!]

[At Metropolis, Clark, who learned all this on TV, immediately made a decision. 】

[He turned into Superman and flew out.] 】

[With his super senses, Superman soon found Firestorm somewhere in the Solstice Country. 】

[Surprisingly, he did not run away, but tried his best...... He wants to use his power to manipulate atoms to turn a glass statue back into a "human". 】


[Firestorm has tears all over his face, trying his best to push his superpowers, but the glass statue has not changed anything.] 】

[It turned out that the power of his manipulation of atoms could only operate on inorganic matter, and could not change organic life at all, but the last time it was in the case of a rampage, this was an anomaly. 】

[Looking at the panicked and painful fire storm, Superman did not take him away, but comforted him......]

[Since he was able to transform an organic life form last time, maybe he can do it for the second time!]

[With Superman's encouragement, Firestorm did his best and finally caused a miracle. 】


[After the flames, a miracle happened, the glass man...... Turned into a living little boy!]

["I succeeded, I can turn those people back!hahaha!"

[Firestorm looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, and tears flowed uncontrollably. 】

[On the second day, on Red Square in the Solstice Country, the President of the Solstice Country gave a public speech in which he thought of the Firestorm's actions...... It was instructed by the government of the United States!]

[This kind of behavior is simply equivalent to the declaration of war by the rice country against the solstice country!]

[At this moment, Superman descended from the sky. 】

[At this moment, if there is any superhuman on earth...... If you can gain the trust of all the people wholeheartedly, that is Superman. 】

[In front of the countless people on Red Square, Superman calmly gave a speech, asking everyone to believe that what happened yesterday was just an unfortunate accident. 】

[This accident can be "reversed"!]

[Moreover, Superman is getting more and more energetic the more he talks. 】

[In the face of countless cameras, he advocated that people all over the world let go of their prejudices and stop harboring fear and hatred for those superheroes because of transhuman theories.] 】

[At this time, on the Batfighter, Batman is also rushing to Red Square. 】

[But Superman's speech made him more and more frightened the more he listened. 】

[Batman hurriedly turned on the communicator and told Superman to quickly shut his mouth :]

["Clark, don't take sides, like this...... I'm going to get you into it!"]

[However, Superman did not heed Batman's advice and continued to defend Superhuman, claiming ...... The so-called "transhuman theory" is demonizing these superheroes. 】

[Hearing Superman's words, the already sad people on Red Square were all angry. 】

[They believe that Superman is defending Firestorm!]

[This terrible superhuman only killed dozens of ordinary people yesterday!]

[And you, Superman, not only defended him, but accused them of "demonizing" Firestorm?]

[What kind of joke is this?]

[And just when the people were excited, something even worse happened.] 】

[Firestorm fell from the sky with the child he saved, ready to transform the other glass statues back in front of everyone!]

[But as soon as they saw this terrifying superhuman, all the soldiers present opened fire!]


Soon, even the chariots drove over and launched an attack on the firestorm. 】

["Don't, what are you doing?"]

[Watching the attacks of the chariots and soldiers, smashing those glass statues, the fire storm is frightened and angry!]

[These statues can be turned back into humans!]

[You ...... But they all shattered!]


[Angry firestorm, launched an attack on the soldiers, melting the weapons in their hands!]

[In order to save those statues, Superman also angrily overturned several chariots. 】

[This scene was all filmed by the reporters present. 】

["There is a battle on Red Square!"]

["Superman Chooses to Support Firestorm!"

[All kinds of sensational headlines and news are starting to appear in the headlines of major media websites!]

[At this time, on the Batfighter, Batman cursed in a low voice, and hurriedly reminded Superman:]

[Batman has detected that powerful energy is gathering and may explode!]

["Firestorm, calm down!"]

[Superman thought that Firestorm was going to run away again, and hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him, but Firestorm said with a sad face:]

["I...... I'm fine. "】

["No!Clark!not Firestorm!"]

[Facing the communicator, Batman desperately wants to warn, but it's too late.] 】


[A blue-white light lit up over Red Square, engulfing everything in sight and turning it into nothing!]

[This terrifying explosion not only overturned the bat fighter in the air, but also made all the live broadcasts around the world...... All lost signal!]

[At this time, in a hidden underground base, the Pharaoh sat in front of the display screens that turned into snowflakes and laughed softly:]

"Very good, everything is going according to plan. "】

Seeing this, there was an uproar in the chat group.

Stephen Strange: This ...... It's the Pharaoh again, and he's repeating that big bang again!

Deadpool: Wow, is this guy crazy? Why would he do that?

Captain Rice: Last time, he wanted to frame Dr. Manhattan with an explosion and create a "common enemy of mankind"!

Captain of the United States: This time...... Does he want to repeat the trick and frame Superman?

John Constantine: But what's the point?

John Constantine: The human beings of this world already hate superhumans very much, and if the old king drags superman into the water, what can he get?

Torrecchia: Hehe, let me summarize, the ultimate goal of this human called Pharaoh is to get that Manhattan doctor back...... Fix their world.

Torrecchia: And Dr. Manhattan had told him before that guy called Superman might destroy him, or the entire universe!

Torrecchia: If I'm not mistaken, this man is trying to force Superman and Dr. Manhattan into fighting......! Make that all-destroying future come true!

Torrecchia: As long as Dr. Manhattan destroys this universe, he can go home with the Pharaoh without any worries!O(∩_∩)O haha~

Barry Allen, The Flash: Oh my God!

Beria: Hahaha! To save a world, to destroy a universe!

Dr. Manhattan: As far as I know, this man is Werther...... There is no "conscience", or "compassion".

Dr. Manhattan: If he feels he has to do something, he'll do it, no matter how much it will be sacrificed.

Clark Kent: Pharaoh!! he's really crazy!

Bruce Wayne: Perhaps, this man named Adrian Witt is a more dangerous presence than Dr. Manhattan!

Deadpool: Blue Eagle, ...... Are you really going to destroy the DC Universe?

Dr. Manhattan: I don't know.

Dr. Manhattan: But I think that even if "I" really destroyed that universe, it doesn't mean that "I" will do what Werther wants.

Wanda Maximov: What? Isn't the DC Universe ruined?

Wanda Maximov: Pharaoh, bastard, what kind of plan did you come up with? (▼ヘ▼#)

Torrecchia: Hmm...... This human plan to save the world last time seems to have failed. It seems that I shouldn't overestimate him either.

Hermione Granger: It's over, it's all over. ( ̄△ ̄;)

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

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