At a young age, Torrecchia also wanted to join the Cosmic Guard, like Taylor.

However, due to his status as Ultraman of the Blue Clan, his physique could not be compared with Taylor, so he was ultimately defeated.

In desperation, Torrecchia had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, entered the Bureau of Space Science and Technology, and began to study science and technology.

In the Development Bureau, his boss is none other than Ultraman Shikari.

Not only is Hikari good at researching and developing advanced technology, but he was also recognized by the King of Ultra, who awarded him a bracer called "Knight's Breath"!

But one day, Shikari suddenly disappeared from the Land of Light. Using his science and technology, Torrecchia managed to locate him in the universe.

But when Torrecchia arrives at the planet "Abai", which is indicated by the signal, he sees a blackened Shikari that borders on madness!

It turned out that the star of life "Abai" had been attacked by the high-dimensional predator "Bogaru" before.

In order to protect the planet he loved, Hikari fought desperately, but due to his lack of strength, Abai was destroyed by Bogajou.

Unable to save the planet "Abai", Hikari's heart is filled with anger and frustration.

At the same time, the resentment of Abasing's dead life also attached to Shikari's body and turned into the "Armor of Vengeance"!

Right in front of Torrecchia, Hikari's entire person was blackened by the armor of revenge and turned into an unscrupulous "Hunter Knight Sword"!

The blackened Hikari frantically attacked Torrecchia, severely wounding him, and finally left alone.

Faced with the devastated planet and the blackening of his boss, Torrecchia was shocked!

As Ultraman of the Blue Clan, his complex and delicate heart immediately began to think wildly.

Why...... Even though Shikari has the "Light Equipment" given by the King of Ultra, he still can't stop the destruction of the planet, and even falls into madness himself?

Could it be that even the brightest light cannot avoid being swallowed up by darkness?

This...... It was the opportunity for Torrecchia to rebel against the Land of Light.

Thinking of his past with Hikari, even though he had long since fallen into darkness, Torrecchia's heart fluctuated, and many thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant.

The last time he saw Sikali, this Ultraman had already fallen into darkness and was like madness!

But now, he's back to the calm Ultraman, in the Land of Light...... Fight the darkness!

"First into the darkness, now back to the light...... Hahaha!"

Torregia suddenly covered her forehead and burst out laughing.

The so-called light and darkness are really false, only chaos is real!

At that moment, a new image appeared inward.

[Image continues.] 】


[In the face of Ultraman Mebius and Hikari, Beria waved the ultimate battle instrument in his hand and actually knocked the two Ultramans away. 】


[Seeing that the enemy was ridiculously strong, Shikari didn't dare to rush up to melee again, but crossed his hands and released a "knight ray"!]


[Beria did not dodge or dodge, and with only one hand, he blocked Shikari's knight ray. 】


[In the next moment, Ultraman Mebius also aimed at Belial and released his Mebime ray!]

["It's useless!"]

[With a wave of his hand, Beria scattered the light of Mengbim!]

[Subsequently, Beria didn't even use the ultimate battle instrument, and directly grabbed the arm of Mebius with his empty left hand, and then kicked him to his knees with one kick!]

[Beria only uses one hand...... Defeated Ultraman Mebius!]


[Holding down Membius with one hand, Beria raised the fighting instrument in his right hand and aimed it at Shikari to release a cyan thunderbolt!]

[This is the strongest special move of the Ultimate Battle Instrument, "Belial Killing Thunder"!]


[Unable to dodge, Hikari was hit head-on by the killing thunderbolt, and he fell to the sky and never got up again. 】

["Hikari !!"]

[Seeing his friend fall to the ground, Mebius almost burst into tears and roared angrily.] 】

[The next moment, Beria raised the Ultimate Battle Instrument and released a thunderbolt whip, firmly entangled Mebius!]


[Mebius struggled desperately, but it was also in vain!, and he was screamed by the thunder and lightning carried on the light whip!]

[", boy!"

[With a flick of Belial, he tied up the sturdy Membius...... Thrown out of the clouds, not even a shadow can be seen. 】

[Mebius and Hikari are also the strongest of the young generation of Ultraman in the Land of Light. 】

[But in front of Beria, he was easily defeated like a child!]


[Seeing the subordinates who were left behind without a trace by Belial, Ultraman Seven, who had just arrived, couldn't hold back any longer, and led Ultraman Zofie and the original Ultraman...... Rushed up together!]


[In the face of the three senior veterans of the cosmic garrison, Beria was not afraid at all, and actually turned against the guest and rushed up with the ultimate combat instrument!]

[But Ultraman Seven, the original Ultraman, Ultraman Zofie is not only strong, but also knows how to cooperate, and soon formed a triangular formation and surrounded Beria in the center!]


[The three of them cooperate seamlessly, even Beria, can't get the upper hand for a while. 】


[Finding that he couldn't take advantage, Beria found an opportunity to withdraw from the triangle formation. 】

[Then he jumped directly onto a building and distanced himself from the three of them.] 】

Seeing this, someone in the chat group immediately bubbled!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): It's another trick, this Beria is setting a trap again!

Kratos: Huh...... Kid, you're pretty accurate.

Kratos, God of War: Just like the horned imp just now, this big black eye is to lure these three people apart!

God of War Kratos: If someone breaks out of the triangle formation. Rush to him...... Bad luck!

Wanda Maximov: Eh, that Ultraman with very big eyes looks so familiar!

Big bones boiled into soup: That's right, I read that right, that's director Eiji Tsuburaya...... Ultraman summoned!

Beria: Hmph, it turns out that he's also a member of the Space Guard!

Torrecchia: Chief Instructor Severn, Chief Instructor of the Space Guard!

Torrecchia: Beria, if you can really defeat these people at the same time, it will probably be except for the father of Ott...... No one in the Land of Light has beaten you!

Beria: Hahaha! Even in the face of the "key", I will definitely win!

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Seeing that Beria was about to "escape", Zofie, Saiwen, and the first generation, the three of them threw away their cloaks at the same time and chased after them!]

["Hey, hey......"]

[Seeing Zaffie rushing to the front, Beria suddenly sneered, and took the initiative to jump back, which directly caused Zofie to pounce!]


[It was this pounce that directly caused the trio to fail to form a triangle formation!]

[And Beria seized this opportunity perfectly, threw away Zofie, and pounced on Saiwen and the original Ultraman in the back!]

["Bang! Bang! Bang Lala......"]

[The formation was not formed, and the three of them had to fight separately, and they were beaten by Beria in a hurry!]


[In the chaos of the battle, Beria swung the ultimate fighting instrument and hit the original Ultraman with a fierce blow, knocking him far away!]


[But the physical fitness of the original Ultraman is unusually strong!]

[He rolled on the ground, got up, and joined the fight again. 】

["Ha! Ha! Drink!"]

[The first generation rushed to Beria's side, pointed at the knife, seized the opportunity, and stabbed him twice in the abdomen, knocking Beria back two steps!]


[The stomach that was beaten by the first generation hurt a little, and Beria waved the fighting instrument angrily, and was flashed by the first generation again!]


[Seeing the ferocity of the enemy, the first Ultraman stepped back and crossed his arms at Belial, releasing his Spice ray!]

["Get out!"]

[Beria roared angrily, waved the fighting instrument, and actually shattered the light of the original Spice Stone!]

[After mastering the power of the monsters in the fighting instrument, Belial's powerful ...... It's beyond the imagination of ordinary Ultraman!]


[Swinging the ultimate fighting instrument, Beria strikes another hard blow!]

[Although Ultraman Saiwen raised his hands to defend, he was still beaten and flew away, lying on the ground, and didn't get up for half a day. 】

[Seeing that his comrades were in trouble, Zofie hurriedly rushed up, but was knocked away by Beria's blow. 】

["You can't fight him alone!"]

[Ultraman Sevenn finally got up and hurriedly joined forces with the original Ultraman to fight Belial!]

[But Beria had already dissipated his sex at this time, concentrated all his energy on the ultimate fighting instrument, and launched a full blow. 】

["Kill, ah, ah......"]


[Belial's hit contained unimaginable terrifying power, and it actually knocked the original Ultraman and Ultraman Sevenn out of the air!]


[These two powerhouses of the Space Guard fell from the building, fell to the ground fiercely, and never got up again.] 】


[Seeing that the two comrades-in-arms had fallen, Ultraman Zofie was in a hurry and decided to fight hard. 】

["M87 Ray!"]

[Ultraman Zofie first concentrated his arms on the signal light on his chest, and then concentrated his right arm with infinite energy, aiming at Belial...... A brilliant blue-white high-heat light was struck!]


[Beria didn't dodge or dodge, waving the ultimate fighting instrument, and actually rushed up. 】


[Ultraman Zofie's "M87 Ray!" hit the fighting instrument in Belial's hand, but it was completely blocked. You can't take a step beyond the thunder pool at all!]


[Seen Belial completely ignoring the M87 rays.] Rushing straight at him like a devil. Horrified...... Ultraman Zofie's reaction was actually slow for a moment, and he kicked him!]


[Falling from a high altitude.] Beria kicked him so hard that he almost trampled Ultraman Zofie into the ground!]

["Ding Dong! Ding Dong!Ding Dong...... Knock"]

[The signal light on Ultraman Zofie's chest flickered for a while, and then finally dimmed.] 】

[Zofie, Saiwen, the first generation, these three powerful Ultramans were actually defeated by Beria alone!]

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