in the live broadcast room.


Looking at the strange floating island on the screen, Bruce Wayne muttered:

"According to that artificial intelligence 'ghost', their ancient civilization was destroyed tens of millions of years ago!"

"If the demise of the ancients is related to the 'great darkness' that has been revived on this island. "

"That's the same story as Cthulhu!"

At this time, little Wanda clapped her hands and laughed:

"That's right, the one who destroyed the ancient people tens of millions of years ago is the old ruler!"

"Old Dominator ......"

Hearing this term, Tonydak first glanced at little Wanda, and then turned his gaze to the Book of Necrons in his hand.

If there really is an old ruler, then there will be no outer gods in the world of Ultraman, right?

In the face of such an existence, even if it is a million Ultramans in the Land of Light...... Can you win?

While everyone was speculating, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[The Strange Bird Zoga Legion began to appear all over the world and launched an all-out attack on humanity!]

[At the time of the chaos in the world, TPB's maritime headquarters was also attacked!]

[From below the TPB base, a large amount of strange black mist poured in!]


[As long as it is invaded by this black fog, all electronic systems are paralyzed!]

[In addition, lightning can also be released from the black mist to attack humans!]

[In the face of the terrifying black fog that seemed to come to life, the director finally gave the order:]

[Everyone in the base is on board the Mothership Atlantis!]

[Just when everyone in the base was retreating in a hurry......]

[Sudden Mutation!]

[Just over the Pacific Ocean, a terrifying monster has surfaced from the bottom of the sea!]

["What kind of monster is this?"]

[Looking at the monster on the screen, everyone in the victory team was taken aback!]

[I saw that this monster was always hundreds of meters tall, and its body was covered with a thick carapace, which looked a bit like an enlarged nautilus.] 】

[The weirdest thing is that the head of "it" is actually upside down! The eyes are below, and the mouth is above!]

[This monster that emerged from the darkness is the owner of Luluye, an ancient monster...... Gatanjeeh!]

"This is what drags the world into the abyss...... Dark Dominator?"]

[At this moment, Captain Megumi immediately remembered what the "Phantom Illusion" had said to her before!]


[At this time, Gatanjee suddenly opened his big mouth and let out a roar!]

[At the moment when this roar sounded, a violent black mist ...... Begin to raid TPB's base at a faster rate. 】


[Lina screams suddenly!]

[It turned out that the black mist had seeped into the control room of the victory team. 】

[Faced with this situation, the victory team and the director hurriedly prepared to retreat on the mothership, but Dagu was left alone, ready to face that monster alone!]

[Looking at Dagu, who had already made up his mind, Captain Megumi said in a deep voice:]

["When I saw Ultraman for the first time, I thought I saw God!"]

["I found out later that I was wrong, Ultraman is both light and human!"]

["Captain!" Lina was also shocked when she heard it. 】

[It turns out that Captain Megumi has also guessed the true face of Dagu!]

[Looking at Dagu, Captain Megumi said sincerely:]

["As a human like us, you are not obliged to face an invincible enemy!"]

[Da Gu turned around and showed a smile to the captain:]

"I don't believe anything...... No chance of winning!"]

[Seeing that he couldn't convince Dagu, Megumi Kuruma could only leave a few words of encouragement, and then pulled Lina away. 】

[In the empty and black mist control room, Da Gu took out the Divine Light Stick from his arms and held it high above his head with a solemn face. 】


[Under the strong light, Ultraman Tiga appeared!]


[Ultraman flew out of the base, landed on the sea, and directly confronted Gatanjee, who was pressing step by step. 】


[Tiga first shot out a wave of energy, but only a spark was sent out on Gatanjee's body, leaving no scars. 】

["Hah! Drink!"]

[Seeing that the energy attack was ineffective, Ultraman rushed to Gatanjee's side and launched a series of slammed attacks on this monster!]


[But such an attack is against the hard carapace of Gatanjee... But it didn't work!]


[Facing Ultraman Tiga who rushed to his side, Gatanjee suddenly released a large amount of black mist, drowning Tiga's body!]


[Tiga, who was entangled in the black mist, flashed a series of sparks on his body, and couldn't help but twitch in pain!]

[This weird black fog is actually like an acid mist, which can cause burns to Tiga's body!]


[At the moment when Tiga was controlled by the black mist, a huge pincer burst out from the bottom of the sea, and knocked Ultraman into the water with one blow!]


[Tiga had just stood up when a tentacle suddenly appeared again, wrapping around one of Ultraman's arms.] 】

[Although it is only a tentacle, its strength is unusually great!The compound Tiga must go all out to barely maintain his body balance!]


[Just as Ultraman was struggling with one tentacle, the other tentacle slammed into his leg from the bottom of the sea, knocking Tiga to the sea!]

["Tiga !!"]

[Seeing this scene from the screen, everyone on the victory team had a look of worry in their eyes. 】

[Even though it's just a tentacle, it can compete with Ultraman's power!]

[This big monster...... How can it be so strong?]


[Ultraman struggled to get up from the sea again, and Gatanjee stretched out a tentacle and tied his neck tightly, trying to strangle him. 】


[Faced with a terrible crisis, Ultraman crossed his hands and waved downward, and his body instantly turned red. 】

[This is Ultraman Tiga's "Power Mode"!]


[Powerful Ultraman shouted, his arms were strong, and he forcibly tore one of Gatanjee's tentacles into two!]

[This is the first time since the start of the war that Tiga has achieved results.] 】


[Tiga rushed to Gatanjee's side again and frantically output at the enemy!]

[But...... Even if it is converted to a powerful mode, Ultraman's attack still can't hurt this monster!]

[At this time, a huge pincer was stretched out from the bottom of the sea, and when Ultraman saw this, he hurriedly turned around and released an energy wave!]

[But this giant pincer...... Just a bait!]


[Another giant pincer rose from the bottom of the sea and almost knocked Ultraman down!]

["Woo Lala!"

[Immediately afterwards, several more tentacles rushed out from the bottom of the sea, beating Ultraman to a great mess and falling into the sea again.] 】

[Gatanjee's pincers and tentacles...... That's a lot!]

["Gollum ......"]

[It took a moment for Ultraman to get up from the water in embarrassment. 】

[Glances at it...... Seemingly invincible Gatanjee, Tiga seems to have made up his mind!]


[Powerful Tiga's arms draw a semicircle in the air, condensing a crimson sphere!]

[Then he waved his right hand, and a stream of light shot out.] 】

["Dilashum Glorious!"]


[This blow...... It struck hard into Gatanjee's carapace, but did no damage other than a spark. 】


[Seeing that the ultimate failed, Ultraman did not flinch, but gritted his teeth and launched a stronger attack. 】

[I saw the signal light on Ultraman's chest suddenly lit up!]

[Subsequently, he concentrated the energy of his whole body in front of his chest, and his arms formed an "L" shape!]

[Ultraman actually used a powerful form to release the Zanpei Ao ray!]


[The light of Zamperi Ao released in this state...... It's not the usual blue, but golden yellow!]

[This "powerful type of Azari Ao ray", which concentrates all of Ultraman's energy, hit Gatanjee's head with unprecedented momentum!]


[The sound of the explosion was like thunder, and the dazzling sparks lit up the sky!]

[But as soon as the explosion subsided, Gatanjee's roar rang out.] 】


[This terrible monster with its head upside down is not injured at all!]

[Ultraman Tiga's strongest ultimate, I can't deal with it!]

["Ding Dong! Ding Dong!Ding Dong!"]

[And after desperately releasing this trick "Powerful Appelio Ray", the signal light on Ultraman's chest also flashed wildly. 】

[Tiga's energy is about to run out!]


[In the face of an unprecedented disadvantage, Ultraman also seems to be a little disorganized, rushing forward desperately, beating Gatanjee in vain. 】


[The black mist released from Gatanjee's body burned Ultraman's body again, forcing him to retreat again and again!]


[Huge pincers and tentacles also rose from the bottom of the water, firmly restraining Ultraman's body!]


[Gatanjee's fierce mouth opened a large blood basin, aimed at Ultraman's chest, and shot a purple-red ray!]

[The body was completely trapped and locked by the giant pincers and tentacles, and Tiga couldn't dodge, so he could only take this blow hard!]


[The purple-red light pierced through Ultraman Tiga's body and disappeared into the air!]


[In the mothership, Lina couldn't help but let out a heart-rending exclamation when she saw the terrible scene in front of her. 】

[Captain Meguma's face also changed drastically, and he muttered in disbelief:]

["No! Ultraman Tiga won't lose!"]


[After being hit by the fuchsia beam, Tiga's body faltered!......] began to petrify gradually. 】

[This light emitted by Gatanjee actually has a petrifying effect!]


[It didn't take a few seconds.] Ultraman was covered in stone and turned into a stone statue again!]

PS: 1000 chapters, thank you readers for your support! ^_^

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