Chapter 575 Who is Captain Atomic? Killing for fun Wonder Woman! Superman has become an experimental body!

in the live room.

“Oh my God!”

Looking at the cities on the screen, and even the entire continent… all torn apart under the shock of terrifying energy, and finally slipped into the sea, everyone was shocked.

The most shocking of them all is Tony Stark!

“Destroyed half of the continent with one blow! What kind of weapon is this? How can it be so powerful?”

Before, in the image of “Aquaman”, Kunming also saw the advanced weapons displayed by the Atlantis Empire.

But those so-called “plasma cannons” haven’t reached a level that he can’t understand, so it can’t be said to be shocked.

And now, the attack unleashed by Aquaman Arthur is on another level!

Even the crust and continents can be shattered!

Such power is enough to destroy all mankind!

At this time, Bruce Wayne also said in a deep voice:

“In this Flashpoint world, the Amazons of Paradise Island have also mastered amazing technology.

“It’s also possible that… the level of this world is higher than the world we are in! That’s why this phenomenon occurs.”

The concept of the so-called “world class” was originally proposed by the Ancient One magician.

Through Strange and others, everyone in the live broadcast room has already understood this.

“World class?”

Tony Dark frowned without a trace, and an ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

If the level of this flashpoint world is so high, will the weapon in the hands of Aquaman Arthur really reach the level of “destruction”?

In that case, the war between him and Diana may be the last battle for all mankind!

Bruce Wayne obviously thought of something, not only his face sank, but he involuntarily looked at Clark who was standing on the side.

Facing the war between two super races who have mastered black technology, maybe only Superman can stop them from destroying the world.

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continues.

[As soon as the screen changes, he came to an underwater battleship in Atlantis. 】

【”try again?][Hearing the order given by Aquaman Arthur, an Atlantean scholar said in shock:

[Underground, this device is too dangerous!”)

[“Our attack on New Paradise Island destroyed the entire Ouzhou continent! But those Amazons were not injured at all.”


[Arthur’s face is like frost, and he snorts coldly:]

“Those damn witches can do magic, but next time we’re going to uproot them.”

[The old scholar led Arthur to the inside of a strange room.

[Here, something resembling a reactor is placed. ”

【“Your Majesty, we have tried to use only a small part of our power.”

[The old scholar said nervously:)

[“But now it’s more and more unstable.”

[“If we launch a second attack, it may wipe out the bottom of the sea and the surface_!”

[Aquaman Arthur leaned forward to the reactor and looked inside from a strengthening glass mirror.

[After that, he turned his head, looked at the old scholar and said:

[“Then we… use traditional force to conquer the island occupied by the Amazons!]

【“Even if we have to turn that island into scorched earth, we will kill them all!”)

[After finishing, Arthur left the room directly and ordered loudly at the same time:)

[“The order goes on, prepare to send troops!”

[Seeing Arthur leave, the old scholar punched the reactor with a painful face, and at the same time looked inside through the glass. ”

【”Because of you! I became the sinner who killed hundreds of millions of people!”)

[I saw inside this strange reactor, a light-headed, hairless, blue-colored weirdo was being restrained. ”

[Countless pipes are inserted into him, and it seems that they are drawing energy from this blue-skinned man. ”

[This person is the superhero of this world… Captain Atom”.

in the live room.

“Huh? Captain Atom.”

Looking at the blue-skinned man with a bare head on the screen, Little Wanda blinked, and suddenly tilted her head and said:

“Why do I think this person is so familiar, he looks a bit like that big blue~” ..

Just halfway through speaking, Little Wanda suddenly seemed to have reacted, and quickly reached out and covered her mouth, with a look of fear on her face.


She is such a good little lady, if she said that, wouldn’t her character design collapse?

On the other side, Peter Parker scratched his head and said a little less confidently:

“Actually, I also think that this Captain Atom does look a bit like Dr. Manhattan.”

Hearing this, Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne looked at each other at the same time, seeing the difference in each other’s eyes.

At this moment, both of them thought of the same thing.

No matter whether the ability of this Captain Atom can be compared with that of Dr. Manhattan.

If the Atlanteans really used his energy to destroy the European continent…

So, with such a powerful force, how did this Captain Atom… get caught by Aquaman and the others?

It’s totally illogical, right?

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continues. )

【New Paradise Island. ”

(This place that was originally called Yingeran, At the moment has been filled with sorrow.”

[Under the bewilderment of her aunt “Pentesilea”, Diana not only conquered the island by force, but also implemented a strict and high-pressure policy on the island!)

[But even so, there are still people who resist these foreign female invaders on this island named “Paradise”. ”

[After all, the Amazons slaughtered 32 million people when they conquered the island. ”

This kind of hatred cannot be erased so easily. ”

“Roar.. Roar..)

[A man with a weapon is running desperately through the ruins of the city, avoiding the pursuit of the Amazons not far behind. ”

[While running, he was constantly fighting back with the firearm in his hand, knocking down a lot of people. ”

[Just as the man was running away, a golden noose suddenly fell from the sky, just strangling his neck. ”

[“La!][Accompanied by the faint tearing air sounds, a woman in a battle suit, with a beautiful face but an icy expression, slowly descended from the sky and landed right in front of the man. ”

[This woman is the Queen of the Amazons, Wonder Woman Diana. ”

“You’re from the United States.”

[Diana looked down coldly at the man who fell to the ground, as if she was looking at a slightly larger ant. ”

[Insignificant, not worth mentioning. 】

【“Tell me all your information.”

[Diana’s right hand tightened, and the mantra lasso in her hand lit up with a dazzling golden light. ”

【”Who are you?”

[“What is it…)

[When Diana asked a question, she also made a slight effort in her hand, tightening the man’s neck, making it difficult for Roar to inhale. ”

[Stretch out his hand and lift the man up and hang it in the air, Diana asked again with an unquestionable voice:)

【“Who are you? What are you doing on New Paradise Island?”

[Diana’s stature is extremely high, and with the strength of her hands, she literally hangs the man almost off the ground. ”

[Under the pain of hypoxia and the magic of the mantra lasso, he finally spoke up 🙂

【”I’m Colonel, Steve Trevor! I belong to the Special Forces of the Coming Army!”

[“I’m here to pick up Louis Lois.”

[“Who is Louis Lois?” Diana asked coldly.

[“Lois Lois is a well-known journalist who infiltrated New Paradise Island three months ago to collect information on the Amazons for Cyborg.”

[An Amazonian next to him said quickly:]

【”We also got information that the robot named Cyborg is calling the world’s super-ability people to try to fight us!”)

“He is doomed.” Diana ordered directly:

[“Go and find that Louis Lois for me.”

【”Follow orders!”

[After the Amazon took orders, he suddenly looked down at Steve Trevor, who fell to the ground:][“Queen, do you need me to solve him for you?]

【”No need to..][Diana said indifferently:)

[“The Amazon Queen will serve her people.

[Before she finished speaking, Diana’s body slowly rose into the air, but at the same time, she did not let go of the noose in her hand. ”

“Uh uh uh..][As Diana continues to rise, Steve Trevor is literally suspended in mid-air by the mantra noose in her hand!)

[As if being hanged, he frantically tried to free himself from the noose, but it didn’t work at all.

[After hanging in the air for a while, Steve finally seeps blood from his nostrils, rolls his eyes up, twitches all over, and then stops moving. ”

[Looking at the tragic death of the man in front of her, Diana’s eyes showed a hint of joy, and even the corners of her mouth curved upwards.

[At this moment, the smile on her face can only be described with “S”. ”

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Deadpool: Fuck! This woman is so cruel! Hanging that Steve alive!

Captain the United States: Not only that, but she seems to be enjoying the process.

Tony Stark: Sadistic? Or a murderer? This woman is really Awakening’s incredible attribute.

Starlight: Ha? Properties? (A;)

Tony Stark: Well, that’s not something a little girl should know.

Starlight: Hey! Are you ignoring the situation, I’ve been hanging out with those perverted superheros all day long. Do you think you and I don’t know anything?

Wanda Maximov:…………..what are you talking about?(0.0)

Invincible young hero; I don’t understand, it shocked me!

Venom: Hehehe, even across the parallel universe, I can smell the villain on this Diana!

Venom: She’s definitely a vicious villain!

Wonder Woman Diana: Steve! How could this be? (Qoo)

This time, the shock in Diana’s heart was beyond words.

Steve Trevor, but the first man she ever saw in her life, and her first love!

Who would have thought that in this unknown universe, he “actually” killed “|Steve” with his own hands!

This is so bad!

Moreover, having been in the world for more than half a century, Diana has long been accustomed to seeing various aspects of human beings.

Therefore, she could see at a glance that the variant in front of her with a somewhat similar appearance had degenerated into a super villain who enjoys killing people!

This Queen Diana’s “Blacken” is done!

Before that, Diana had fantasized that her “variant” might have a chance to repent and become a benevolent queen again.

But now it seems that she has no cure.

John Constantine: Not only is he murderous, but this Diana can actually fly in the sky!

John Constantine: The Wonder Woman of our world doesn’t seem to have this ability.

Wonder Woman Diana: It should be some kind of artifact, none of the Amazons can fly.

The Flash Barry Allen: That’s too bad, looks like, unless Thomas Wayne can find Superman, no one can beat this Diana of Blacken!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continues.

【Near Met’s giant crater, Thomas Wayne finally got the man they were waiting for. ”

[“La!][Cyborg falls from the sky in front of Batman and The Flash. )

Facing this cyborg who is doing his best to save the world, Thomas Wayne agrees to join Cyborg’s super team, but on one condition. ”

[“I must have the command of this team, and the members must be picked by me.][The first member is The Flash. ”

“And the second member is the alien child who once fell into Metropolis!

“what are you saying?”][Cyborg is startled. ”

[Thomas Wayne directly told him that what fell down was not a meteor at all, including Cyborg, everyone was deceived by the United States official Fang!)

[Cyborg Victor really found the whereabouts of the alien spaceship through the database of the black police and military. ”

[“Unbelievable, according to classified files, that rocket was transferred to a secret facility under the Metropolis!][“The operation was called Project Superman, and (Wang Dezhao) and they did find something in that rocket and named it “Experimental 1!”)

[Cyborg looks at Thomas Wayne with a surprised look, as if seeing him again:

[“This is top secret, how did you know?”

[“That doesn’t matter, now tell us how to get into that Superman project.”

In the face of 【Thomas Wayne’s request, Cyborg said with a smile 🙂

“No, I’ll take you two directly.”

in the live room.

“Experiment No. 1?”

Hearing this code name, Clark Kent’s face sank all of a sudden, and his brows were tightly wrinkled together.

He is in his 30s this year.

Moreover, in order to find his own life experience, Clark has traveled around the world for many years, and is used to seeing all kinds of things in the world.

The information revealed by Cyborg all point to a terrifying reality.

In this crazy Flashpoint world, your own variants may have long since been reduced to experimental animals in the United States!

This is why in this world, Superman has never appeared from beginning to end!

Looking at Clark’s ugly expression, Bruce Wayne opened his mouth slightly, but in the end he remained silent.

He has neither any obligation nor interest in defending the United States in another parallel universe!

However, at this moment, a terrible thought flashed in Master Wayne’s mind.

If that Superman was really used as an experimental body since he was a child, will he stand on the side of humans once he is really rescued?

Putting himself in his shoes and thinking about it, Master Wayne suddenly felt a chill hit his upper body.

After being treated like this, almost anyone, as long as they gain freedom, the first thing must be revenge on the United States, and even on human beings!

[At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen. ”

[Video continues.

[Under the leadership of Cyborg, Batman and The Flash successfully infiltrated the underground laboratory where “Experiment 1” was being held. 】

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