Chapter 355 Create a tragedy! Create a god in the world! Play the motherland! Laser eye baby! The black robe picket is exposed!


Hearing Master Wayne’s icy tone, everyone in the live broadcast room was slightly startled and turned their heads involuntarily.

At this time, Bruce Wayne’s expression was still gloomy, and he said as calmly as possible:

“According to my estimation, after seeing the gangster shoot and kill the captain, the people of the motherland knew that it was impossible to completely save the people on the plane.”

Master Wayne sighed softly:

“With his strength, even if the plane crashes in the end, it is not difficult to save dozens of people.”

“But as long as someone dies, it affects his glorious image!

“That’s why this bastard decided to turn the entire plane into a bargaining chip for him to achieve his goal!”


Hearing this, Little Wanda blinked, her eyes were confused, and she didn’t seem to have reacted.

Tony Stark touched his chin with his hand and said thoughtfully:

“The Water Company has always wanted to expand the superhero’s business and develop the military there. Did the people of the motherland have this idea?”

“But he killed the plane and it didn’t seem to help.”

Halfway through the words, Tony’s expression froze, his eyes opened slightly, as if thinking of something terrible.

Seeing this, Black widow suddenly nodded and said calmly:

“Since a positive invitation is useless, then the people of the motherland want to create a tragedy, and then reverse the military to put pressure on it!”

“That’s his purpose!


“Making tragedy?”

“Reverse pressure?”

Hearing these appalling words, the rest of the people were almost stunned, even Clark Kent was tense all over and his scalp was numb.

Just now, he thought that the people of the motherland were just ruthless and devoid of humanity.

But now it seems that I may have really underestimated the ferocity of this variant!

He not only ignores human life, but regards life as his bargaining chip!

Seeing everyone’s discoloration, Bruce Wayne continued:

“From a purely human point of view, tragedy has a greater impact on human beings than comedy!”

“If the native just wants to stage his reality show in front of the public, and at the same time put pressure on the military, it may be more in his interest to let all these passengers die.

Speaking of the end, the muscles on Bruce Wayne’s face trembled, and Jing was already gnashing his teeth.

At this moment, there was still a word in Master Wayne’s heart that he didn’t say.

That is why the people of the motherland regard human life as a must, and the core reason is that he never regards those people who do not have super ability as human beings!

This is the original sin of the super-ability!

They are too strong, so it is easy to be intoxicated by their own strength, and treat the rest as ants!

12 secretly gave Clark Kent a glance, and a cold light flashed in Bruce Wayne’s eyes.

So far, this Clark is still harmless to humans and animals.

But he actually claimed that he had all the abilities of the people of the motherland, would he also have his mentality?

Are mortals the same as ants in the eyes of this Clark?

Once such a thought arises, it takes root in Master Wayne’s heart.

What everyone said in the live broadcast room can also be seen by other people in the group from the picture-in-picture on the screen.

So as soon as Bruce Wayne said this, there was an uproar in the chat group.

Starlight: This is for the Water Company, so the motherland is ready to let the people in the plane die? This is crazy.

Hearing Master Wayne’s analysis, Xingguang felt dizzy for a while, and unconsciously reached out and stroked his forehead.

How could someone like this make such a cruel and crazy decision just for their own selfishness?

Does he have no humanity at all?

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): Damn maniac! If it were me, I would…

John Constantine: Calm down, that native is a real villain, but even if you replace him with that plane…you can’t do anything.

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1); This…In “Spider Universe I”, Parker looked at his tightly clenched fist and suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.

Since the last time he got armed and domineering through the reward, Parker suddenly felt that his strength has really increased several times!

During this period of time, he has been a hero in the streets, and I don’t know how many lives he has saved.

But Parker still shudders at the thought of the terrifying scene on the screen when the plane crashes.

In the face of such a terrifying disaster, and the power of Spider-man.. is it really enough?

Clark Kent: If it were me, maybe I could lift that plane.

John Constantine·: Huh? How does that work? You don’t just fold the plane in half, do you?

Clark Kent:

At this time, a new change appeared on the screen.

[Video continues][Bucher and others took a lot of trouble and finally found the violent girl who escaped from the basement of the noodle shop. ”

[It turns out that this girl was smuggled into the country, and it seems that it was used as an experiment for compound No. 5.

[At the same time, on the other side, after the passenger plane crashed into the sea, the wreckage and debris finally washed ashore. ”

[Reporters from the TV station also came and reported live on the spot. ”

{“The wreckage of Transoceanic Flight 37 has washed ashore.”

[It is predicted that all passengers on the plane have been killed][Hearing the reporter’s voice, the native of the motherland who was deliberately standing not far away rolled his eyes and suddenly said:]

“They didn’t have to die.”

[As soon as the reporter heard this, he hurried over to interview people from the motherland. ”

[Facing the microphone and the camera, the native of the motherland was possessed by the actor, with a face full of excitement, claiming that the plane had been killed when he arrived.

“Why is that? Because we’re not in the system!”)

[“If the Air Defense Command called us directly after Roar got the news, these 123 men, women and children would definitely be saved.”

“If they had let us join the military, this tragedy would never have happened again.”

[“This is my solemn promise to you.

[Speaking of the end, the muscles on the face of the motherland trembled, and there were tears of sadness.

[Suddenly, the natives raised their voices and shouted loudly:][“Let us ensure that such a tragedy will never be repeated in our great country!”)

In the face of the impassioned speech of the motherland, the nearby search and rescue personnel responded enthusiastically, and the sound of applause continued to sound. There was even a hoarse cry! 】

【“We heard your words, natives of the motherland!”

【“Well said!”

【”we support you.”

[Facing the joy of the people, Roar, the native raised his right hand and waved it constantly, his face full of excitement. ”

【”God bless you!”)

【”God bless beautiful!”)

[At the same time, seeing this scene on TV, the female vice president of Water Company also showed a gratified smile,

[Nice job. ”

Seeing that there was a little silence in the chat group here, it seems that everyone was stunned by the performance of the motherland.

Detective J: This guy is too shameless, how can he say such a grand nonsense? (A;)

Nick Fury: It’s not easy, this native doesn’t look like an ordinary super villain, but a high-IQ anti-conference setter!

Starlight: Anti·Set·Conference? (0.0)

Nick Fury: It may be due to congenital defects, or it may be due to the environment in which they grew up, so that these people have no positive feelings such as sympathy and compassion at all, and they don’t even have basic human nature. In order to achieve their goals, they can do anything!

Deadpool: Damn it, such a pervert has such a powerful super ability! The people in the world of black robes are too unlucky.

John Constantine: The people of the motherland do so much, all to get that Water Company into the military’s system?

John Constantine·: This inhuman lunatic doesn’t care about anything, but he is doing his best for such a company? What is he thinking?

Ghost Rider: I never think about what sinners are thinking, I just want to send them to hell.

Magneto: With such a powerful Ability, he was led by a group of businessmen! These superhero are simply the holders of super-ability!

Charles Xavier·: Erik, you don’t need to say it, anyone can see this.

Ghost Rider:! It seems that the real mastermind behind this is the Water Company.

Deadpool: Oops, I don’t agree with these superheroes, but I can understand what they’re thinking.

Deadpool: In this world, it is difficult to live without money if you have super ability.

Loki·Odinsen; Aah.. In fact, in my opinion, the existence of Water Company is really a good thing for the world.

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): What? What nonsense are you talking about?

Loki Odinsen: Ugly, listen to me calmly, imagine what he would be like and what would he do without the existence of Water Company, with the crazy personality of the motherland?

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): This

Dr. Manhattan; this man has stopped thinking of himself as human. In other words, other human beings are inferior creatures in his eyes.

Loki Odinson: Yes, in this case, if there is no special company to drive and live in the motherland, maybe he will really turn the whole world upside down:

Loki · Odinsen: By then, the number of dead people may be astronomical!

Seeing Loki’s speech, everyone in the chat group was stunned.

Could it be that this Water Company has still done something good.

And Bruce Wayne’s eyes also showed a thoughtful look.

It seems that even dangerous super-super-ability people, as long as they are properly controlled, may not necessarily pose a threat to society.

It’s just that Water Company only cares about controlling super-ability people, and has not thought about using them for the benefit of society

[Video continues][After being in the limelight on TV, the native of the motherland continued to return to the superhero group to be his hero boss. ”

[On this day, the natives waited quietly for someone in the building, and after a while, the locomotive appeared behind him with a sad face. ”

[It turned out that he failed several missions in the locomotive and faced punishment from the motherland. In desperation, he confessed his doubts about the Devil’s Claw Girl to the motherland. ”

[Under the order of the motherland, the locomotive just killed his girlfriend Demon Claw Girl. In this way, he finally gained the trust of the motherland again and was able to continue to stay in the super 7-member group. ”

[The screen turns and comes to Xingguang’s side.

Xingguang [came to an event, where he met Huey on a mission. ”

[Huey Butcher and others came here specifically to investigate Compound 5. ”

(Seeing that the starlight is also coming, Butcher hurriedly ordered Huey to find her and get an internal VIP ticket to get close to the important person of this event, superhero Ezekiel. 】

[During the event, Xingguang felt like a puppet, controlled by the company mother, forced to create a perfect character and lied to the audience. ”

[But Xingguang’s mother told her that you are a role model for millions of children in the country, and your words will directly affect their attitude towards life, so even lying is a last resort. 】

[Just when Starlight was at a low point, Huey wanted to approach him and wanted him to help find VIP tickets][Xingguang was very disappointed to hear this, she was in a bad mood and thought Huey was here to comfort herself, who knows, he just wanted to use his privileges to gain benefits!

Although it is very uncomfortable, Xingguang did not show it, and still promised to help Huey get him a VIP ticket.

[Huey had just entered the internal event through the VIP ticket, and when he saw the people of the motherland standing in front of him, he was immediately frightened. ”

Fortunately, the people of the motherland do not know the true identity of this kid, and they also gave Huey a baptism of raw water. ][The crowd dispersed after the event, and Huey could finally face Ezekiel. )

[He originally planned to use a video on his mobile phone to threaten Ezekiel in front of him, but he didn’t expect that during the ceremony just now, Huey’s mobile phone got into the water, and now it can’t be turned on. ”

[Under the panic, Huey had an idea and lied that he and Ezekiel had met once in a bar, and even had an experience!”

[Because I have seen the video before, Huey described this experience vividly and the details are extremely clear. ”

[Ezekiel panicked immediately when he heard it. There were so many men he had experienced before, and he couldn’t remember the faces of these people at all!)

[It turned out that Ezekiel himself was responsible for sending Compound No. 5 to hospitals all over the country, and the most recent batch was sent to the Mercy Hospital not far away. ”

After learning the [information], Huey hurriedly came out to call the black “cow” and told him that a batch of compound No. 5 had recently been transported to the neonatal intensive care unit of Renci Hospital. ”

[“Cow” was very happy to hear this, and hurriedly praised Huey as a criminal genius.

[Next, the Negro informed Bucher again. ”

[At this moment, Butcher is frantically destroying a cemetery. ”

It turned out that [Bucher’s wife worked for the motherland a few years ago, but one day she suddenly disappeared. ”

Bucher [has always thought that the motherland killed his wife, so he hated the super-ability person so much. ”

[But Bucher didn’t expect that after a few years, his wife’s sister actually set up a home for his wife!)

[Always refused to admit that his wife was dead, but Bucher smashed the fake cemetery in anger. ”

After receiving the call from “Niu”, Butcher hurried to Renci Hospital with him. ”

[And At the moment at the event site, the natives started their speeches to the people below the stage. “[But when he was talking, he started to go out of script, talking about God, faith, responsibility, salvation and other high-level words. ”

【“I was chosen by God to save you all!”

[“God’s will for me is to protect the great and beautiful country!]

This [personal, marketing, and marketing of the natives of the motherland] was very successful, and the thousands of spectators at the scene were so mesmerized that they almost worshipped him as a god. )

[But seeing this scene in the office, the female vice president of Walter Company was so angry that she scolded the bastard. 】

【At the moment is on the other side, the ugly performance of the motherland makes Queen Maeve unable to watch it!」

Seeing the tragic deaths of so many innocent people on the plane, Queen Maeve is not only powerless, but also forced to act with the motherland, which makes her heart extremely painful. ”

[She came to another woman’s house, hugged her in tears, and poured out her sadness. 】

[It seems that the relationship between this 200 women and Queen Maeve is not ordinary. ”

【At the moment on the other side, the locomotive who just killed the Demon Claw Girl with his own hands is sitting in the room feeling sad. ][It seems that he still loves this woman. ”

[At this moment, the locomotive flashed and found a hidden camera from the room. 】

[From this camera, the locomotive found out the whole process of the witch’s claw being threatened by Butcher and others!]

Although the camera did not capture Butcher’s face, it did capture all of Frankie’s face. ”

[The locomotive immediately printed out the pictures on the video, and then went to find the information analysis experts of Water Company together with Xuan Se. ”

It didn’t take long for the experts to find out all of Frankie’s aliases and bases.

【At the moment in the secret base, Frankie got a tip from his girlfriend and told him to run away. ”

[The locomotive and the black will be killed soon!)

[At the same time, Butcher and the black man were sneaking into the Mercy Hospital, and when they entered the neonatal intensive care unit, they were all stunned. ”

This [Baby in a hospital ward is actually receiving an injection of Compound 5!][Infants injected with this compound have a terrifying super ability, and can shoot lasers in their eyes, just like the son of a god!”

[It turns out that there is no natural superhero in this world at all. People from the motherland and others have all received the injection of No. 5 compound, which is how they got their super ability!)

“These superhero are all man-made!

[At this time, the hospital guards found someone breaking in and rushed in immediately, while Bucher grabbed the super baby without saying a word, treated the baby as a human laser gun, and in turn crushed the enemy!)


[Super baby’s eyes stared, blue laser light swept out, and several guards were cut to pieces in an instant!)

“I go”

Watching Butcher grabbing the terrified super baby and killing all directions, little Wanda and Peter were all stunned.

This guy keeps saying he wants to deal with superhero, but he can even use a baby as a weapon?

This is too unscrupulous.

At the same time, Bruce Wayne glanced at Clark Kent again, only to see him standing there with a solemn expression, but there was no panic or stunned in his eyes.

“Depending on the situation, this Clark is not an artificial super-ability person, and … he also knows the source of his ability!”

As soon as Master Wayne turned his head, he immediately came to his own conclusion.

But this made him even more headache.

If this Clark’s Ability is not artificial, where did it come from?

In addition, there is Diana Prince and the mysterious man under the sea. What are they all about?

The most important thing is, how can I monitor or even control these super-ability people, so that they will not cause harm to the world?

At this time, in the black robe universe, Xingguang looked at the big screen in front of him, and his whole person was completely stupid.

“Compound No. 5, my Ability comes from Compound No. 5?”

“I’m an artificial super-ability person?”

The image on the screen was like a heavy hammer hitting Xingguang’s heart, knocking her out completely.

His eyes were wide open, Xingguang’s head was blank, his face was as pale as paper, his face was in a trance, and his body was a little shaky.

This terrible truth not only completely subverted her cognition! It even trampled on her outlook on life and world!

It turns out that the super ability she has been proud of since childhood and the superhero dream she has been chasing are all just a joke!

At this moment, Xingguang’s mentality completely collapsed…

PS: For collection! For flowers! For evaluation ticket! For monthly ticket! For full booking support,

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