
Wolverine’s eyes widened and rounded. Looking at the screen in amazement, shocking emotions instantly swept through my heart.

It’s unbelievable!

What did he see!

Involuntarily stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes, Wolverine was a little trembling for a while even the purest.

Wolverine has lived for over a century thanks to the healing gene!

I have experienced countless wars and countless traumas.

But what happened in front of him was too terrifying, Rao felt a burst of strangeness with Wolverine’s experience, and almost suspected that he was hallucinating!

That crazy Deadpool actually grew another one after his head exploded!

Even if he has a healing gene, this is too exaggerated!

At least, Wolverine definitely doesn’t think he can do such a thing!

At this moment, the chat group is also an instant fryer.

Reed Richards: Susan! Root! Damn, you damn lunatic, why did you kill Susan? Convex (艹皿艹)

Although, after watching the image of the zombie universe, Susan Stone has officially broken up with Reid, in Reid’s heart, there is still a place for this girl.

And the stone man has always been the object of Reid’s guilt! He was also his friend.

Looking at the Deadpool on the screen, like a crazy demon, he killed all 4 people including himself! Reed Richards was so angry that his body trembled.

Nick Fury: It’s incredible, even the head is off, and it can still grow!

Charles Xavier: Wolverine, are your genes really that powerful?

Wolverine: Don’t ask me, I don’t know anything. (O_O)

Sentinel: It’s amazing that you can revive your head if you lose it! This kind of thing… Even my million solar explosion power can’t do it!

Carol Danvers: Nonsense, what does this have to do with how strong it is? It’s that Superman, it’s not the same to die if his head is gone!

Clark kent:………… →_→

Deadpool: Hmm… This variant of mine is really cruel enough, but those stinky men are just that, even such beautiful beauties are killed! It’s really a little inhumane.

Wanda Maksimov: You scold your own variant … Inhumane? (⊙_⊙)

Deadpool: Hey, even if this guy wears the same outfit as me, he’s not me!

Deadpool: Don’t say scolding, if this bastard continues to kill beautiful women everywhere, see if I don’t slaughter him!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): You want to kill your variant? That’s crazy.

Deadpool: It’s not called madness, it’s called Sparta! o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): What are you talking about?

Deadpool: Hahaha, if you don’t understand, forget it.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[The observer stood next to Susan’s cold body and whispered about the beginning and end of the matter:]

“In this way, the story of the Fantastic Four came to an end. “】

“But this is not the beginning of all stories, and to witness the true beginning of all these tragic events, we must turn the clock back.” “】

[“This is Ravenscroft Mental Hospital…”]

[With the observer’s narration, the picture on the screen suddenly changes.] 】

[The voices of begging, wailing, and cursing often come from this mental hospital, which are like hell when they are heard in the middle of the night. 】

[However, Dr. Benjamin Brighton, the director of the psychiatric hospital, is famous and is known as a pioneer of psychiatry. 】

[One day, Charles Xavier, Wolverine, Laser Eye and Storm sent the tightly bound Deadpool to this mental hospital. 】

[It turns out that the X-Men can’t stand it anymore… All kinds of nonsense by crazy Deadpool. 】

[Next, Deadpool, bound in bondage clothing, was sent to Dr. Brighton’s office.] 】

[In the face of this low-mouthed mercenary, Dr. Brighton just had a few words with him and revealed his true face. ] 】

[It turns out that this person is not a life-saving doctor at all, but a famous supervillain… Spirit-shakers. 】

[The reason why this supervillain chose to disguise himself as a psychiatrist here is because he knows that those superheroes are especially fond of the enemies they catch… Send it here! 】

[In this way, the Spirit Shocker can just use his special ability to transform these super criminals into a super army that obeys him! ] 】

[This time, he is eyeing Deadpool… Wade Wilson! 】

[“Shhhh “】

[In the face of Deadpool, who was completely immobile by his restraints, the Spirit Shocker directly activated the control box in his hand and impacted Deadpool’s will defense with terrifying spiritual energy! ] 】

[As long as he succeeds, Deadpool’s will will be erased, thus becoming a puppet who obeys the spirit shocker! ] 】

[“Aaaa Get out of my head! “】

[In the face of this terrible spiritual invasion, even if it is like Deadpool… For the guys who have long been accustomed to pain, they can’t help but wail loudly! 】

[While convulsing and struggling on the ground, Deadpool suddenly raised his head and vomited out a mouthful of blood! ] 】

[This kind of spiritual attack even injured his physical body! 】

[At the same time as spitting out this mouthful of blood, in Deadpool’s brain, it was as if something had woken up!] 】

[At this moment, he seemed to hear a voice he had never heard before, and saw a scene that he had never imagined. 】

[Watching Deadpool fall to the ground, the mentally shocked person suddenly relaxed his vigilance. 】

[In his impression, no human has ever been able to resist the spiritual impact of the control box! ] 】

[This strange mercenary should have completely become his own slave. 】

[At this moment, Deadpool suddenly stood up, not only broke free of his corset, but also wrapped his sleeve around the neck of the mentally shocker! ] 】

[“Abominable! ”

[In a burst of shouting, the back of the fake doctor’s head suddenly opened, and a strange-shaped villain appeared from it! ] 】

[“I obey the Spirit Shaker from your master, you should obey the Spirit Shaker! “】

[No one expected that the famous supervillain… The body of the mentally shocked person is actually such a small person more than ten centimeters long. 】

[Grabbing this little guy in his hands, Deadpool threw the Spirit Shaker directly at the table and smashed it into meat sauce.] 】

[But at this moment, the voice in his head sounded, the killing desire in his heart was also completely awakened! ] 】

[Killing the doctor is just the beginning, Deadpool will kill all the medical staff and patients in this mental hospital! ] Finally, light a fire and blow up the entire hospital! 】

[After fully understanding his mission, Deadpool is determined to destroy everything, and this hospital is not even an appetizer! ] 】

[After describing the past, the picture returns to the observer.] 】

[Looking at the body of the invisible female Susan on the ground, the observer’s tone also became low:]

“In some parallel universes, the Psychic Shocker has managed to shape legions of villains who submit to him. “】

“There are worlds where heroes join forces to defeat his army and overthrow his rule. “】

“On rare occasions, the Psychic Shockers have indeed succeeded in ruling the world. “】

[“In this world, this villain who vainly tries to conquer the world has unexpectedly awakened a terrible killer…”

Just as the observer was chanting narration into the air, a purple wave of energy suddenly swept through her body. 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Suddenly suffering this sudden attack, the observer let out a scream, and then fell to the ground.] 】

[The shock in his heart at this moment even surpassed the pain in his flesh. 】

[The observer is usually outside of reality and dimension, who can perceive its existence?] 】

[What’s more… And who has the ability to attack him! 】


[With maniacal laughter, a familiar voice rings in the observer’s ear:]

“Just now, this gadget I stole from Reed Richards seems to be specifically designed to deal with an existence outside of your reality! “】

[Under the stimulation of the purple current, the observer’s body still couldn’t stop twitching, but he still raised his head with difficulty, and asked in an incredulous voice:]

[But I didn’t interfere with reality, how could you…”

“How can I see you?”] “】

[Deadpool laughed maniacally and said:]

“Now, the way I see things is different from the average person. “】

“Probably, it’s because I have a problem with my brain.”] “】

[Next, Deadpool raised the “anti-reality stun gun” in his hand, walked to the observer’s side, and asked coldly:]

“Just now… I heard you! “】

“Who are you talking to?” “】

[Just now, Deadpool not only saw the figure of the observer, but even heard his chattering narration! ] 】

[It’s like… In addition to the observer, there are certain things that Deadpool still can’t see! 】

[After asking the question, Deadpool didn’t even wait for the observer’s answer, so he directly slashed and cut off his big bald head! ] 】

[Perhaps, Deadpool has already guessed the answer, or maybe he thinks he will find the answer someday!] 】

Seeing this, almost everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned in place, and their eyes were full of amazement and disbelief.

After a while, little Wanda finally screamed.

“Observer, this Deadpool actually killed the observer!”

And in the face of little Wanda’s scream, Tonis Dak also twitched the corners of his mouth, unable to speak for a while.

In addition to the sentinels, the expressions of the others in the live broadcast room are similar to Tony Starck.

Horror, horror, unbelievable, unbelievable…

All kinds of emotional waves swept in like a tide, enveloping everyone.

Under this wave of emotional impact, everyone was frozen in place like a clay carved wooden sculpture, and they couldn’t move.

At this moment, the chat group also completely exploded.

Stephen Strange: This and this…. Who will tell me… I’m not mistaken!

Bruce Banner: I seem to see… The observer died. ( ̄ mouth ̄)!!!

John Constantine: No way, how can this big bald head die so easily!

John Constantine: Even Infinite Ultron can’t kill him!

Captain America: This observer… It seems that after being hit by Reed Richards’ electric light gun… You can’t move.

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing species: How come! How could that kind of weapon created by mortals hurt an observer at this level?

Reed Richards: ……… I also agree with this young lady’s words. (⊙o⊙)

At this moment, Reid was also completely stunned.

He remembers clearly that in the “What If” image, the observer is back and forth with that infinite Ultron!

In other words, this guy may be a multiverse-level powerhouse!

A weapon of his own creation can actually hurt such an existence … Can you still beat him to a serious injury?

What kind of joke is this?

Is your scientific talent that remarkable?

Nick Fury: In my previous impression, even the fist of Infinite Ultron can only hurt the observer!

Nick Fury: But this Deadpool actually cut off his head with a knife, how is this possible?

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: A multiverse-level existence killed by a mortal knife… Are you kidding me? (╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻

At this moment, the depression and troubles in Swallowing Mei’s heart are really indescribable.

You earthlings, when the multiverse-level existence is a cabbage, you can cut it with a knife casually?

You must know that among the five gods of creation, several of them are only multiverse level! Only an existence like the Eternal God is completely above the multiverse!

The multiverse level is so easy to kill, do you think you are eternal?

Watchmen Universe.


Demonized Dr. Strange also shrank his pupils at this time, his mouth opened slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He had had close contact with observers!

For the strength of this big bald head, Dr. Demon is very clear!

To be able to kill such an existence, this Deadpool should at least be a single cosmic level!

At this time, Manhattan suddenly spoke:

“This universe as we see it … Something is wrong. ”

“Huh? Wrong. ”

Before Dr. Demonization could understand what Manhattan meant, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

Soon, news of superheroes or supervillains being brutally murdered began to appear all over the world. 】

[The Evil Spirit Knight was burned to death by his own hellfire, and after Dr. Doom was unloaded 8 pieces, he was hung on a rope for public display! ]

[Behind these terrible tragedies, there is the same murderer,]

[It’s that serial killer named Deadpool!] 】】


In the wilderness, the Ghost Rider looked at the screen, and the skull of the burning flame on the skull actually showed a look of horror that could not be concealed.

Will he actually be burned to death by hellfire?

Did I make a mistake?

At that moment, the Evil Spirit Knight only felt that his worldview was confused. I was on the verge of doubting life for a while!

This Deadpool… What exactly is it?

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