【Image continues】

[Seeing that the black widow suddenly restrained Loki, the black brine egg also stood up and said with a solemn face:]

“You are not Natasha of our world! “】

“But … You seem to have her spirit. “】

[Looking at the familiar black one-eyed dragon in front of her, Black Widow also showed a smile on her face. 】

[Immediately after, the observer’s voice rang out.] 】

“That’s enough, isn’t it? All life is looking for its own home. are all looking for a home. “】

[As he spoke, the picture on the screen began to change.] 】

[Party Thor returns to Vegas and embraces Jane Foster again.] 】

[Gamora, who also returned to his universe, began to maintain peace with Tony Stark. 】

[Captain Kat returned to the deck, and one was accidentally punched by Bartók the jumper, but fortunately, Black Widow suddenly appeared and used an electric shock to solve the hairy man. 】

[Next, the two came to the lower level of the cabin. 】

“I found what the pirates were looking for”]

[Black Widow looked back at Captain Kat with some concern while leading the way:]

“Paige, you have to be mentally prepared. “】

[Captain Kat listens indifferently:]

“I assure you Natasha, now… I’ve completely lost sight of it. “】

[As a result, Black Widow opened a peephole in a large iron door for Captain Kat, and the captain only glanced at it, and the whole person was stunned. ] 】

[In the cabin behind the iron gate, a huge mechanical armor is installed. 】

“That’s the Hydra Breaker?” 】

[Black Widow responded meaningfully:]

“Yes, and there’s another person in it. “】

[When the picture turns, the observer’s bald head appears:]

“As for me, I’m an observer. “】

“The multiverse, every single universe, every story is my home. “】

“I will protect this home forever. “】

[Then, the screen went dark.] 】

In the Watchmen universe, Dr. Demonization is confused:

“Who is this robot in?” That female captain of the United States… Why so surprised? ”

Even if he didn’t understand the cause and effect, just looking at the battle suit worn by Captain Kat and the vibranium shield on his hand, Dr. Demon immediately guessed that this woman should be a rice team from some parallel universe.

However, he who has not seen the previous video naturally does not know what the 9-headed snake destroyer is.

Seeing this, Dr. Manhattan said lightly:

“In this parallel universe, the one who injected the super soldier serum is Peggy Carter. Steve Rogers, on the other hand, took the robot made by Howard Stark and became Iron Man. ”

“Now it seems that, for unknown reasons, this Rogers also seems to have traveled through decades of the universe and reunited with Captain Kat.”

“Rogers? So that’s how it is…”

For the situation of the original Captain of the United States recorded in the history books, Dr. Demonization also sighed:

“Sure enough, even if a real hero misses the opportunity, he can still achieve an extraordinary life.”

Thinking of his past that was like a coffee table full of cups, the corners of Dr. Demon’s mouth couldn’t help but show a trace of bitterness.

At the same time, Manhattan looked at the darkened screen in front of him, and some thoughts flooded his mind.

“The story… Is it? ”

“In front of the observer who is enough to see through the multiverse, everything that is playing out in these countless universes… It’s all just stories! ”

“In contrast, as a quantum observer, I seem to be a bit of a misnomer.”

At this time, the chat group was also lively.

Captain America: I didn’t expect that even in another world, I could still reunite with Paige, which is really happy for them.

At this moment, the captain also had mixed feelings in his heart.

He knew that although Peggy Carter was not dead at this time, she had already married a mysterious man, and she was an old woman who was still in the wind and candle at this time.

In this case, how can he have the face to appear in front of the other party again?

Wanda Maksimov: Ahahaha! Seeing Loki fall to the ground, I was so happy to die. ^_^

Rocky Odinson: It’s not me who gets beaten anyway, you can laugh if you want.

Thanos Thanos: Psychic Scepter! Where did that Asgardian get the scepter of the mind?

Bruce Banner: Eh! yes, I really didn’t expect that!

Bruce Banner: Is Loki still in this universe still defecting to Thanos?

“Huh? Surrender to me? ”

Looking at the information that Bruce Banner inadvertently revealed, Thanos also fell into a deep groan for a while.

He was also cursed by knowledge, and he came to a conclusion in an instant.

“It seems that I gave Loki the psychic scepter in some variant of the multiverse.”

“What is the purpose? Do you want him to collect the Infinity Stones for me? ”

There was a sneer in Thanos’ eyes.

“Absurd, this Asgardian is not even as good as his stupid brother!”

“Counting on him, I might as well count on the Obsidian Five Generals!”

Just thinking of this, Thanos suddenly flashed his eyes and looked at the black dwarf lying in the distance of the hall.


Now there may only be four obsidian generals left.

At this time, Deadpool also bubbled up in the chat group.

Deadpool: In that bald eye, Captain Carter and those people are actually just characters in the story! This is really too bad!

Deadpool: If I find out… I’m a character in the story, and I don’t even know if I’ll go crazy!

Wolverine: I don’t think you need to worry because you’re already mentally abnormal! If you go crazy again, you may be able to become sober!

Deadpool: Wow, you stupid Wolverine, you can talk so well! Words pierce my heart!

Deadpool: My heart is broken by you! You are going to comfort me well with your body… (ㄒoㄒ)

Wolverine: ……… →_→

Charles Xavier: The characters in the story are terrible. It’s chilling to think about.

Charles Xavier: If I were in that situation, I think I would have had a nervous breakdown right away! Even stop your heartbeat on the spot!

Magneto: Humph! Charles, you are so weak!

Charles Xavier: Eric! You will always only accuse me, I don’t believe it, after you learned the origin of the mutants, you were not shocked at all!

Magneto: Wait a minute! You won’t take it seriously, that kind of thing… What genetic experiments, just happened in a certain parallel universe! Who can guarantee that this is the case in our universe?

That being said, Magneto is actually very empty in his heart.

In the underworld, he seemed to have a premonition.

He and Charles, these mutants, may really be created by these aliens of the Celestial God Group through genetic experiments!

The so-called next stage of evolution to replace human beings is just wishful thinking!

And as soon as he thought of this, Magneto only felt that the qi and blood in his chest were stirring, and he was almost about to shout wildly.

At this time, his “mutant superiority theory”… It can be said that it has been subverted from the foundation!

Ganata, the daughter of Star Swallowing: Pocket dimension, the strength of that Doctor Demon… It’s really amazing.

Ganata, Daughter of Star Swallowing: Probably… Only after my dad has a full stomach can I defeat him.

Ghost Rider: In other words, how exactly is your father going to be fed? Is it possible to feed him half of the universe?

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallowers: Hey! But you are my messenger, can you speak with a little respect when you speak to your master?

Ghost Rider: ……… That’s how I always speak.

Deadpool: Half a universe! Hahahahaha, laugh me to death!

Deadpool: I just remembered that maybe that Star Swallowing should put together 6 Infinity Stones and snap his fingers to fill his stomach. ^_^

Ganata, daughter of the star-swallowing stars: Yay! What you said makes sense, why didn’t I think of it before?

Thanos Thanos: Don’t be delusional, the Infinity Stones must be in my pocket.

Thanos Thanos: No one can stop me in order to save the universe!

Tony Stark: Stop! You damn lunatic, do you still want to destroy half of the universe now?

Thanos Thanos: My attitude has changed, and I’m not going to say it a second time.

Wanda Maksimov: Who knows if what you said is true, in short… We won’t let you get away with it!

And just when everyone was arguing, the sound of the system sounded again!

[Today’s questions have all been raised and answered correctly, congratulations on successfully completing the task. 】

[The next live broadcast will be held in thirty days.] 】

[At that time, two special guests from the new universe will be invited.] 】

[Thirty days later, the live broadcast includes: “Guardians of the Galaxy 2”, “Wonder Woman”, “Ant-Man 2”, “Avengers 4 (Part I)”]

【Stay tuned.】 】

[Now, you can simply meditate on “leave” in your heart, and you can freely return to where you were. 】

[If someone wants to demand the future of their own variants, they can request it now.] 】

“On demand future!”

Hearing the system’s prompts, countless people in front of the screen were in good spirits.

By now, of course, they know that the future of these variants may have nothing to do with them.

But who wants to give up such an opportunity?

For a while, in the chat group in the live broadcast room, the on-demand sound sounded one after another.

“I’ll play!”

“Me too!”

Divine Kesha: On-demand future! Kind of interesting! I want to try it too.

Thanos Thanos: I don’t believe that in the multiverse, my variants will always be so ungrown!

Alice: Actually… I just want to know what the world I am in will become.

Deadpool: Hahaha! How can such an interesting thing be missing me?

After a few seconds, the sound of the system sounded again.

【Ding! “John Constantine” chooses on-demand future! Current Location:First Place】

【Ding! “Divine Kesha” chooses to choose the on-demand future! Current Location:2nd place】

【Ding! “Stephen Strange” chooses to choose the on-demand future! Current Location:Third place】

【Ding! “Alice” chooses to choose the on-demand future! Current Location:Fourth place】

【Ding! “Deadpool” chooses to choose the on-demand future! Current Location:5th place】

【Ding! Wolverine is not in sequence! 】

【Ding! Thanos Thanos is not in sequence! 】

“It worked!”

Sitting on the throne of the Merlot Heavenly Court, Divine Kesha nodded in satisfaction.

She wasn’t particularly interested in her future.

The reason why this is on demand, Keisha still wants to know more… Will her righteous order be implemented throughout the universe in the future?

At this time in the Watchmen universe, Dr. Demon’s eyes widened sharply, and his face showed an uncontrollable look of surprise.

“Stephen Strange? What’s going on? ”

Standing aside, Dr. Manhattan said:

“In this chat group, one of your variants has already joined, he is now a mage apprentice and is studying under the ancient sect.”

“My variant? Mage apprentice? ”

Hearing such news, Dr. Demon’s eyes suddenly became a little complicated, as if he recalled the past when he studied at Karma Taj.

After a while, he sighed softly.

“Another me, in any case, I only hope that you will not go astray and get carried away by your own desires…”

“Wow, my on-demand was successful.”

Sitting in a remote abandoned building, Deadpool Wade Wilson took off the hood on his head and revealed an ugly smile.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the big screen in the live broadcast room.

[Start playing “The Matrix”]

“Me! This is the future of my variants! ”

At Bruce Wayne’s base, Constantine took a deep breath and focused his gaze on the screen.

[A dilapidated building. 】

[Several police officers broke in and found a woman in black leather sitting in front of a computer screen.] 】

[Meanwhile, outside the building, a car stopped and several men in black suits and sunglasses got out of it.] 】

[The leading agent Smith accused the police of not attacking:]

“You just killed all your men. “】

[At this time, the picture turned, in the room in the building, when a police inspector was about to handcuff the woman in leather, the woman turned around in an instant and broke the policeman’s arm! ] 】

[Immediately after that, the woman jumped up directly and used fighting techniques similar to surpassing gravity to beat these police inspectors to the ground! ] 】

[But even though the woman in black showed combat effectiveness far beyond ordinary people, in the face of those agents in black suits, she still turned around and fled without saying a word. ] 】

[In the process of chasing and fleeing, both sides showed superhuman physical ability, which stunned the police inspectors who were far behind, almost thinking that they were dreaming. ] 】

[Finally, the woman in black finally got rid of the agent and rushed into a phone booth. 】

[The black-suited agent drove directly up and smashed the entire phone booth to pieces. ] 】

[But surprisingly, when the black-suited agent got out of the car, he found that there was nothing in the ruins of the phone booth, not only was there no woman’s body, but even no blood stains could be seen.] 】

“Huh? What is this? ”

Seeing this scene in front of him, Konstantin was a little puzzled.

From the current point of view, the world seems to be a little abnormal, and there seem to be some superpowers.

Moreover, the two sides are still in a state of chasing and being hunted down.

In the live broadcast room, Bruce Wayne’s eyes also flashed.

“The Man in Black? Superpowered? “

“Could it have anything to do with that Man in Black universe?”

“This woman… Wouldn’t it be aliens? ”

At this moment, a familiar face finally appeared on the screen.

“Konstantin! This is a variant of Konstantin! ”

Looking at the familiar face on the screen, little Wanda clapped her hands and laughed:

“No matter what universe he is in, this guy is really handsome.”

PS: After The Matrix, it’s the heavens coming, Sherlock, Resident Evil, and runaway players!

PS2: Collect! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Ask for a monthly pass! All for support! ^_^

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