Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 583 Seizing Every Opportunity to Make a Deal with Fu Xishen

Chapter 583 Seize every opportunity to make a deal with Fu Xishen

Since the existence of the juniors has affected them, the best way should be to get rid of those juniors.

The old man is old, and because of this, what their children need to prepare is the issue of succession.

What qualifications do those juniors have to surpass them and take over the Chu family's property, which was built by them and the old man together.

Brother, I have a way to confirm that Chu Zi's death is related to Gu Ninghuan. Chu Xifeng looked scheming.

After a period of calmness, Chu Xifeng has calmed down.

Chu Zi died suddenly, and he also felt very painful.

Those who can achieve great things cannot be immersed in these sad emotions.

Chu Dongshu was a little surprised: What way? You know, the Fu family is not easy to deal with, and both Chu Tan and the old man are on Gu Ninghuan's side.

Don't worry, my evidence will definitely make it impossible for Gu Ninghuan to wash herself away. Chu Xifeng's eyes were full of confidence, and he didn't look like a person who just lost his daughter.

Seeing that Chu Xifeng is so confident, Chu Dongshu has no reason to refuse to cooperate with him, but in order to protect himself, Chu Dongshu will not do this early bird.

Let Chu Xifeng go to Zhang Luo, and when he has everything ready, he will check the direction of the wind.

If the wind direction at that time was wrong, then no matter what he said, Chu Dongshu would not stand by Chu Xifeng's side.

However, if the evidence prepared by Chu Xifeng is enough to frame Gu Ninghuan and put him in prison, it doesn't matter much to help him.

Chu Dongshu's calculations were clear in his heart, and it's not that Chu Xifeng didn't know his big brother's schemes against him, but even if he knew, there was nothing he could do about it.

None of them can continue to make Gu Ninghuan proud, and it is because of this that they need to cooperate.


When Fu Pingjun arrived in Suzhou City, he was not taken to the Chu House by Chu Tan, but placed in the villa he bought.

She was taken by Chu Tan to sit on the sofa, looked up at him and asked, Why don't you live in Chu's residence? What news can you get from living here?

It's just that Fu Pingjun has lost a little bit of insight because she has not been deeply involved in the world, and she is not stupid.

Something has been wrong since I boarded the private jet, and it feels even more wrong now.

Chu Tan's tone was very light: I don't live with those older people from the Chu family at all, and it's so late now, if I go to the Chu family, I will inevitably be arrested and questioned by those old people again.

Those people are your elders. When you address them, you should be more polite. Fu Pingjun frowned slightly. She knew that Chu Tan had studied abroad since she was a child.

He has not been educated in China about respecting teachers, and because of this, whether a person is worthy of respect has nothing to do with blood in his heart.

But Fu Pingjun received domestic education since he was a child. No matter what the elders did wrong, the younger generation should not have any refute to them.

Chu Tan hugged Fu Pingjun in his arms, and said impatiently: OK, OK, I won't call them old things from now on.

Fu Pingjun wanted to say something more, but he looked down and saw the growing tiredness in Chu Tan's brows, so he didn't speak again.

She knew that Chu Tan was always very busy, and she didn't know why he suddenly appeared in the capital when he was going on a business trip.

But Fu Pingjun felt that it was not just because he wanted to sleep with her.

Fu Pingjun lived in this villa temporarily with full of doubts, and he didn't know how the young lady was doing now.


Gu Ninghuan didn't know that Fu Pingjun was tricked by Chu Tan to come to Suzhou City, and she answered Dana's call with her mobile phone.

He said on the phone that Chu Zi's autopsy report will be announced by the doctor tomorrow, and Mr. Chu meant that Gu Ninghuan should also listen to it.

If the old man doesn't believe that Gu Ninghuan killed Chu Zi, it is tantamount to using the autopsy report to clear Gu Ninghuan's innocence.

Gu Ninghuan took the mobile phone and thanked Dana: Okay, I understand, I will definitely show up on time tomorrow.

Do you need me to send bodyguards to pick you up? Dana asked.

Gu Ninghuan refused, she didn't think it was necessary.

There were many bodyguards Fu Xishen arranged for her, both in the open and in the dark.

She also thought that it was just a trip to the Chu residence, so it shouldn't be that dangerous.

After Dana's call was disconnected, Gu Ninghuan was lying on the bed. There should be a bloody storm waiting for her in Chu Mansion tomorrow.

Even if she does the right thing, she still feels a little scared.

Fu Xishen, tomorrow I want to go to Chu Mansion alone. Gu Ninghuan looked at the lights on the ceiling and said thoughtfully.

Fu Xishen paused slightly with his fingers typing on the keyboard: Why?

I don't know what kind of hatred there is between the Fu family and the Chu family, but I think, if it wasn't serious, Chu Xifeng wouldn't look at you as if he wanted to eat you up. .” Gu Ninghuan replied.

If it was more serious, Gu Ninghuan hadn't said it yet.

Back then, Chu Xifeng looked at Fu Xishen more fiercely than when he looked at her.

What kind of feud is it that made the Chu family hate the Fu family so much, and even extended this hatred to Fu Xishen.

It's not that she didn't send people to investigate the enmity between Chu and Fu's family, but none of the people she sent found out the truth.

The original truth seemed to be deliberately concealed in the land, and no one wanted to let the junior know about it.

Fu Xishen didn't answer, which meant that he agreed to Gu Ninghuan's opinion in a disguised form.

The man's rare understanding made Gu Ninghuan suspicious.

She took her mobile phone and got out of bed barefoot, went to Fu Xishen, poked him with her finger: Do you know something that I don't know, if you really know why the Fu family and the Chu family have grudges? , then you tell me.

Even if you know, will it change anything? Fu Xishen's eyes were dim, and he said lightly.

Gu Ninghuan didn't like Fu Xishen's unpredictable appearance.

The more unfathomable he looks like this, the more Gu Ninghuan will think she is very stupid.

She dragged the stool over and stared at him like this: Do you want to tell me!

Tell you what? Fu Xishen looked away from the computer screen and glanced at her.

Of course you told me about the grievances between the Fu family and the Chu family, you should know about it! Gu Ninghuan didn't know which generation the grievances were formally formed.

But since Chu Xifeng and Chu Nian seem to know, then Fu Xishen should also know.

Fu Xishen's knuckle-boned fingers picked up the empty coffee cup in front of him, and handed it to Gu Ninghuan: Go and make me a cup of coffee.

If I help you make coffee, then tell me about the Chu family and the Fu family. Gu Ninghuan took the empty coffee cup and seized the opportunity to make a deal with Fu Xishen.

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