Now the Yao Chi Holy Land is in turmoil, and many forces from the outside world are eyeing it covetously. If there is no immortal holy weapon, even if there is a supreme being in charge, it is very likely to arouse the murderous intentions of those evil wolves.

After all, the difference in strength between the supreme being with an immortal holy weapon and the supreme being without an immortal holy weapon is too great.

"Cough, cough cough."

A few coughs interrupted the thoughts of the Yao Chi Holy Lord. She turned her head and found that it was the young man who spoke just now.

Lu Qingchen was tall and slender, like a spear inserted into the ground, with clear eyebrows and handsome eyes. At this moment, he stood there motionless and stared at the Yao Chi Holy Lord, with a serious and solemn expression on his face.

"First of all, I want to declare that what happened just now was a misunderstanding. I was thinking about something at the time and was a little involved, so my behavior may be a little offensive. Sorry."

The Yao Chi Holy Lord glanced at him, then turned around silently without saying a word.

What she cares about now is not this at all. Compared with the dire situation in Yaochi Holy Land, being accidentally offended by a teenager can only be regarded as a trivial matter.

Besides, the other party also specifically explained that it was not intentional, so she naturally would not care.

"I swear that I am telling the truth, and I am absolutely not lying to you."

Seeing that the Holy Lord of Yaochi turned his head and did not speak, Lu Qingchen suddenly became a little anxious,

"I was really just thinking about something just now. You are beautiful, but compared to this, the current situation is what I care more about."

Lu Qingchen spoke very quickly, fearing that the woman in front of him would regard him as a lecher, otherwise, not only would his reputation be ruined, but even his new martial spirit might be gone.

The former is okay, and it's okay if the reputation is lost. Anyway, Lu Qingchen is not a person who cares about face.

But the key is the latter. If this woman thinks he is a lecher and does not cooperate with him, then the beautiful hope of using the black unicorn as a new martial spirit will be ruined.

Thinking of this, Lu Qingchen became even more anxious, and his mind was turning rapidly, thinking about how to prove his innocence.

"I didn't say I didn't believe you, I was just thinking about something."

Yao Chi Saint Lord was speechless,

"I'm very upset now, and I don't have time to chat with you. If you feel free, you can find time to recover from your injuries. I have recovery treasures here."

Yao Chi Saint Lord said, while taking out a small jade bottle from the storage ring and throwing it over.

Lu Qingchen subconsciously reached out to take it, but when he took the small jade bottle, Yao Chi Saint Lord's figure had disappeared.

"Big sister, you must not go alone to deal with that black unicorn, a divine beast of the quasi-emperor realm, you will suffer a great loss..."

Standing in the empty cave, Lu Qingchen couldn't help but sigh to the sky. He was very worried about the Yao Chi Saint Lord, not because of his kindness, but because he was worried that his new martial spirit was gone.

Thinking of this, Lu Qingchen hurried to the cave entrance.

Arriving at the cave entrance, Lu Qingchen looked directly at the easternmost part without thinking. His guess was correct. This woman had indeed gone to find the black unicorn.

Just when he was hesitating whether to go to help, a very familiar spiritual power fluctuation made him give up this idea.

At the easternmost part, in the cave where the black unicorn was, a white light shot up into the sky, followed by waves of misty air, and the sacred breath surged like a sea tide.

"What, the plain cloud world flag... is on this woman?"

Seeing this scene, Lu Qingchen opened his mouth wide. He never expected to see the plain cloud world flag here. This luck was too heaven-defying.

If this plain cloud world flag is added, he will have collected three of the innate five flags, only the Zhenwu Zao Diao flag and the Qinglian Baose flag are missing.

Before, the Emperor Tianzhen had said that in addition to him, there were a total of three inheritors.

Among them, the Zhenwu Soap Carving Flag and the Blue Lotus Treasure Flag were passed on to two of the inheritors, and the remaining inheritor was assigned a quasi-emperor weapon.

"If I can get the plain cloud world flag, then half of the innate five-sided flags will be collected. As for the remaining two... Anyway, as long as I don't give up the last inheritance, I will definitely meet other inheritors. At that time, as long as I win, the innate five-sided flags will be completely collected!"

Thinking of this, Lu Qingchen suddenly became a little excited.

Because Emperor Tianzhen and Lao Huang both said that if these five small flags can be collected, they can even suppress some extreme imperial soldiers!

In addition, once the innate five-sided flag is obtained, he can successfully practice the supreme magical power passed down by Emperor Tianzhen.

At that time, his strength will definitely be improved to a terrifying level. Even if he does not rely on any external objects, he has the confidence to compete with the top geniuses in the entire cultivation world with his own strength!

Hey, the Nine-Turn Heavenly Array Divine Art!

Chapter 569 The Nine-Turn Heavenly Array Divine Art! Three Extreme Realms

The Nine-Turn Heavenly Array Divine Art is the only supreme magical power left by the Heavenly Array Emperor. This method is said to enable warriors to break through the extreme realm and become the most respected in the same realm when practiced to perfection.

The extreme realm has always belonged to outstanding people, and ordinary warriors can only look up to them.

For example, the eleventh level of the Tempering Body Realm that Lu Qingchen had heard from Lao Huang before is the extreme realm of the Tempering Body Realm, which is called "Qi Xue Jin Dan" by the outside world. Once the Qi Xue Jin Dan is cultivated, it means that the Tempering Body Realm is invincible and there will be no opponents.

In addition, as long as you reach the realm of qi and blood golden elixir, it means that you have laid a peerless foundation. The starting point of martial arts is far beyond that of ordinary people. In the future, even if you break through the king realm, the holy realm, or even the immortal realm, you can surpass the same realm. One end.

Otherwise, it would not be said that the extreme realm only belongs to outstanding people. Only the outstanding people of an era can cultivate a realm to the extreme.

This is the charm of the extreme realm, and no warrior in the world of cultivation can refuse it.

Of course, the Body Tempering Realm is not the only extreme realm known so far. Among all the realms, there are three realms that are considered by the cultivation world to be possible to achieve the extreme realm. These are all paths blazed by predecessors. The three realms are It is the body tempering realm, the king realm, and the holy realm.

And the "Nine Revolutions of Heavenly Formation Divine Art" magical power left by the Heavenly Formation Emperor is aimed at the extreme realm of the King Realm!

Lu Qingchen had studied it carefully before, but this method was too mysterious. Even with his understanding, it took him a long time to understand its meaning.

The most important thing about this supreme magical power is to inscribe the formation in the body. The entire body is used as the formation map, and the nine acupoints are the formation eyes. Each formation eye needs to simulate a treasure until its charm is completely reproduced. .

At first, Lu Qingchen didn't believe that there was such a magical power. He even suspected that there was something wrong with his brain. It wasn't until Lao Huang confirmed it that he completely believed it.

According to the Emperor of Tianzhen, this magical power has great limitations. You must understand a law before you can start practicing it, because only by understanding the law can you build the prototype of this treasure in your body. Finally, in this Runes are engraved on the prototype of the treasure.

Since the Nine Turns Heavenly Formation Divine Art is called the Nine Turns, it is naturally related to "nine". There are countless acupoints on a warrior, but the Heavenly Formation Emperor only chose nine as the formation eyes. One of the reasons is because of the nine. This number is an extreme number.

As we all know, the number nine is extremely mysterious. Except for the extreme realm, most martial arts realms are divided by nine. For example, the ninth level of Tianwu realm means the peak of Tianwu realm.

In addition, the mystery of the number nine is also reflected in the division of the levels of geniuses. Nine is the ultimate number. From ancient times to the present, even the most talented warriors can only cross nine small realms to fight against the enemy. The great emperors of all dynasties are still the saints of heaven, and no one has ever been able to escape this law.

Except the Emperor of Heaven.

As for another reason, it is because the higher the grade of the treasures simulated by these nine formation eyes, the better. This has been proven by the Heavenly Formation Emperor.

Although he has ascended to the throne, the Heavenly Formation Emperor has not practiced the Nine-turn Heavenly Formation Divine Art to the extreme. Even so, looking at ancient and modern times, the strength of the Heavenly Formation Emperor can still be ranked among the top ten.

The four swords of Zhu Xian and the five innate flags add up to nine treasures. This is the ultimate goal of the Heavenly Formation Emperor.

Unfortunately, it was too difficult to gather the five innate flags. Until the war with the evil spirit clan broke out, the Heavenly Formation Emperor could only practice the Nine-turn Heavenly Formation Divine Art to the seventh turn. Among them, the Killing Immortal Sword Formation occupied four formation points. The innate five-square flag occupies three.

As for why the Heavenly Formation Emperor did not cultivate this supreme magical power to the ninth level, the most fundamental reason is the lack of the other two small flags, and the Heavenly Formation Emperor himself is unwilling to deal with it.

Now that Lu Qingchen has obtained this supreme magical power, he already has the treasures needed for the three formations. Not only that, he also has an idea of ​​the remaining six treasures. This luck is simply heaven-defying.

Once he can obtain the remaining six treasures and practice this supreme magical power to the extreme, his combat power will reach a terrifying level.

By then, as long as the cultivation level reaches the emperor level, then the combat power will directly surpass the Tianzhen Emperor, and the strength will be directly comparable to the most powerful figures in the past and present.

"The Five Innate Banners are responsible for defense, and the Four Swords of Zhuxian are responsible for attack. Now I have understood two laws. Once I refine my martial soul and break through to the king's realm, I will understand at least five laws."

Lu Qingchen murmured,

"According to the Emperor of the Heavenly Formation, the limit of the King Realm is to simulate the prototypes of the five formation eyes. Only the peak of the Holy Master Realm can simulate all the prototypes of the nine formation eyes. If this is the case, then I must rush to break through the Emperor. Collect five treasures before entering the realm."

Lu Qingchen's thoughts were spinning rapidly. Now that the plain cloud flags had appeared, and the five innate flags were only two short of being able to be gathered, he naturally began to plan for his ultimate king's realm.

"Boy Lu, I suggest you gather the five innate flags first, and then construct the innate five element formation by simulating these five treasures."

While Lu Qingchen was thinking, Lao Huang also put forward his own opinion.

"You don't lack offensive means. Whether it's the Star Reaching Hand, the Heaven-shaking Dragon Fist or the Seven Heaven-Slaying Styles, they are all top-notch offensive magical powers. Compared to attack, what you lack are defensive means."

Perhaps because the road to the extreme is so important, Lao Huang has already made preliminary plans for Lu Qingchen's future.

“I have communicated with Taoist fellow Tianzhen about this matter, and he also thinks that this is the most correct thing to do.

To put it simply, the fundamental purpose of the Nine Revolutions Heavenly Formation Divine Technique is to construct nine formation eyes in the warrior's body, and then connect them to a complete formation, so that the warrior has part of the power of the formation.

Needless to say, the Four Swords of Zhuxian. The combination of the four swords and the Zhuxian Formation can be used to create the Zhuxian Sword Formation. This formation is the supreme killing array. The Emperor of the Heavenly Formation has already done this for you. The Nine-turn Heavenly Formation Divine tactics are equivalent to formation diagrams. "

Lu Qingchen thought for a moment and nodded.

"Now that the formation diagram is already there, you only need to simulate the treasures one by one to build the prototype of the formation eye.

The Nine Transformations Divine Formation is divided into two formations. One is the Zhuxian Sword Formation composed of four swords, and the other is naturally the Innate Five Elements Formation composed of five small flags. "

Chapter 570 How can I be a bad guy?

Lao Huang patiently explained to Lu Qingchen the mystery of the magical power of the Nine Transformations of Heavenly Formation. He had been alive for too many years, and he knew most of the magical powers that had appeared in the world of cultivation and were very famous.

As the founder of the road to the ultimate realm of kings, the Heavenly Formation Emperor is considered a very powerful being among many great emperors.

When he was still alive, he single-handedly killed several evil emperors of the evil spirit clan. He also used the supreme killing formation, the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, to suppress an evil emperor. His cultivation and merit were as good as his own creation, and his strength shocked the past and present.

Old Huang had naturally heard of such a wonderful and gorgeous emperor, so the moment the remnant soul of the Heavenly Formation Emperor appeared, he immediately asked about this supreme magical power and the path to the ultimate realm of the king's realm. A clear one.

This is also the reason why he can most accurately plan Lu Qingchen's current choice.

"The Emperor of the Heavenly Formation drew on the formation book to create the supreme magical power of the Nine-turn Heavenly Formation Divine Art, just to combine the formation that dominates the killing with the most powerful defensive formation in the cultivation world. Once this method is successful, It can be said that it is both offensive and defensive, with no weaknesses.”

"I understand this."

Regarding what Lao Huang said, Lu Qingchen nodded in agreement,

"Old Huang, you want me to gather all the five innate flags first, and then build the innate five elements array in my body. In this way, I will no longer lack defense means, right?"

Lu Qingchen asked. After listening to what Lao Huang said before, he probably understood what Lao Huang meant.

The cultivation of the magical power of the Nine-turn Heavenly Formation Divine Technique is equivalent to carving a complete formation diagram in the body. This formation diagram is divided into two small formations. One of the small formations is the Zhuxian Sword Formation, which is mainly used for attacking. , another small formation diagram is the Innate Five Elements Formation, which is mainly for defense.

Each of these two small formations can operate independently. You only need to completely construct the formation eyes required by the formation, then carve formation patterns on these formation eyes, and finally inject spiritual power to activate them directly.

The more he understood the Divine Art of the Nine Transformations of the Heavenly Formation, the more Lu Qingchen felt that the Emperor of the Heavenly Formation was amazingly talented. Not to mention creating a supreme magical power, the wonderful idea of ​​"engraving the formation into the body" was not something ordinary people could do. All that can be thought of.

"That's right, using the body as the formation diagram, the Dantian as the center of the formation, and the nine major acupoints as the formation eyes, a complete formation is finally constructed within the body. I have to say that the Heavenly Formation Emperor is really a genius."

Lao Huang's tone was full of admiration for the Heavenly Formation Emperor.

"Except for the fact that the treasures required for the Formation Eye are of a very high level and are extremely difficult to collect, this supreme magical power has almost no shortcomings. All you have to do now is get the other three five-square flags before the Emperor Realm.

As for the plain cloud flag on this woman, you can find a way to get it first, even if you borrow it, and then return it after the formation eye is successfully constructed. "

Lao Huang smiled and analyzed the current situation with Lu Qingchen.

The treasures needed to practice the Nine-turn Heavenly Formation Divine Art are very precious, and it is almost impossible for a practitioner to get all these treasures by one person. This is something that the Heavenly Formation Emperor has already thought of.

In other words, cultivating this magical power created by the Heavenly Formation Emperor does not require acquiring all these treasures. It only takes a period of time to carve out the rules, runes and charm of these treasures in the body.

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