Ye Xiaoshu returned to the God-killing Armor and aimed the cannon that had accumulated energy at the artificial sea.

"PR403, search for life forms in the sea."

(Locking, locked.)

"I will force the Abnormality out of the sea later. If danger occurs, remember to protect yourself first," Ye Xiaoshu said.

"Yes, sir!"

Although they were chasing ducks to get on the shelves, they showed courage befitting their age.

Experiencing adversity has made these young people braver.

Ye Xiaoshu smiled, looked at them and nodded, and then controlled the God-killing Armor to fly up.


The energy of the giant cannon poured out, stabbing into the sea like a sharp sword.

With a "squeak" sound, the water splashed ten meters high, and the water vapor dispersed upward.

Then, there was a harsh dragon roar.

"Ouch!!! (Who made me sleepy!!)"

When the emperor-level spiritual beast emerged from the sea, Ye Xiaoshu suddenly became embarrassed.

The long silver creature refers to the silver candle... A hole was blown out of its body and it was constantly bleeding into the sea.

Yin Zhu looked at the crowd at the beach with bared teeth and cursed loudly:

"Roar!! (Seeking death!)"

"The Jiao's Breath of Life and Death!"

It opened its big mouth to accumulate the breath of frost. If it was really sprayed out, everyone present except Ye Xiaoshu would die.

"Yin Zhu!" A cry made Yin Zhu wake up.

The dragon head looked at the mecha in the sky and asked doubtfully:

"Young... Young Master?"

Ye Xiaoshu helplessly flew down from the sky and walked out of the armor.

I thought it was a fierce battle, but it turned out to be one of our own.

"What's going on? Why haven't you contacted me for so long? I thought you died somewhere."

Yin Zhu lowered his head and said sadly:

"My life is like a worm. Young Master, you can't just leave me like this..."

"It's not that I don't want to contact you, it's just that I can't contact you at all."

Ye Xiaoshu patted his big dragon head and asked:

"Tell me carefully what's going on?"

Yin Zhu sighed and said:

"Well, it's a long story."

"The 'spicy' treasure you gave me can increase the spiritual beast's cultivation. Just a few bites of it gave me a hundred years of cultivation."

"My cultivation has reached a bottleneck. I've been observing the sky recently and counting the auspicious days. I feel it's time to break through and transform into a dragon."

"This old slave cares about the young master, and I hope that after transforming into a dragon, I can help you by helping you."

"But the sudden change in the East China Sea took away nearly half of the old slave's life! The old slave has been hiding in Tibet, trying to contact you, but there is no way."

"Recently, I finally found a secluded place, which is this artificial sea, and I got a shot... Wow~ This old slave's waist~"

Ye Xiaoshu smiled awkwardly and said:

"Ahaha, that's really miserable."

"Come on, don't talk too much first, just take this pill."

Ye Xiaoshu handed over a large piece of Jigong Dan and threw it into the dragon's mouth.

Yin Zhu's body was miraculously repaired, and the holes blasted by the destruction cannon were restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Listening to Yin Zhu's narration, Ye Xiaoshu couldn't help but think, and after thinking of something, he asked:

"In other words, the large number of dead fish and shrimps in the sea has something to do with this sudden change in the East China Sea?"

Yin Zhu: "Exactly."

The superpower team stood aside and watched with dull eyes as Yilong and the others babbled in some incomprehensible language.

This is dragon language, and of course they can't understand it.

But seeing Chief Ye subdue the dragon with just one hand, the worship that had been extinguished was ignited again.

‘Handsome, so handsome. ’ they thought to themselves.

Ye Xiaoshu asked: "You live in the sea and you don't have any gossip? There must be a source for the changes in the sea."

"Is it possible that the apostles are causing trouble?"

Yin Zhu shook his head and said: "That's not true. The seabed is calm and calm, and nothing happened except being deprived of life."

"But... before the life under the sea is cut off, there is a piece of news."

"Some spirit beasts on the seabed said that a fairy cave appeared out of thin air at the bottom of the East China Sea."

"In Lao Nu's opinion, it should be that the magic circle from ancient times began to gradually fail, and the cave sky was revealed."

Ye Xiaoshu murmured: "First the cave sky, and then the death of a large number of fish and shrimps at the bottom of the sea. It is difficult not to connect these two things together."

"What do you mean, go take a look?"

Yin Zhu quickly shook his head and said fearfully:

"No, young master, this old slave has experienced this life and death crisis and has less than two hundred years left to live. You are a human being and have only a few decades to live."

"I'm afraid it might have become a feather before we even got there..."

The longer I live, the more I fear death. When life is really threatened, Yin Zhu can run faster than anyone else.

"But there is another way. If I can make the old slave successfully transform into a dragon, I will definitely be able to help the young master!"

Transform into a kept chanting this word when it first met Yin Zhu.

It takes a thousand years of cultivation to turn a dragon into a dragon. The bonuses brought by the spicy strips and chicken drumsticks were perfectly absorbed by Yin Zhu, and now he has the qualifications to become a dragon.

These are what Yinzhu saw in ancient books on the seabed, but he doesn’t know much about the actual operation.

Ye Xiaoshu really wanted to visit the ‘immortal’ cave, this must be a great blessing.

He is in urgent need of strength growth now, and this is simply an opportunity that feeds into his mouth.

But it also comes with risks, and I would definitely not be able to get through it without the help of Silver Candle.

If you want to go to the cave, you must first turn the silver candle into a dragon.

"So... can you transform into a dragon?" Ye Xiaoshu asked.

"Uh... no." Yin Zhu lowered his head in shame.

"Young master, please don't look at me like this! I've never seen a real dragon, and I don't know how to transform..."

His words awakened Ye Xiaoshu.

"A real dragon... I actually know one."

"Young Master, are you serious about this?"


After saying that, Ye Xiaoshu took out his mobile phone from his pocket and made a call.

"Hey, madam, are you free?"

"Qiu Ling is always available to the young master."

Speaking of real dragons, it is Nie Qiuling, the reincarnation of the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Ye Xiaoshu: "Do me a favor. There is a novice dragon in Zhehai who is about to go on the road. Come over and give me some guidance."

Nie Qiuling: "Guide... on the road?"

Ye Xiaoshu: "Yes, how many steps does it take to transform a dragon into a dragon?"

Nie Qiuling: "Different types require different steps, depending on age..."

Ye Xiaoshu interrupted her and said with a smile:

"I can't explain it on the phone, just come."

Nie Qiuling: "Okay, young master."

The phone hangs up.

"Young Master... do you think there is a chance that this old slave will transform into a dragon?"

Ye Xiaoshu smiled and patted his big head and said:

"Master Nie is here, it's stable."

His words were just a joke, but they were deeply ingrained in Yin Zhu's heart. Long murmured:

"Master Nie..."

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