Looking at the description above, it is indeed a very good prop, but the last two sentences made Ye Xiaoshu feel that it was not quite right.

Although purple props can permanently improve attributes, they are usually accompanied by huge side effects.

"Forget it, we'll talk about it later."

Ye Xiaoshu put the cookies aside and continued to click on the lottery.

After clicking Ten Connect several times, a bunch of snacks appeared in front of me.

It had been a long time since the lottery was drawn, and a wave of winnings had begun, and what was left was actually some miscellaneous rubbish.

In addition to mineral water and fragrant snails, there is also the occasional purple item.

There is no guarantee for this lottery, so Ye Xiaoshu doesn’t know how long it will take for the goods to be shipped.

He kept clicking like this. Anyway, he had more than 500 cigarettes, which was enough for him to click for a while.

Unconsciously, the snacks in front of him were piled up, and the newly picked items fell behind him.

At this moment, Nie Qiuling opened the door to the room.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw a mountain of various snacks coming towards her.

Nie Qiuling ducked sideways, and all these things rushed into the corridor.

She walked around the snacks and walked into the room expressionlessly, and said softly:

"Master, it's time to have breakfast~"

Ye Xiaoshu shouted in surprise: "It's out! It's shipped!"

Nie Qiuling nodded dullly and walked out of the room silently. She sighed and shook her head:

"Alas, the young master is still under too much mental pressure." After saying that, she left the corridor.

Ye Xiaoshu didn't notice Nie Qiuling entering the room, he was completely immersed in the lottery.

System prompts came in my ears.

[Congratulations on getting the golden prop - prop upgrade coupon]

[Congratulations on getting the golden prop - Fairy Binding Rope]

[Prop Upgrade Coupon]: You can choose a blue prop to upgrade its quality to purple. (Purple props have the effect of permanently improving attributes)

[Tie Fairy Rope] Golden Quality

After using it, the opponent will be tied up after ten seconds. The tied unit cannot use any abilities, such as: spiritual skills, martial arts, ninjutsu, runes, fields...

While the item is activated, the opponent cannot struggle, otherwise the item will enter a one-hour cooling time.

[Ignore the strength limit and there is no limit on the number of times. 】

Big Bricks all have limitations in strength, but this thing only has one condition.

No wonder it's called the Immortal Binding Rope. When an immortal comes, he or she will be tied up in the rope, but... the premise is that the other party doesn't struggle.

Ye Xiaoshu carefully looked at the fairy binding rope. This thing was a golden hemp rope and it felt very tough.

The things he got in this lottery were a bit mixed. Ye Xiaoshu sorted them out, and then he thought about the ownership of the two chapter tickets.

Without the invincibility of the system, melon seeds would be the biggest life-saving weapon, and with immunity, the wealth value deducted every time he was beaten would be greatly reduced.

It's just that the side effects are so great that he rarely uses this prop. Without the side effects, wouldn't it be infinitely useful?

He used both silver and gold coupons on spiced melon seeds.

[Golden Melon Seeds] Purple Quality

8 wealth value

Within one hour of taking it, you will be immune to 50% of the damage suffered, and will ignore pain for the duration.

[After use, damage immunity is permanently increased by 10%, stacking up to 50% (cannot be stacked with the main effect)]

It removes negative status and enhances the properties of melon seeds. It can be said to be the most cost-effective prop at present.

After Ye Xiaoshu took a look at the properties, he put everything into the insulator, put on his clothes and left the room.

A total of three props were obtained: Golden Melon Seeds, Spiritual Boy Biscuits, and Immortal Binding Rope, which made Ye Xiaoshu more confident in his subsequent actions.


Thirty minutes later, the conference room——

Ye Xiaoshu was the last one to arrive, and all the core members had been waiting for a long time.

He walked majestically to the center, coughed slightly and said:

"Then, the meeting begins."

"If you have any questions, just ask."

Hua Yu raised his hand and asked, "Sir, I'm curious about how strong the company's outer shield can withstand attacks."

Ye Xiaoshu: "Let's describe it this way. If a saint-level strongman attacks, he will be unable to penetrate for the rest of his life."

The reserve wealth value of the stronghold barrier is refreshed every day, which can resist attacks without consumption.

Hua Yu asked again: "Then what's the point of letting me be a security guard?"

Ye Xiaoshu said with a smile: "If the shield is penetrated, the safety of the entire company will be left to you."

[Negative emotion value from Huayu +1000]

This sentence is tantamount to - if a strong person above the saint level comes, I will leave it to you to withstand it.

Qin Yunxue raised her hand and asked, "I also have a problem."

Ye Xiaoshu: "Please tell me."

Qin Yunxue: "What organization does the attacking enemy come from? Why do they want to attack our company? What is the benefit to them?"

Ye Xiaoshu thought for a while and then replied:

"Their name is Shadow. They are a mercenary group. They started out as subordinates of the God of Death."

"After being killed by the Dragon Team, the God of Death may have resented the remaining two people in the Dragon Team, Qi Yasu and me."

"Their goal is me. As for the benefits, I don't know yet."

Qi Yasu explained from the side: "In the previous incident, there were rumors that Xiaoshu had the blueprint for a space-based weapon."

"Although he made a fortune, it also made Bad Little Tree targeted by organizations from all walks of life."

Ye Xiaoshu smiled awkwardly and scratched his head in embarrassment.

I made so much money that time. If I did it again, I believe I would still make the same choice.

After answering their questions, no one raised their hands.

Ye Xiaoshu looked at everyone and said, "This time it's my turn to ask you."

"Lan Xinyu (investigation team), is there any action from the military?"

Lan Xinyu replied: "There are many soldiers stationed near the express company we sent to, and the security in Beijing has been strengthened at the same time."

"But Jamie is dead. Without the help of the space system, Shadow can no longer send people to invade China. The actions of the military are only insurance measures."

The army sent people because of Ye Xiaoshu's face. After all, he was a second lieutenant now and had a lot of prestige in the army.

"It's a pity that the action was a little slow. I was almost killed by Jamie alone." Ye Xiaoshu complained helplessly.

Ye Xiaoshu asked again: "Lilith, are there any casualties?"

Lilith shook her cute little head and said with a smile:

"Except the master, everyone is back safely~"

This time, no prisoners were left behind, because it was impossible to guarantee whether they were carrying biological explosives. If they were to seal their spiritual energy with the Forbidden Spirit Iron alone, the entire company would suffer if someone blew himself up.

"Last question, Qi Yasu, how is your breakthrough going?" Ye Xiaoshu asked.

"Thanks to the props in the warehouse, the cultivation speed has been doubled to support my spiritual energy consumption. I have successfully condensed the runes, and now I have one platinum star." Qi Yasu replied with a smile.

Ye Xiaoshu breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with sharp eyes:

"It's not my style to just defend. Only offense is the best defense. Since they dare to provoke us, we won't tolerate it!"

"Dragon Team, follow me on the expedition!"

Everyone: "Yes!"

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