The huge tentacles carried by the piece of meat swept across the battlefield, and the slightest movement would cause violent winds and tsunamis.

Everywhere within reach, spiritual realms opened out of thin air, and monsters who were not afraid of death rushed out from them.

Even if artillery and explosives can have an impact on these abnormalities, they cannot stop their attack.

They have no consciousness of their own at all, they are just puppets on the strings of that huge piece of flesh.

Even if the legs of these monsters are blown off, they will grow tentacles from their broken bodies and crawl forward desperately.

After the meat monster wriggled forward for a thousand meters, it stopped completely.

Bright red viscous juice flows from its body onto the ground.

It extended several tentacles into the soil, and then gradually expanded, while a circular light curtain opened behind it.

With its weird appearance and sacred aura, it looks extremely contradictory.

Suddenly, the meat shrank and expanded violently.

The blood-red energy halo spread towards the defense line.

Scarlet light covered the ground and swept the entire battlefield.

Everyone present was washed away by this energy, with some red bloodshot eyes attached to their bodies, but otherwise nothing happened.

No one was injured or killed by this energy wave.

At this moment, Jia Shun's eyes turned red, and he raised his sniper rifle and prepared to shoot at Ye Xiaoshu.

"Jia Shun!" Zhang Jin yelled, making him regain his senses.

Jia Shun woke up, his hands couldn't stop shaking, and he immediately threw away the sniper in his hand.

It is taboo for soldiers to point guns at teammates!

"I...I didn't, that's not what I meant." Jia Shun panicked and didn't know how to explain.

Ye Xiaoshu said softly:

"It's not your fault. There's probably something wrong with this energy wave."

"Everyone try to stand behind the bunker to avoid this energy from washing away!"

"Everyone pay attention, don't get distracted!"

Everyone in the dragon group: "Yes!"

Ye Xiaoshu didn't have any big problems here, but it was different in other places.

Suddenly, bursts of gunfire suddenly appeared in the camp.


"Bang bang bang bang -"

"I'm your brother, you pointed a gun at... bang -"

"Don't shoot! You can't make the same mistake again and again!"


The soldiers were killing each other. Those with guns fired directly behind their teammates, and those without guns picked up daggers and stabbed their comrades beside them.

The entire military camp was like a hell on earth and the killing spree began!

Those with a clear mind were killed by their teammates before they could resist.

They have been fighting against the Abnormality for so long.

Unexpectedly, he died at the hands of his teammates!

The bomber in the sky suddenly lost control and fell towards the ground!

The pilot controlling the helicopter aimed his gun at the humans on the ground and started pouring fire!

The tank's main gun aimed at the teammates around it and fired suddenly. Because the distance was too close, they both exploded!

There are monsters that are about to charge in front of you, and there are comrades who have turned against you behind.

The battle line was instantly dispersed.

The atmosphere of despair enveloped the entire army...


A soldier broke through the door and rushed in. He raised his machine gun and fired at the commander and the others.

But who are the people present?

Even if it is suppressed to the gold level, it is still a saint's body and has long been immune to bullets.

Cui Zhenjun took action, instantly causing the soldier who fired the shot to faint.

what's the situation?

Are there traitors in the army?

Just when they were confused, countless urgent messages came through.

Flying Eagle Team: "I am the leader of the Flying Eagle Team! Three team members attacked me like crazy! Requesting emergency evacuation!"

Canglang Group: "All warriors whose strength is lower than gold..."

White Tiger Group: "Hahahahaha, die, let's all die!!! Boom!"

Dragon Team: "I am Ye Xiaoshu. It is suspected that there is a mind control enemy, using energy waves to mentally interfere with the soldiers."

"It is recommended to evacuate the front line immediately and gather in the trenches behind!"

Everyone present wanted to say something, but no one dared to say anything before the commander-in-chief spoke.

"Listen to Ye Xiaoshu, command the troops and evacuate!" Cui Zhenjun shouted.

"What about our soldiers? Who is responsible for those soldiers who are mind-controlled?" Feng Yingyi yelled.

"Then who is responsible for the living warriors?"

"Obey military orders!"

The commander-in-chief's words silenced Feng Yingyi.

Yes, what is the difference between these controlled soldiers and dead?

In less than two minutes, a large wave of Abnormalities will rush into the defense line and slaughter them wantonly.

It would be impossible to evacuate by then.

Rather than pity those martyrs, it is better to let the living people leave safely first!

Feng Yingyi also understood this truth, but he really couldn't bear the soldiers who served the country and the people to die like this one by one.

He saluted with trembling fingers and said loudly with tears in his eyes:

"Yes, sir!"

After that, all the generals led their troops to evacuate.

The defense line completely collapsed and was overwhelmed by the Abnormalities.

The soldiers could only retreat while fighting.

No one dares to completely trust the other, and no one knows when he will be shot behind him.

Because they were wary of their teammates, they had huge problems with their coordination.

As a result, the overall strength of the army was greatly reduced.

In the end, the troops escaped from the mental control of the huge abnormality, and with the help of modern technology, the situation was finally stabilized.

The superpower team has been reduced by 50%.

The Marines were wiped out.

The entire air combat unit crashed.

A new round of support arrived, and the soldiers were shocked to start assembling the fort.

When assembling the turret, a soldier couldn't tighten the screws because his fingers were too trembling.

"I...I watched with my own eyes as my elder brother was shot to death by Old Liu."

"That's my brother!" the soldier cried, putting down the wrench.

The veteran sighed, picked up the wrench, and said while tightening the screws:

"I understand. My squad leader also shot and killed the deputy squad leader before committing suicide."

"Today is a desperate day like hell on earth."

The recruit asked with tears in his eyes: "Then why are you so calm?"

The veteran said calmly:

"Because today is not the most desperate. Your brother was killed today. If these monsters break through the defense line..."

"The ones who were killed were your parents and your children."

"At that time, you will regret why you didn't snap out of it at this time."

The recruit sensed no hope in the veteran's words.

But it was such simple words that made the recruits ignite the fire in their hearts.

"I will try my best to prevent the monster from breaking through this last line of defense!"


At this time, Ye Xiaoshu had just escorted his teammates back to the rear camp, then turned around and wanted to rush towards the battlefield.

Qi Yasu grabbed his clothes and asked worriedly:

"Where are you going?"

"There is a spiritual realm over there, you can't go there!"

Ye Xiaoshu also held a trump card in his hand - the Evil Blood Annihilation Curse.

He wanted to bet on whether he could kill the big meat ball by self-destruction.

If it drags on any longer, more people will die...

But what if you fail?

Just when Ye Xiaoshu was hesitating to tell the purpose of the operation, the voice of the command suddenly came to his ears.

The arraignment was heard through the headsets of everyone present.

"According to the report of the China Superpower Research Institute."

"The target energy fluctuations are basically consistent with the ancient materials. In ancient books, this kind of monster is called an apostle."

"We are now giving the target a new name."

"Disaster-level abnormality!"

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