Spiritual Qi Recovery: I Have An Infinite Crafting Bar!

[79] Red Pine Nuts And Baopuzi! The Legend Of Jinhua Cave Sky! 【5 More】

"Oh My God!"

"2133KG, am I not dazzled?"

"How did he do it?"

"My god, how is it possible?!"

Countless students from class yellow were there, howling.

Nalan Que behind Luo Xiu also had an incomparably gloomy face.

Clenching his fists tightly, he made a creaking sound.

Lou Jialuo also had a dignified face, only Zhou Yan and Luo Xiu looked at each other.

"Ah Zhuo, you finally got serious!"

Zhou Yan looked enviously at Shi Zhuo's 2133KG figure and smiled sincerely.

Of course, only this time.

After Shi Zhuo pushed the first blow, he directly pushed away from the testing room.

He gave up the other two thrust opportunities.

But even so, no one has any objections.

Because, 2133KG, with a score of SS-, has refreshed the history of the basic strength of the martial arts test.

A score that had never appeared in the history of martial arts exams was displayed on the big screen in Shi Zhuo's No. 7 test room.

Undoubtedly, Chang Sun Jin, who had just walked into the No. 6 test room, felt dejected.

No one pays attention to her anymore, everyone is discussing Shi Zhuo's demeanor just now.

Including several boxes on the fifth floor!

There are also teachers from the top ten martial arts schools!

To tell the truth, they were all shocked by the figure of 2133KG.

"Do you have any information about this child?"

Changsun Wudi looked at the officer beside him with a livid face. The officer clicked on his mobile phone and shook his head helplessly: "Yes, but the information... is very little!"


"Shi Zhuo, a native of Jinhua Mountain, has lived at the foot of Jinhua Mountain for generations. His father is the son of a Taoist teacher in Jinhua Mountain, and his mother is a peasant woman in Jinhua Mountain Village...

"He was originally a Taoist priest himself, but for unknown reasons, he was expelled from the Jinhua Mountain Danding Daoist School, and thus entered Jinhua No. 1 Middle School to go to school!"


The officer raised his head, Changsun Wudi was stunned: "No more, that's all?"

"Yes, that's all his information!"

"However, his father, Master Shengzi, has been cultivating in Jinhua Mountain. It is said that he is a man of Taoism. His strength is unknown. He has never walked out of Jinhua Mountain in his life. He is already an enemy!"


The eldest grandson Wudi chanted the name of Master Shengzi, but he didn't remember it at all.

This person should not be the Great Master.

"never mind!"

"It's just that Jinhua Mountain...is a bit strange!"

Changsun Wudi murmured, with a look of concern on his face, this Jinhua Mountain is one of the thirty-six caves in China, although it is at the bottom, no one will underestimate that place.

The abundance of Spiritual Qi in each hole can make countless Great Masters crazy about it.

But the danger of the cave, not to mention the Great Master, is very likely to get lost even if you enter the arena at the top.

"How could it be such a coincidence?"

"Jinhuashan is the only cave that has been opened, Master Ye Zong is in that cave!"

"Now, another Taoist priest from Jinhua Mountain has emerged?"

Changsun Wudi looked at Shi Zhuo who was lazily standing in the backstage of Tian Ban, his eyes became more and more profound.

"This son, it's not easy!"

He can only come to this conclusion, which is the result he got after taking a look at Shi Zhuo.

This young man, he looks lazy and salty, but he seems to be very strong, as if he is trying his best to hide something.

"Could it be... to hide his strength?"

"Afraid of being coveted by someone with a heart?"

Changsun Wudi smiled slightly, and said to the officer beside him, "Ada, protect this child well, his future... is limitless!"


The officer named Ah Da bowed quickly.

At this time, in the two largest boxes, the old man and a martial artist with disheveled hair have all stood up.

Their gazes also focused on Shi Zhuo.

A test of basic strength almost shocked the big shots in the entire martial arts test center.

"A Taoist priest from Jinhua Mountain..."

"Yes, Guard!"

Xiang Qing is also giving the old man, that is, Dou Shenwei Zhuan Zhuo's information.

"It's interesting!"

"Jinhua Mountain...that is the place where Master Chisongzi was deified!"

Chisongzi is an ancient fairy in ancient myths and legends.

According to legend, he was the teacher of Shennong Shigure, who could burn himself in the fire and go up and down with the wind and rain.

Such a figure was finally burned to death in Jinhua Mountain, and it is said that he has ascended to the upper realm.

"It's also the place where Baopuzi's pill refining is done!"

Xiang Qing hurriedly added.

The Baopuzi he was talking about was also a celebrity. He was Ge Hong, a famous pill refining master in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and one of the ancestors of Taoism.

His book "Baopuzi" inherited and developed the pill refining technique since the Eastern Han Dynasty, which had a great influence on the development of Taoist pill refining technique and provided valuable historical materials for the study of the history of pill refining in Huazhong and the history of ancient chemistry.

Baopuzi also wrote one hundred volumes of medical works "Yuhan Fang" (already lost), and three volumes of "Elbow Reserve Emergency Prescriptions", covering various medical subjects, including the earliest record of curing smallpox and other diseases in the world.

It can be said that the popularity of this person in Taoism in China is no less than that of red pine nuts!

"This boy, you have to pay close attention!"

"After the Martial Dao Epoch Times opened, we all tried some Taoist cultivation methods, but we couldn't get through!"

"But Lao Ye once asserted that if there is martial arts in the world, if there is Spiritual Qi, there must be the methods of immortals or Taoists, which are the legendary methods of cultivation!"

"That's why he resolutely rushed in after the Jinhua Cave opened—"

Speaking of this, Wei Zhun couldn't help but paused.

Gaze, glanced at somewhere in the hall on the first floor again.

"I hope that the method of cultivation really exists!"

………… Ask for flowers…

"That is definitely a blessing for the whole of China..."

Wei Zhun said lightly, but Xiang Qing's reminder was heard in his ear: "Wei Bureau, that kid from the Lou family...has been tested!"


Wei Zhun immediately suppressed both Jin Huashan and Shi Zhuo, and looked straight at the No. 3 test room.

There, Lou Jialuo was ready to test his basic power zone.

And the sixth Changsun Jin, the fifth Zhou Yan, and the fourth Gong Yuhui have all completed their own thrust assessments one after another.

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, Changsun Wudi received a call.

"Zhu Guo, it's Xiao Jin's call!"


Changsun Wudi's originally pensive face suddenly changed into a warm smile.

"Grandpa, didn't you... didn't watch my thrust test?"

As soon as the phone was connected, in front of Changsun Wudi, Changsun Jin's incomparably angry, tender and pretty face was revealed, but that face looked a bit fierce, and matched with her black-rimmed glasses, there was a strong sense of disobedience Diffuse out.


The eldest grandson Wudi coughed, obviously, he was guessed by his own granddaughter.

Because he was shocked by Shi Zhuo's basic strength, he completely forgot about his granddaughter's test.

"I knew it!"

"Hang up, hum!"

Changsun Jin glared at Changsun Wudi, then hung up the phone in extreme annoyance.

The entire call did not last even 10 seconds.


Changsun Wudi looked at the officer beside him in embarrassment, and the officer could only comfort him there: "Xiao Jin's thrust is not bad, she is number one among the girls!"

"Although it doesn't exceed Xiaochen, it's quite good!"


A thrust that is infinitely close to the limit of 2000KG, and is already the number one woman's basic strength in the rookie camp!

She surpassed Gong Yuhui, Gu Wanyue and Lin Qiuli as well.

Gong Yuhui's thrust is second only to Lin Qiuli, at 1910KG, ranking third in the women's group!

As for Zhou Yan, the fifth place in Class Tianyi, he released a result that no one expected.


No more, no less, just a limit data.

S rating!

So far, the thrust test of Team Tianyi has been completed except for Luo Xiu, Lou Jialuo and Nalan Que.

At this time, Lou Jialuo has launched his first strike!


The entire space on the fifth floor seemed to shake for a moment, and all the people who had just recovered from Shi Zhuo's 2133KG thrust raised their heads in unison once again, and looked at the display screen in the test room marked No.3!


A thrust warning color that was difficult to appear in the past.

In this year's basic strength test of the martial arts test, there has been the third sword!.

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