Spider demons have attributes

Chapter 195 Invitation

"My good friend, how are you doing recently? My zombie subordinates probably haven't disturbed you."

Bai Lin said with a smile.

Horn: "There's a zombie bothering me."

Bai Lin naturally knew that the corpse puppet Horn was talking about was him.

But he didn't care,

His eyes drifted to the nearby Dream Spider. After a brief pause, he said in surprise: "This pet of yours seems to be different from when I saw it before."

"It's none of your business."

Horn said,

Then he asked Dream Spider Xiao Bai to find Lucifer and quickly stay away from Bai Lin's sight to avoid being missed by these zombies.

Horn: "What are you looking for me for? Attending a banquet? Or are the flesh and blood of Hickmos ready? I won't attend the banquet. Give me the flesh and blood of Hickmos. I'm leaving the big tomb." "

Horn has already made plans to relocate the entire volume, and now sends the corpse puppet to complete the "last part" of the mission.

"It is a pity for our family that we are unwilling to attend the corpse puppet's banquet."

Bai Lin bent down and bowed his head to the Spider Demon, "Thank you again, Mr. Spider Demon, for everything you have done for us corpse puppets. I am very grateful."

Horn said nothing;

In my heart, I really want to say that the freedom of your corpse puppets really has nothing to do with me. Sonny Gullance in [Heart of the King] only breathed his last breath. He will probably die in a while. I want to thank you. Just thank Sanniculance for his last kindness to you corpse puppets.


I couldn't say these words,

The truth no longer matters,

The important thing is to get the corpse puppet's favor for free, so why not do it.

Horn: "It's a small matter, it's a small matter, so why did you come to me? Is the banquet over?"

Bai Lin hesitated for a moment and said: "The banquet is still going on, but Mr. Horn is not willing to participate, so we will no longer invite Mr. Horn. This time I came here to convey Master Fubai's wishes."


Horn thought of the guy swimming in the violent thunder pool.

That's a dangerous guy,

The strength shown by the opponent can kill him instantly with just a move of his fingers. This is why Horn has always been reluctant to have direct contact with Fubai.

Bai Lin understood Horn's mood very well.

Horn also had a rough guess at what Bai Lin wanted to say.

Horn complained: "Your Lord Fubai doesn't mean that he still wants to meet me."

Bai Lin nodded, "Master Fubai has no ill intentions. He really just wants to discuss some private matters with Master Horn."

Horn: "Well, can't you let your Fu Bai come to me? Do I have to go to the Thunder Pond? The Thunder Pond is too dangerous, and the little spider doesn't like it."

Bai Lin was puzzled: "Master Fubai needs to recover from his injuries and is currently unable to leave the Lei Pond."


Horn suddenly started gossiping,

Such a powerful monster was injured?

He wanted to ask for more information, but Bai Lin was very tight-lipped. He seemed to realize that he had said something wrong and was unwilling to reveal any more useful information.

Bai Lin persuaded: "Actually, Mr. Horn, you don't have to worry at all. Now that the curse has been lifted, what do you need to be afraid of with Lord Hickmos' power? Besides, Lord Fulber really has no ill intentions."

Horn was silent for a moment and asked, "What exactly does Fubai want to talk to me about?"

Bai Lin said truthfully: "Bai Lin doesn't know, but Lord Fubai ordered us to respectfully invite you over."



As the corpse puppet who knows the most about spider demons, Bai Lin is very aware of how difficult it is to do these two things at the same time, so now he is also in a dilemma. kindness,

It was painful for Bai Lin to be caught in the middle.


The spider demon seems to be in a good mood today and is very talkative.

After sincere pleading,

The spider demon finally agreed to the request and went to the thunder pool together.

Step onto the teleportation circle,

on the road,

Horn has his own thoughts, mainly because he wants to get the flesh and blood of Hickmos, which is said to be only preserved in the thunder pool. The flesh and blood of pure-blooded ghouls can't do much to improve Horn's strength.

Any flesh and blood can only be transformed into relevant attributes in the end, and he already possesses the purest ghoul talent. There is no need to eat the flesh and blood of Hickmos to advance.

But these precious flesh and blood of strong men are crucial to improving Lucifer's strength.

Moreover, Horn recently obtained the [Heart of the Moon] and has a new idea about the flesh and blood of Hickmos. Everything will have to wait until the flesh and blood is obtained.

With this consideration,

Only then did Horn choose to follow Bai Lin and return to the Thunder Pond. On the way, he couldn't help but curiously asked: "Then what are your plans now?"

The zombie is free,

They are no longer bound to the Nightmare Lord’s territory and can freely explore the outside world.

Horn would like to know what these powerful guys have planned next.

"Lord Fubai has no intention of leaving the Tomb of the Sunset,"

"So the Tomb of the Sunset will still be the territory of our Corpse Puppet, but Master Fubai allows us to travel and adventure freely. In the future, my people may appear on any land in the Hermes Empire."

"I'm also going to go somewhere to meet a close friend I haven't seen for many years."


When it comes to this,

The originally dull atmosphere was instantly broken. Bai Lin suddenly opened his chat bag and excitedly explained his future plans, like a child who had been locked up for a long time and was about to go on a long trip. Even though Bai Lin was that old He was considered an older generation among the corpse puppets, and he still looked very excited, with a bright look on his face.

However, after Horn heard that "the corpse puppets were not ready to completely move out of the Tomb of the Sunset\

,"Bai Lin was not interested in listening to anything he said after that.

He was still thinking about the Titan flesh and blood in the Tomb of the Sunset. He thought that if the corpse puppet left, he might as well take the Tomb of the Sunset as his own and enjoy the Titan flesh and blood day and night.

It turned out that he was overthinking,

Corpse puppets are also reluctant to part with the flesh and blood of Titans. Even though they have been imprisoned in the Tomb of the Sunset for countless years, this was once the prison of corpse puppets. Corpse puppets harbor resentment towards this land.

After gaining freedom, the Tomb of the Sunset became the hometown of the corpse puppets, a place they couldn't let go of.

I can only say that the corpse puppets are really a strange bunch of guys.

Sonny Gullance has truly created a new group of perfect and emotional monsters;

"Look at Sonny Gullance's use of talent, and then look at the Heart of the Moon in my hand."

Horn secretly complained,

no way,

His development of [Heart of the Moon] can only be limited to attribute modification. Going any further would consume too much brain and energy. He has no interest in creating a new perfect species like Sonny Gullance.

Talking and talking,

Following Bai Lin, he arrived at the gate of Leichi.

Horn met the grumpy old ladybug Bapu,

Bapu, who was angry last time, was extremely polite this time and said respectfully: "It's an honor to see you again, Mr. Horn."

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