Lin Xuan cleared his throat: "Put those poison dart frogs into the pond."

With an order, the monkeys rushed to lift the iron cage, and then poured the poison dart frogs into the pond.

There are ten poison dart frogs in total.



As soon as it was released, the poison dart frog yelled at Lin Xuan, its puffy cheeks bulging with veins.

They were suffocated in the iron cage, so they wanted to take their anger out on Lin Xuan.

There are even a few poison dart frogs that have started brewing old phlegm.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan sneered: "Call me!"

As soon as the words were finished, the angry group of monkeys jumped on them and raged around the ten poison dart frogs, causing them to croak and scream.

Three minutes later, Lin Xuan said calmly, "It's fine."

Then the monkey group scattered and came behind Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan looked into the pond, and saw that ten poison dart frogs had been beaten bruised and swollen, shivering in the corner of the pond, their bulbous eyes full of fear.

A poison dart frog cried out accidentally, and hurriedly covered its big mouth with its claws.

Lin Xuan said indifferently: "For me, stay in the pond obediently and eliminate the pests in the greenhouse."

"If there is a worm eye on the vegetable, I will blow your eyes!"


Lin Xuan turned his head and left No. 1 vegetable greenhouse.

The monkey group grinned threateningly at the ten poison dart frogs, and followed Lin Xuan away.

For a while, in the huge vegetable greenhouse, there were only ten poison dart frogs crying, like abducted children.

quack quack quack ~~

quack quack quack ~~

Lin Xuan came to the stable to see how the renovation project was going.

At this moment, Xia Tian, ​​Centaur and several monkeys are busy in the stable.

In the morning, Xia Tian had already discussed with Centaur and Beast the approximate transformation plan, although it was a bit strenuous for the two to communicate.

At this moment, Xia Tian is commanding several monkeys to construct, the sound of the chainsaw and the hammer head is very loud.

The centaur stood aside, and if he liked the style of transformation, he would snort from time to time.

Lin Xuan walked into the stable gate and looked up.

The entire stable is converted from the original garage, so it has a large area.

Just entering the door is an open space, which is convenient for the activities of humans, horses and animals.

Going inside, there is a sink and mirror by the wall, and a shower room and toilet on the opposite side.

Going further inside, there is a dining table, half of which is a manger and half of which is a table.

In the innermost compartment, there is a huge low box bed, which is convenient for humans, horses and animals to roll around.

There is also a dresser by the window.

The whole design is very reasonable, making full use of every space.

"Master, you are here."

Seeing Lin Xuan walk in, Xia Tian immediately greeted him: "What do you think?"

Lin Xuan nodded: "It feels good,"

As he spoke, he patted the magnificent buttocks of the centaur:

"Do you like it?"

The centaur snorted happily and gave Lin Xuan a wink.

Lin Xuan: "As long as the filly likes it."

"Okay, then you guys continue to work, I will go with Haozi and the others to do something."

Immediately, Lin Xuan walked out of the stable and closed the door of the stable.

At this time, Wang Hao, Hei Ling, King Kong and the monkey group all came up to Lin Xuan, eager to try.

Lin Xuan adjusted his black windbreaker, put on his hat, and strode towards the door of the villa.

Wang Hao, Hei Ling, King Kong and the group of monkeys immediately followed behind, overwhelming the crowd.

Fat Boy, who was hiding in the mutated piranha vines, showed his small head, smiled and hid.

Lin Xuan and the others walked out of the villa compound with great fanfare, and then walked through a dense jungle.

At this time, Lin Xuan winked at a monkey.

The monkey rolled on the spot in an instant and hid in the dense grass.

Half a minute later, two little blue snakes crawled over from the grass at an extremely fast speed, closely following Lin Xuan and the others.

At this moment, the hiding monkey suddenly jumped up from the grass, grabbed two small green snakes and ran away, howling while running, as if the wild monkeys who came to prey had caught their prey.

The two little snakes were stunned for a moment, "Fuck, I met the sixth child."


At this time, Lin Xuan and others who heard the howling stopped.

Lin Xuan and Wang Hao immediately took off their clothes and hats, put them on two monkeys of similar stature, and then quickly hid in the grass on both sides.

Hei Ling also split into two, one continued to walk forward with the monkey group, and the other hid in the grass.

At this moment, the two green snakes caught by the monkey struggled desperately.

The monkey who caught the snake screamed in fright, dropped the two green snakes, and ran away with its head in its arms.

The two green snakes ignored the fleeing wild monkeys, but hurriedly caught up with the monkey group and continued to follow.

From the perspective of the two green snakes, "Lin Xuan" and "Wang Hao" in black trench coats and the big black cat were all there in front of them.

The two green snakes let out a long sigh of relief and continued to follow and monitor.

The master issued a death order, and he must watch everyone walk to the 102 B&B with his own eyes.

When the monkey group and the two green snakes were far away, Lin Xuan, Wang Hao and Hei Ling came out from the grass.

Lin Xuan sneered: "Let's go, the fun has begun."

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