Donghai City, Military Region General Hospital.

After five days of coma, Lin Feng finally woke up from his bed. Ge

Ming was lying on the head of his bed, and he had hardly left his bed for five days.

"Squad leader?"

Hearing the voice, Ge Ming suddenly looked up:"Lin Feng, you, you are awake!"

"Ha ha……"Ge Ming quickly ran to the door of the ward and shouted:"Doctor, Lin Feng is awake, he is awake!"

Looking at Ge Ming's excited Mo Yang, Lin Feng was confused.

Soon, a group of doctors and professors rushed into the ward, surrounded Lin Feng, touched and looked at him.

"Miracle, it's simply a medical miracle!"

"I have been practicing medicine for fifty years, and I have never seen anyone survive such a serious injury! Young man, your vitality is really strong!"

After listening to the descriptions of the doctors and professors, Lin Feng realized how dangerous his situation was at the time.

When he was sent to the hospital, he had almost lost all the blood, and his heartbeat was intermittent.

After several rounds of rescue, he was finally brought back from the brink of death.

Originally, everyone thought that Lin Feng would have to lie in bed for the rest of his life, but unexpectedly, he sat up by himself after lying in bed for five days.

This shows how strong his desire to survive is.

But only Lin Feng himself knew that if the system had not protected him, he would probably have died long ago.

Ten minutes later, the doctor finished the examination and left only after confirming that all indicators and data were normal.

Lin Feng just wanted to take a breath when the door opened.

His platoon leader and regiment commander walked in, each carrying a fruit basket

""Platoon leader, regiment commander! Why are you here?"

Lin Feng wanted to sit up and salute in surprise, but was pushed back by the platoon leader.

The platoon leader smiled and said,"Xiao Lin, you are a patient, lie down quickly, and don't salute us!"

Lin Feng lay down again and said with a smile,"Then I won't be polite."

The regiment commander looked at Lin Feng with admiration:"Young people are in good physical condition. If it were me, an old man, I would have gone to Naihe Bridge to drink soup!"

Lin Feng smiled and said,"Commander, your body is much stronger than mine. How can I compare with you with my small body!"

Hearing Lin Feng's joke, the platoon leader and the regiment commander who rushed over after hearing the news were completely relieved.

This kid is really okay!

Thinking of the scene when all the doctors and professors shook their heads and sighed when he was sent to the hospital five days ago, the two were so excited that they wanted to cry.

The regiment commander went up and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder:"Xiao Lin, you are a good guy. You have not brought shame to our border defense forces. It is my blessing to have a good soldier like you who is not afraid of life and death and has a strong will!"

The regiment commander's words came from the heart. Everyone, including Ge Ming and the platoon leader, were proud of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng shook his head:"Commander, I am a soldier of Longguo. Killing the enemy on the battlefield is my duty! What's more, those guys have invaded our Longguo land. I must keep them all no matter what!"

The regiment commander nodded:"You are right, this is the duty of a Longguo soldier!"

"I have reported this matter to the border defense command. When the leaders learn about your heroic deeds, they will set you up as a role model for the entire army and call on all soldiers to learn from you!"

"The army also awarded you a second-class medal of honor, which is the army's praise and affirmation of you!"

As he said this, he took out a second-class medal of honor from his arms and handed it to Lin Feng.

Looking at the golden medal in his hand, Lin Feng was so excited that he couldn't express it in words.

This was the first honor he had received since joining the army, and it was of extraordinary significance.

You know, in peacetime, the second-class medal can only be obtained by losing limbs, and ordinary soldiers will never see it in their lifetime.

Lin Feng looked at the commander and asked,"Commander, I want to know, after I fell into a coma,……"

The head of the regiment said seriously:"I know what you want to ask. The mercenary who escaped is called Scorpion. He is the mastermind of this attack! The military has issued an international wanted order. He will never escape no matter where he goes!" Lin Feng hoped to kill him personally rather than being caught by Interpol.

Lin Feng's eyes were cold:"Scorpion, you have to live well. I will come to take your head myself!"

That night, Lin Feng was lying on the bed to rest.

The door was suddenly pushed open.

Seeing the person coming, Lin Feng hurriedly tried to get up, but he was grimacing in pain as soon as he moved.

The female general smiled and said:"Don't move around. It's not easy to survive. Don't leave any sequelae!"

Lin Feng smiled and said:"Thank you for your concern, Chief A!"

After the female general came in, she went straight to the point without too much greetings:"Xiao Lin, you saved me this time and wiped out more than 40 mercenaries who invaded the country! The credit is not small!"

The female general waved her hand, and the guard handed over a small box with two second lieutenant ranks in it.

Seeing the shoulder straps in the box, Lin Feng's excited heart was about to jump out.

The female general said seriously:"Comrade Lin Feng, due to your outstanding performance this time, the military has decided to promote you to second lieutenant. This is a reward from the army, and it is also my recognition of your strength!"

"I hope you can keep up the good work!"

Lin Feng said excitedly:"Thank you, Chief. Lin Feng will live up to the mission and better guard the borders of our motherland!"

The female general smiled and shook her head:"I gave you a military rank, not to ask you to guard the borders!"

"" Ah?" Lin Feng was confused.

The female general stared at Lin Feng and said seriously:"To be honest, your ability is simply a waste of talent in the border defense force, so I plan to transfer you away!"

Lin Feng:"Where to?"

The female general coldly spat out two words:"Wolf Fang!"

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