With the system's task rewards, Lin Feng became more determined to form a special operations force.

As long as he continues to complete tasks, he will become stronger.

The stronger he becomes, the special operations force he wants to form will be able to grow more long-term and stable.

At this moment, everyone present looked at Lin Feng as if he were a monster.

Break away from Langya and form your own special operations force?

This guy really dares to think so!

Those who joined Langya in the early days, as strong as Lei Zhan and Gao Dazhuang, at most only formed a special operations team under Langya.

Want to break away from Langya and form your own special operations team?

Isn't this just arguing with Langya?

He Zhijun stared at Lin Feng angrily:"Lin Feng, do you know what you are talking about?"

Lin Feng was not afraid of He Zhijun's oppressive gaze, and said calmly:"Brigade Commander, I know very well what I am talking about, and I also know what I want! Langya is indeed very strong, but it is not where I want to stay!"

"So, I don’t want to join any team of Langya, let alone Langya!"

He Zhijun sneered:"Since you have never planned to join Langya from the beginning to the end, why did you come to participate in the final assessment?"

Lin Feng said seriously:"To prove one thing!" He

Zhijun frowned:"What is it?"

Lin Feng grinned, revealing a row of white teeth:"To prove my strength, and to confirm that Langya really can’t teach me anything!"


Everyone took a deep breath and began to discuss in a low voice.

"This boy is really brave!"

"Rejecting Langya’s invitation and setting up his own business is arrogant enough!"

"Doesn't this last sentence clearly say that he doesn't think highly of Langya because Langya is not strong enough?"

On the contrary, He Chenguang and the others in the back had their eyes shining.

In their eyes, Lin Feng's behavior could no longer be described as awesome.

Originally, they all aimed to join Langya, and they worked hard within this framework.

However, little did they know that Lin Feng had already jumped out of this framework and reached a higher level.


Special warfare spearhead?

Sorry, Lin Feng doesn't think highly of it at all!

Deng Zhenhua panted excitedly:"Brother Feng is so awesome!"

Wang Yanbing was also extremely excited:"There is no one like him before or after!"

He Chenguang licked his lips:"Compared with Brother Feng, our level and vision are nothing!"

Everyone's discussion reached He Zhijun's ears.

He Zhijun suppressed his anger and said nothing, like a time bomb that could explode at any time.

The discussion gradually subsided, and the atmosphere on the scene reached freezing point.

No one said a word for a full twenty seconds, and the scene was so stagnant that no one dared to breathe.

An Ran, who was standing by, realized that something was wrong and quickly retreated quietly.

She had to do something, otherwise, according to the situation, Lin Feng would definitely get into trouble.

When she came outside, An Ran quickly took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Hello, Chief, this is An Ran, I have something urgent to report to you!"

The female general Luo Ying on the other end of the phone covered the phone and looked around:"The meeting will be suspended for ten minutes!"

After that, she took the phone and went outside:"Tell me, what's the matter?"

An Ran said anxiously:"General, Lin Feng is in trouble, you must find a way to save him!"

Luo Ying's face changed immediately:"An Ran, don't worry, tell me what happened, I will find a way!"

An Ran nodded quickly:"Okay, this is the matter, Lin Feng……"


Inside the temporary headquarters converted from the gymnasium, it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone had to hold their breath as hard as they could, for fear of making any noise.

"Boy, do you know who you are talking to?"

He Zhijun finally broke the silence:"Now, as long as I give the order, you will be put into the confinement room immediately!"

Lin Feng asked:"What is the charge? Don't want to join Langya?"

He Zhijun sneered. What other reason do I need to punish you? The fact that you disrespected your superiors is enough.

Although he did not believe that Lin Feng could form a decent special operations force, he did not want such talents to leave.

If Lin Feng could join Langya, he would definitely become a strong fighting force like Lei Zhan Gao Dazhuang in the future.

Therefore, he decided to put Lin Feng into confinement first, and then have a good talk with him, change his mind, and let him stay in Langya willingly.

"Guard, give me……"

He Zhijun was only halfway through his words when the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

After seeing the number, He Zhijun's face changed:"A call from the head of the military?"

Without thinking, he immediately pressed the answer button.

A minute later, He Zhijun's face became extremely ugly after hanging up the phone.

He raised his head and tried to force out a false smile:"Xiao Lin, you really want to form your own special forces, right?"

Lin Feng nodded:"Yes!"

He didn't know what call He Zhijun had just received, but he knew that this call must be related to himself, otherwise He Zhijun would not change his attitude immediately.

He Zhijun nodded:"Well, if you can successfully complete the task I assigned, I will agree to let you form your own team! How about it, do you dare to accept it?"

Lin Feng's mouth curled up with a smile:"What are you afraid of, just come on!"

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