One person?

The female general almost went crazy:"What can one person do? He is just asking for death!"

She originally thought that a large force of reinforcements had arrived.

Now, only one person has come.

Everyone seemed to be doused with a basin of cold water, with dejected faces.

Bullets flew by one after another, overwhelming An Ran so much that she couldn't raise her head.

She turned around and shouted:"Captain, we are running out of ammunition."

The female general looked at the last two bullets in the pistol magazine, her face extremely ugly

"Signalman, quickly contact the border guards, we can't hold on any longer here! Have them rush over as quickly as possible, they must hurry!"


The signalman quickly took out the radio and started to contact.

A moment later, he got the answer:"Captain, the reinforcements will take at least half an hour to arrive! However, they have asked all the people from the nearby border guard posts to come to support. A platoon of soldiers will arrive in fifteen minutes!"

"Fifteen minutes?"

The female general slammed her fist on the ground:"In our situation, we'll be lucky if we can hold out for five minutes!"

They have the ammunition now, and it will run out in four minutes at most.

Without ammunition, they will be like fish on the chopping board, at the mercy of others.

"How can we put our lives in the hands of these damned mercenaries!"

The female general clenched her fists and looked determined:"We can't wait for reinforcements, the only one we can rely on now is ourselves!"

"Everyone listen to me, use your daggers when your bullets are gone. As soon as those mercenaries come up, we will charge forward and fight with our lives. If the knives are broken, we will bite with our teeth!"

"There is no giving up or surrendering in the dictionary of Longguo soldiers. Even if I die, I will accompany you all and die with dignity!"


Everyone responded loudly with a solemn look.

Everyone's face was filled with the words"not afraid of life and death". This is the blood of the Dragon Country soldiers.


On a stone mortar not far away, a black mercenary ran up to Scorpion and asked in surprise:

"Scorpion, Mud, and Black Jack were killed?"

Scorpion nodded:"Yes, a master came!"


The black mercenary spat on the ground,"What a bullshit expert! What kind of experts can the Dragon Country Border Guards send? The mud and the others must have been careless and fell into the trap! Do you want me to take someone to take a look?"

"No need!"

Scorpion looked at him and said:"You will never know how difficult the Dragon Country soldiers are. The person who can kill Migrant Bird and Black Jack is not an ordinary person. If you are entangled with him, it will be as troublesome as a maggot on the tarsal bone!"

"You don't need to worry about this matter. The enemy's firepower has weakened and they must be running out of ammunition. Concentrate all your firepower. As long as you take the female general away, the mission will be accomplished. Don't make things complicated!"


The black mercenary quickly passed on the order.

For a moment, the firepower of the mercenary group reached its peak, suppressing An Ran and his men so much that they didn't even have a chance to show their heads.

"I'm out of bullets!"

"mine too!"

"I have none too!"

All the bullets were used up, and everyone's faces looked extremely ugly.

An Ran's eyes were red, and he pulled out a dagger:"Fight with them, and protect the leader to the death!"

"We will defend the leader to the death!"

Everyone took out their daggers, held them tightly in their hands, and waited for the mercenaries to approach.

"They are out of bullets!"

The black mercenary laughed:"Charge! Kill all except the female general!" The black mercenary led more than 20 mercenaries and rushed towards the direction where the female general was hiding.

But as soon as they rushed out, a bullet hit the black mercenary's head with a huge impact, blowing his skull off.

After landing, his brains flowed all over the ground, and the black mercenary became a corpse in the blink of an eye.

This scene shocked all the mercenaries around.

"Fuck him!"

Scorpion looked in the direction where the gunshot came from:"It's that guy again!"


""Hide quickly!"

Hearing Scorpion's roar, the mercenaries hurriedly looked for a place to hide.

But it was too late.

Lin Feng hid in the bushes with a sneer on his face:"Can you hide?"

Hawkeye was activated, and the battlefield in front of him instantly became a huge chessboard. The positions and directions of all the mercenaries on it were all under his control.

At a long distance, he became the only ruler of the battle.

Bang bang bang...

The sounds of sniper rifles rang out one after another, and each shot would take the life of a mercenary.

In just over ten seconds, there were seven or eight more mercenary corpses on the ground.

There was a hole the size of a bowl on everyone's head, and blood was gushing out.

Behind the bunker, the female general raised her head and looked out in surprise:"Have our reinforcements arrived?"

At this moment, a black shadow quickly rushed to their side.

An Ran and the others raised their daggers and were about to attack

"Don't do it, they are one of us!" Lin Feng hurriedly explained:"I am a soldier of the border defense force, my name is Lin Feng! I was ordered to come and rescue you!"

Looking at Lin Feng's tattered clothes and the military rank on his shoulders, everyone was stunned instantly.

"You are the one just now……"The female general opened her mouth in surprise:"You, you are still alive?"

Lin Feng nodded:"I'm here, you are safe!"

The female general was stunned for a moment, then said seriously:"Is this the time to joke? You should leave quickly, don't die with us. If you can leave, it's a good thing....."

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