Fan Tianlei's words immediately set the entire recruit team ablaze.

Lin Feng was late, making everyone wait!

He even got special treatment?

"Chief of Staff, I don't accept it!"

The paratrooper protested loudly:"He is also a new recruit, but he doesn't have to take the assessment? Why?"

Wang Yanbing also shouted:"Yes, why? Those who come here are selected from the grassroots units. They should be treated equally when they come to Langya. Why does this kid have special privileges!"

Just as Wang Yanbing said.

Those who can come to participate in the selection are the elites of various troops. Now they see someone trying to come in through the back door and don't even have to take the assessment. Of course they are unhappy!

He Chenguang stared at Lin Feng and said sharply:"Chief, I don't think Langya should be a place where filth and dirt are hidden! If you want to join Langya, train with us, pass the selection, and enter with dignity!"

"Instead of using connections or going through the back door! Brothers, don’t you agree?"

""Yes!" the recruits shouted angrily.

Not only the recruits were unhappy, but the old soldiers of Langya couldn't sit still either.

Want to come in through the back door?

What do they think of them, air?

Which of them didn't pass layers of assessment and screening, and go through untold hardships to be left behind?

Miao Lang took the lead and stood up:"Golden Eagle, Langya is a front-line special forces unit, we must not start this kind of thing. If we accept this guy without any clear reason, it will simply dirty our golden signboard!"

"If this thing starts, then won't anyone be able to send their children to us to get gilded in the future?"

The anger at the scene was like a ignited powder keg, and the words attacking Lin Feng were like hail, overwhelming.

Looking at the excited people, Fan Tianlei sneered.

His goal was achieved, to arouse everyone's anger, so that Lin Feng could not bear the pressure and took the initiative to withdraw.

"Xiaolin, you see, your arrival has brought so much negative emotions to everyone. I think if you can't bear it, it's best for you to……"

Lin Feng coughed and said,"Leader, I don't want to not take the assessment. But it's an order from above, I must obey it, are you going to disobey?"

"this.."Fan Tianlei rolled his eyes.

He didn't expect Lin Feng to be so thick-skinned. Even though so many people were talking about him, he still wanted to stay.

Lin Feng didn't bother to pay attention to him. He came to complete the mission. How could he become stronger if he didn't complete the mission?

As for what others think, screw him!

Fan Tianlei looked at everyone angrily:"Shut up, what qualifications do you have to say that he is not good! The higher-ups have ordered him to stay. Are you dissatisfied? If you are not afraid of taking off your military uniform, go to the military district and complain!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was quiet.

Lin Feng frowned. Is Fan Tiankeng trying to persuade him? This is clearly adding fuel to the fire, telling everyone that he, Lin Feng, has a background and came in through the back door.

Fan Tianlei said coldly:"It's useless for you to be unhappy. If you have the ability, you can also let the higher-ups approve you to enter Langya directly! If you don't have that ability, then take the assessment well. If you don't accept it, get out. You don't have such a good life as others!"

Fan Tianlei's few words made everyone angry with Lin Feng.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng, just like looking at the murderer of his father, with eyes full of dissatisfaction and unwillingness.

Lin Feng snorted in his heart:"Fan Tiankeng, I don't want to provoke you, but you insist on provoking me. Okay, in this case, let's wait and see!"

Fan Tianlei coughed and said:"Shanming, take Xiaolin to the dormitory first. Tomorrow, just follow the team training. Wait until the assessment is over, and then formal training!"

"Yes!" Chen Shanming saluted and looked at Lin Feng with disdain:"Let's go, young master!"

Lin Feng was not polite either, turned around and followed Chen Shanming to the dormitory.

All the recruits looked at his back, full of envy and dissatisfaction.

"What are you looking at?" Fan Tianlei roared:"If you don't have that kind of luck, you have to show your true ability. Now, the first test will be carried out. Armed cross-country for 50 kilometers, catch the last 20 people, and eliminate them directly!"

"" All of you, run! Quick, you rookies!"

Lin Feng seemed to hear as he walked.

Behind him, countless new recruits were cursing at him in low voices.

Lin Feng glanced at Fan Tiankeng who was looking smug not far away:"Okay, since you insist on courting death, I'll help you do it."


Following Chen Shanming, they soon arrived at the recruit dormitory.

Lin Feng randomly chose a lower bunk bed and sat down on it.

Chen Shanming's eyes twitched:"Boy, I'll give you a piece of advice!"

He said coldly:"Langya is a place where you can only stay if you are strong. If you expect to come here to gild yourself, you are wrong! Even if the people behind you use their abilities to get you in, it will be useless!"

"If you fail the training afterwards, you will still be eliminated!"

"So I suggest you don't have any fluke mentality, Langya is not a place for a young soldier like you to come!"

Lin Feng smiled and said:"Thank you for your advice, but you have no say on whether you can stay or not!"

"Since I can come in, I can stay here, so I won't bother you with the training you mentioned!"

Chen Shanming snorted coldly,"Be careful and don't embarrass yourself!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left without looking back.

Before the man left, Lin Feng suddenly heard the familiar reminder sound in his head.

"Ding, the system task has been completed, and rewards will be distributed now!"

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