
In the endless primeval forest, the five Qiansen wearing hairy bear army starry sky camouflage uniforms, body armor, knee pads, elbow pads, helmet and goggles were fully armed into the primeval forest, and they were moving forward like a blue, stopping from time to time to pick some wild fruits.

The weapons and equipment were all captured by the Mao Xiong Army yesterday, which just solved the urgent need.

This leisure time lasted less than two hours, and the sharp-eyed Otto saw drones flying in the sky.

Three large reconnaissance drones flew quickly through the air, and all moving targets on the ground were detected, including the five Qianson.

Qian Sen is also not disguised, because in front of high technology, it is difficult to avoid tracking!

“Brother, the Mao Xiong Army did not move, the Yamaguchi group, Tomahawks, and the militants of the mafia have already arrived, the number is at least more than two thousand five, they are scattered within a radius of twenty kilometers, and they will be outflanked immediately.”

“Queen, you still can’t control the drone?”

“Brother, my program sets the military command system that cannot invade countries, and the drone belongs to the Maoxiong military, so I can’t do anything.”

Listening to the queen’s aggrieved voice, Qian Sen quickly comforted: “It’s okay, brother doesn’t blame you, well.” ”

The red queen is a child’s heart, a little coaxed, the mood is cloudy and clear, very intimate advice.

“Brother, many of these gangster militants are veterans, and their strength is quite good, you have to be careful.”

Hehe, it’s just a rabble, really think that if there are many people, you can take advantage? Chanson raised his hand to signal a stop, and Ottodom Fuze quickly surrounded him.

“Boss, the enemy is coming?”

“Well, here it is, within twenty kilometers of our center, more than two thousand heavily armed gangsters have gathered, are you afraid?”

Groove, two thousand? Fuze was taken aback!

Qian Sen corrected: “It should be two thousand five, it is the Tomahawk, the mafia, all the elite that the Yamaguchi group can assemble, and the equipment is the world’s first-class weapons.” ”

The faces of the three changed and the pressure was great.

Lin Qingya also knew what this number represented, and looked at Qian Sen and stopped talking. Well?

Qian Sen glanced at her: “Can you shut up, really think that two thousand five can threaten us?” Not bragging, ten times more…”

Bang bang ~

Before they could finish speaking, a string of bullets came over, splashing dirt and gravel on the small dirt slope in front of them.

“Boss, a lot of people! At least no less than a hundred. ”

Otto poked his head out and took a look, startled by the gangster militants who appeared in front of him.

These people are skillful in tactics and are not good at it.

Qian Sen pretended to fail, laughed awkwardly, opened the AKM insurance in his hand, and stretched out his head to be a shuttle.

The bullet accurately hit the two gangster militants, and the curtain of the big battle officially began.

Four dozen two thousand five, no matter how you look at it, it is a dead end.

But Qian Sen did not panic, because these 2,500 people were scattered in the primeval forest with a radius of 20 kilometers, and they would not be able to assemble for a while, as long as they were properly operated and tore open the encirclement, they could still escape.


At the beginning of the fighting, it became a fever pitch, and the hundred and ten gangster militants were all armed with AK series assault rifles, PKM light machine guns, heavy machine guns, and a few bazookas.

Chanson’s side was different, Otto carried an M2 heavy machine gun, four or five chain boxes and two spare barrels by his side, Dom carried an AT4 rocket launcher, and there were four or five spare rocket warheads.

Fuze was normal, setting up a PKM general-purpose machine gun and shooting wildly.

Lin Qingya, wearing a hairy bear army starry sky camouflage uniform, body armor knee pads and elbow pads

Helmeted goggles fully armed, wearing earplugs, lying on the ground and stuffing bullets into the magazine, doing what she can.

“Qingya, give me the magazine!”

Qian Sen, who set up a T5000M tactical sniper rifle, reached over, and Lin Qingya handed him a magazine stuffed with 7.62mm armor-piercing bullets.


Buckle the magazine and pull the bolt to load. Bang.

Gunshots rang out, and the heads of the gangster militants who were about to launch rockets a hundred meters away exploded, and the headless corpse fell to the sky while firing the rockets in their hands.

Shout…… The rocket flew into the sky and hit the trunk of a large tree, and the tip of the tree fell in the explosion, smashing two gangster militants who were still in a state of confusion to the point of vomiting blood.

Okay guys, was this a bonus?

Surprised by his surprise, Chanson turned his muzzle to look for his next target. Bang.

Another gunshot rang out, and the gangster militants who had just stuck out their heads one hundred and fifty meters away were headshot, and the bullets with huge kinetic energy remained unabated, penetrating a thigh-thick tree trunk and hitting the gangster militants hiding behind.

A string of two, worthy of being a high-precision sniper that integrates power and precision! Chanson was pleased with the gun and continued to search for the target.

Bang bang ~

A gunshot rang out, and a gangster was destined to fall.

Coupled with the continuous firepower output of the three of Ottodom Fuze, in less than five minutes, all the gangster militants who blocked the front were killed!

The five men continued to set off, not forgetting to loot the ammunition as they passed the corpses.

They all use hairy bear weapons, and the ammunition is universal, and it can be regarded as running out of ammunition.

“Otto, you have a lot of strength! Let’s carry more 7.62 bullets. ”

Fuze stuffed four or five strings of ammunition chains into a backpack, thought about it, and stuffed a dozen grenades and seven or eight AKM magazines, weighing at least thirty kilograms.

Otto was already carrying a giant backpack, a giant backpack stuffed with a 12.7mm bullet chain box, weighing no less than 200 kilograms.

Only he, a Spartan warrior, can fight with 200 kilograms on his back!

Seeing the backpack handed over by Fuze, Qiansen Domlin Qingya thought that he would refuse, but Otto took it silently, grabbed a dozen magazines and stuffed them in, before adjusting the straps and carrying them behind him.

Qian Sen understood, Otto was afraid that his teammates would have no ammunition.

Although he usually grinned, these five big and three thick men have the kindest hearts and are the most considerate of others.

Without further ado, everything is in the words.

Fuze, who was giggling all day, stepped forward and punched Otto in the chest, holding PKM and strode away.

Dom also felt that the home of the drop hammer was very warm for the first time, and he was so moved that he wanted to punch it.

As a result, Otto picked up a PKM and slung it on his left shoulder, grabbed an AKM and hung it on his right shoulder, and finally lifted the M2HB heavy machine gun and muttered in a low voice: “Fuze This dog day is still a job, knowing that I suffer from a fear of insufficient firepower!” Now there is enough ammunition. ”

Dom: “??? ”

Chanson: “??? ”

Lin Qingya: “??? ”

Fuze, who was five meters away, was heartbroken and almost spat fragrant.

Damn, I thought you were thinking about your teammates, but you fucking have a lack of firepower phobia!


After a day of fighting, all five were exhausted. The gang militants suffered heavy losses, at least four or five hundred dead. After a bitter lesson, they finally understood a truth.

You can’t disperse the battle! It is necessary to gather a large army to besiege, otherwise no amount of people will be given for nothing, and it will not be able to defeat the powerful drop hammer mercenaries…

“Can’t go on like this, we have to gather all the people as soon as possible, and after determining Qiansen’s position tomorrow morning, all of them will be pressed up, I don’t believe that the tactics of the sea of people will not consume the five of them.”

“Get rid of Lin Qingya, there are only four of them!”

Yukta: “…”

When is it, and you still care about these details?

Joseph Saburo Takeshita was no longer going to give him face.

If Yukta had not suggested that twenty-five hundred people be scattered in the primeval forest in a group of fifty to round up the drop hammer, the drop hammer would not have killed four or five hundred of them in twelve hours.

The falling hammer is not a god, and in a head-on battle, how can it be possible to kill four or five hundred people with four people?

“Notify everyone to assemble! The drop hammer can’t run. ”

The three reached a consensus and began to issue assembly orders to their respective men. Ten kilometers away, in a hidden valley.

In order to avoid the detection of drones in the sky, Qian Sen also deliberately found a cave to hide.

A bonfire was burning, and five people who had been fighting for a day gathered around the fire to keep warm.

Otto used his saber to cut a few sticks, cut off a thigh of a wild boar he happened to encounter on the way, skewered it with a skewer and roasted it on the fire.

Fuze bandaged the blood trough that was grazed by the bullet on his thigh, turned his head to look at Qian Sen, and couldn’t help but worry: “Boss, today is a fluke, the enemy will definitely gather tonight, what should I do tomorrow?” Just the four of us, can we withstand the siege of more than two thousand people? ”

No! Qian Sen shook his head.

“We are not supermen in underwear, how can we resist the attack of two thousand people at the same time!”

“So what to do?”

Seeing Qian Sen’s calm expression, Fuze thought that there were some hole cards that had not yet been used.

Including Ottodom Lin Qingya also thinks so. Unfortunately, Qian Sen is going to disappoint them.

“What are you doing with me?”

Lin Qingya was puzzled: “Husband, do you really have no backhand?” ”

“Back hand? The people who dropped the hammer are on a mission, and where can they draw hands to support Eastern Siberia, so we can only resist hard. ”

After speaking, Qian Sen looked at the four people with a strange 3.5 in his eyes.

“Why, you don’t think I have a backhand, do you?”

The four were silent, and they could not say that they were disappointed, after all, this was the situation. Headache!

Qian Sen sighed: “Okay, don’t worry too much, the gangster militants have two thousand left at best, if they really fight, who loses and wins is not certain.” ”

As soon as these words came out, the four people shouted good guys in their hearts!

Fuze couldn’t help it, and struck: “Boss, my boss, can you be serious, that’s two thousand people, not two thousand pigs.” ”

“Besides, even if two thousand pigs are not so easy to kill, if we don’t get it right, we all have to die here.”

Okay, okay.

Qian Sen smiled and said, “Don’t tease you, yesterday I notified the Master Chief to come and support, and it should arrive at us tonight.” ”

“There is a master sergeant, what are you afraid of?”

Master Chief is coming?

When this heavy news came out, Ottodom Fuze’s spirits lifted. In their hearts, Master Chief is an invincible god!

Just at this moment, a cold and dull voice appeared in the headset.

“Commander, are you okay?”

Qian Sen gave everyone a reassuring look and replied.

“Fortunately, you can’t die, Master Chief where have you been?”

“Thirty kilometers from you…”

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