On the outskirts of M City, Hairy Bear Air Base.

The four of Chanson Ottodom Fuze came here with Lin Qingya, and the demon king Iron Rider Letty went to join the Broken-tailed Fox and them, took care of the seriously injured assassin, and continued to protect Belikoff, without participating in the operation.

They are going to steal planes!

That’s right, to steal planes.

Since all civil aviation airport stations are under martial law, then we steal military planes and run away, right?

Lin Qingya squatted by a small puddle, looking at the face in the water that was far from her, reaching out and touching it, still with an expression of disbelief.

She never dreamed that there was such a thing as a nano mask in the world, pasted it, and instantly changed a person, too high-tech!

“Money… Captain Yershnikov, this is like a nanomask in agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., how many more do you have? Why don’t you just let me leave on a commercial plane? ”

Hearing Lin Qingya’s question, Qian Sen, who was dressed in the uniform of a captain of the Hairy Air Force, wearing a large-brimmed hat, and all his facial features were white, turned around.

Handed over a pair of blue beautiful pupils: “Come, help me put on this thing first, otherwise the pupils are not like white people.” ”

Lin Qingya obediently took it and gently put it on him.

At this moment, Qian Sen’s bare skin except for his wrists and neck is not like that of white people, and his face, nose and eyes are no different from white people.

Put on gloves, a scarf, cover the bare skin, and now there is no flaw at all

“Lieutenant Alena, there are some things that don’t need to be asked, do you know what I mean?”

“As for why you are not allowed to leave on a civil aviation passenger plane, it is because the Maoxiong Civil Aviation Bureau has your iris record, and now major airports and stations have iris recognition, although you have a nano mask to camouflage, but the iris cannot be camouflaged.”

I see!

Lin Qingya nodded and kept silent.

When Ottodom Fuze was sorted out, Chanson began to explain the tactics.

“Otto, Dom, Fuze, you guys fly planes, right?”

Otto smiled proudly: “No problem, don’t say it’s an airplane, I can drive a spaceship.” ”

What? Spacecraft? Fuze scoffed.

“Also spaceship, why don’t you fly into the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?”

Otto glared at him contemptuously, smiling silently.

Chanson knew that Otto was not bragging, because Otto was a 26th-century Spartan super soldier from the Halo world.

In the halo world, it has long entered the interstellar era, and for Spartan warriors, it is not difficult to drive a spaceship!

Dom said embarrassed: “I can’t fly a plane.” ”

He constantly complained in his heart, as a mercenary, you still have to be able to fly a plane?

Fuze shrugged: “I will open, I am only limited to the opening of the meeting, as for the whole eyed snake to maneuver or something, I’m afraid it won’t work!” ”

Qian Sen said with disdain: “I didn’t expect much from you, don’t force it, give Otto a deputy, what we want to steal is the Il-76 transport plane with the number 138 of the Maoxiong Air Force!” ”

The Il-76 is a four-engine large-engine dual-use strategic transport aircraft designed and manufactured by the former SL Ilyushin Aviation Group in the seventies of the last century.

As a military transport aircraft development project, the Il-76 was proposed and began to be designed in the late 60s of last century, which surpassed the C-141 heavy transport aircraft in appearance and load capacity, and had the advantages of long range, heavy load and fast speed, which made up for the lack of SL military airlift capacity at that time.

The Il-76 is one of the world’s most successful heavy transport aircraft, with more than 850 operators using or in use in more than 38 countries to date.

It can hold tanks, armored vehicles, self-propelled guns, and can be temporarily converted into a bomber, which can be described as versatile.

Chancen chose it also considering its ultra-long range, which should be able to fly over West Siberia and into Eastern Siberia.

At that time, even if it is shot down, it will be able to overcome the danger and escape with the complex terrain of Eastern Siberia.

As for leaving the Hairy Bear in an Il-76?

That’s impossible, I’m afraid it will be recognized in the first place.


Ottodom Fuze got up and put on his hat, took a few deep breaths and adjusted to his state.

Qian Sen gave Lin Qingya a reassuring look, led the four of them out of the corner and walked towards the gate of the barracks.

The gate was garrisoned by eight heavily armed soldiers, and there were heavy machine-gun sentries on both sides of the gate, which were very well guarded.

But on the outskirts of the capital M City, Mao Xiongjun never thought that someone would have the audacity to steal the plane.

“Captain, please show your ID!”

Qian Sen took out his certificate expressionlessly and handed it over.

This document is genuine, not forged, because the owner of the document has been killed by them.

The Red Queen checked the entire M city and just happened to find a few people from Yershnikov who were on vacation.

Kill, put on a nano mask and disguise, in one go, disguise seamlessly!

“Captain Yershnikov, just now the commander of your flying regiment is still looking for you!”

“Why are you looking for me?”

“I heard that a batch of supplies will be transported to Irkutsk, and the pilot who piloted the transport plane suddenly fell ill, and today only your crew has no tasks, so I should send you to Irkutsk on a temporary shift.”

Lying groove, it’s really God help me! Think what comes.

Qian Sen smiled: “Sergeant, thank you, I think you should like the gift brought by Irkutsk, hahaha”

The sergeant understood in seconds and laughed.

“Then thank you in advance, Captain, you guys go inside.”

None of the four Otto were examined and were directly allowed to go.

Lin Qingya walked in the middle, and when she passed the sergeant, she shrunk her neck nervously. This subtle movement fell into the sergeant’s eyes, and his brow furrowed.

It’s a little strange, but it’s not surprising.

Forget it, the Air Force is all uncles, often go out to pick up girls, there are also hundreds of female soldiers in the air base, it should be female soldiers who hooked up with Yershnikov.

The sergeant didn’t think much and continued to lead the team to stand guard.

After Qian Sen and several people entered the base, for the sake of safety, they did not report to the tower headquarters, but went directly to the tarmac.

The ground crew has filled the Il-76 transport plane number 138 with fuel and the cargo has been loaded.

A lieutenant colonel saw Qian Sen strolling leisurely, and immediately trotted over angrily.

“Captain Yershnikov, why didn’t you answer the phone? Yes?!! Bastard, I called you hundreds of times and went unanswered, you…”

Qian Sen pouted: “Sir, I have seven days off, and the vacation will not end until twelve o’clock tonight!” ”

The commander of the 2nd Flying Regiment, Ilyiv, complained with a pained face: “Okay, I don’t blame you, you first help me drive this damn transport plane to the Irkutsk military airport, it’s very urgent!” ”

Urgent, I’m also anxious.

Qian Sen’s heart blossomed, but his face was silent.

“Yes, but I’m going to take my people on a mission.”

Saying that, he pointed to Otto and the others.

Iriif waved his hand impatiently: “As you like, go quickly!” ”

“Okay, then I’ll go.”

Without hesitation, Qian Sen ran towards the transport plane with Otto and the others. Well?

Ilyve, who noticed something was wrong, yelled, “Bastard, you haven’t changed your flight suits.”

“Let people send it over, we will go back and forth, how troublesome.”

Also ha.

Iriif felt that there was nothing wrong and beckoned a patrol soldier to come over.

“Go, get Captain Yershnikov a couple of flight suits for them.”

Fifteen minutes later, the Il-76, under Otto’s skillful operation, soared into the sky and flew towards Irkutsk under the clouds.

The other side.

Several police cars came around a pub in M City, and the police pulled the cordon and surrounded the pub.

The reason was that at five o’clock in the afternoon, two cleaners accidentally found several dead bodies in the sewer behind the tavern’s garbage heap.

After calling the police, the police quickly arrived and the identity of the deceased was found within minutes. Air Force captain, transport aircraft special pilot Yershnikov, and members of his crew.

Qian Sen definitely didn’t expect that he hid the body in such a hidden sewer and was found so quickly, and it was also unlucky to open the door to unlucky, and unlucky to get home.

“Dead? You told me that Yershnikov died? ”

“Yes, Lieutenant Colonel! The bodies of the seven people in Yershnikov are in the police station, do you want to come and take a look? ”

Look at a fart!

Irifu, who was sitting on his knees in his office, received a call from the police station, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and instantly exploded.

Bastard! Yershnikov and his crew died, so who is Yershnikov who went to Irkutsk in the morning?

No, something happened!

Ilyif grabbed his hat and ran to the tower command center with a puff of smoke to report the situation to his superiors.

The person who answered the phone was the commander of the Military District of M City, one of the military generals who cooperated with Tomahawk, Lermontov.

After listening to Ilyv’s detailed report, Lermontov’s eyes narrowed, and he finally knew why Qian Sen disappeared with Lin Qingya, it turned out to be disguised as Yershnikov and his crew, and stole the military transport plane to Irkutsk. Can you run?

Lermontov dialed a call.

“Pick up General General Zamyagin of the GFB!”

In the clouds, the Il-76, which is 46.59 meters long and 14.76 meters high, is flying at full speed.

Departed at seven o’clock in the morning, refueled halfway, and was less than 800 kilometers from Irkutsk.

“This is the T14 Armata main battle tank?”

Qian Sen looked at the behemoth in the cabin and couldn’t help but step forward and look curiously. The first time I saw the very famous T14 Armata main battle tank, I was quite curious.


Fuze’s head sticks out from the roof of the car: “Boss, you guessed wrong, this is not the T14 Armata main battle tank, it should be a waterway amphibious tank that is not yet in service, good guy!” This tank weighs more, has a large internal space, and the firepower is not weak, and the performance should be very bullish. ”

Waterway amphibious tanks? Chanson came interested.

Waterway amphibious tanks are only equipped with rabbits, because this thing is said to be useful and useful, but in fact, it is useless, and the chicken ribs are very good.

Hairy bears also developed?

“Can it be turned on?”

Fuze wondered: “How to drive in the cabin, I just looked at it, the shells and bullets are full, the fuel tank is also filled with oil, it is no problem to drive.” ”

Toot beep ~ Suddenly, the siren sounded. Air defense alert?

Qian Sen’s heart was cold, and he turned around and ran back to the cab.

“Otto, what’s going on?”

“Commander, two Su-27 fighters of the Maoxiong Air Force locked us and ordered us to land at the air force airfield Serery, 200 kilometers away from Irkutsk.”

“Damn, it seems to be exposed, leave the warning alone, go to Irkutsk!”

“What if the Su-27 launches a missile?”

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