Lin Yu’s words immediately aroused everyone’s interest.

The rookies were not as cramped as they were just now, and they stared at Lin Yu one by one with interest.

The veterans also surrounded one after another, they were more familiar with Lin Yu, and with such a good opportunity to improve their strength, they naturally would not give up.

“Captain, let’s see your new abilities!” Chen Shanming rubbed his hands: “I am willing to give you as a test product, let’s start with me!” ”

Miao Wolf pushed him away: “You are the vice captain, how can such a trifle let you come first.” I’ll do it, Captain, just vent to me. No matter what, I bear it! ”

“Miao Wolf, you are an important combat force of our red blood cells,” Tuoyagang smiled and said, “I have thick skin, so leave it to me!” Captain, no matter what, I can carry it, so you can greet me as much as you like! ”

Everyone you say a word, everyone wants to do this test first.

So simple can improve the strength, then you have to work hard to practice.

Lin Yu coughed: “Okay, everyone sit down!” ”

Everyone immediately sat honestly in front of Lin Yu, and all the barbecue beer was forgotten to the side.

Compared to improving strength, those are nothing.

Lin Yu said lightly: “Let me first improve your comprehensive strength for everyone, in fact, it is to input my True Qi into your body. This will increase your speed and strength. Compared to the current body, it will definitely be much better! ”

Although Lin Yu said Xuanhu, he actually wanted to give them a little bit of the fusion degree of the super soldier serum.

For ordinary people, being able to fuse even a little super soldier serum is very strong for the transformation of the body.

Yu Dalei shouted excitedly: “Captain, we are ready, you hurry up!” ”

Chen Shanming also couldn’t wait: “Captain, hurry up, I’m ready to bear everything from you!” ”

Lin Yujia closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in front of them like a peerless master.

“System, give them ten percent fusion degree of super soldier serum!”

“Understand, the degree of fusion is being broken down!”

Lin Yu clearly saw that the fusion degree of the super soldier serum had dropped from one hundred percent to ninety percent.

But it doesn’t matter to him, he now has so many military merit points.

Ten percent less, as long as it costs a hundred military merit points, it can be changed back.

It’s nothing for Lin Yu, but for the other soldiers, it’s a big difference.

Everyone could feel that the blood flow in the body seemed to suddenly become faster.

Immediately afterwards, a painful sensation flows through the body with the blood.

It poured into the internal organs and spread and swelled near the bones.

Yu Dalei’s painful head even broke out in cold sweat: “Captain, it’s good, it hurts!” ”

“Shut up!” Lin Yu said coldly: “Calm Qi condensation, this is a normal phenomenon for True Qi to enter your body. Now it’s just expanding the meridians and bones, don’t panic! ”

Niu tried to stare at Yu Dalei: “I heard no, you can’t bear this little suffering, how else to be a special soldier?” ”

Yu Dalei immediately closed his mouth, but the pain became stronger and stronger, making him extremely uncomfortable.

The faces of the others were also ugly, but they were not as bad as Yu Dalei.

Everyone was suffering from patience, and Wang Yanbing’s fingers had even sunk under the turf.

Lin Yu was a little strange, when he fused with the super soldier serum, he was not so sad.

“System, what is their situation? How did it fuse a little bit, so uncomfortable? ”

System: “Host, your body has the blessings of this system, and this system has helped you share most of the pain.” So, it’s hard for you to feel it. ”

“But they are all ordinary people, and the super soldier serum is already modifying the body. They don’t have the blessing of this system, so they are naturally sad! ”

“So it is!” Lin Yu nodded.

After three minutes, everyone’s pain gradually disappeared, and their faces eased a lot.

Lin Yu asked lightly: “How is it, do you feel any difference in your body?” ”

He Chenguang clenched his fists, and a hint of excitement appeared on his face: “There really is!” Brother Yu, I feel as if my strength is stronger. I had clenched my fists before, and I had never felt such real power. ”

Gong Jian braced his legs and easily stood up from the ground.

He looked at his two legs excitedly: “I used to borrow strength at least with my waist, but just now, I just stood up with the side of my feet!” Strength, indeed, strengthened. ”

Chen Shanming also stood up and tried it: “The speed has also become a lot faster, my God, it’s really amazing.” I can’t see the speed of my kick! ”

Takuyonggang clenched his fists and laughed: “Captain, you are so powerful!” We have you in the red blood cells in the future, you simply don’t even need to train, it must be the whole country, no, the strongest special forces in the world! ”

The others stood up one after another, looking at Lin Yu with hot eyes.

For this point, Lin Yu has long been prepared.

He won’t easily improve everyone’s strength every time.

First, it is easy to expose yourself.

Second, it is too easy to improve strength, who can still believe themselves in the future.

Lin Yu coughed: “I also want to raise your strength to like me, then our red blood cells will be invincible!” ”

“But!” Lin Yu suddenly took a turn: “Every time I improve your strength, it is equivalent to consuming my own strength.” As much as you improve, I will consume! ”

“That’s right!” Chen Shanming nodded with some regret: “Then forget it, captain, your body is important.” If we can improve our strength a little, we are already content! ”

Li Erniu nodded vigorously: “Yes, Brother Yu, you can improve your strength by yourself.” You have to take care of yourself! ”

Lin Yu nodded: “Having said that, my skills can still be restored!” ”

“So be it, I’ll make a rule. From today onwards, anyone who performs well in the team or makes meritorious contributions to the squad. I can teach him his skills once alone and improve his strength! ”

“In this way, the strength of the person who is improved alone can be greatly improved every time, and I can not suffer too much loss, killing two birds with one stone!”

“Good!” He Chenguang nodded: “This plan is good, I agree!” ”

“I agree too!”

“Brother Yu, in the future, I will definitely listen to you well and behave well!”

“Captain, in the future, you will be my God, I will definitely follow you well!”

Everyone expressed their position one after another, and Lin Yu’s position was suddenly elevated to the top.

Looking at everyone’s loyal appearance, an imperceptible smile slipped at the corner of Lin Yu’s mouth.

With just one means, it is easy to subdue all veterans and recruits.

From then on, the red blood cells really only obeyed Lin Yu’s orders, and it was his Lin Yu’s team alone.

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