Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 8: Veteran, I'm sorry you're gone.

Chapter 8 Veteran, I’m sorry you’re gone

Brother, be patient for a moment!

Zhang Chuan gently patted the "lone wolf" that had experienced the battlefield, and then pulled hard, and the lone wolf was instantly suspended in mid-air.

 Zhang Chuan turned around and ran quickly.

However, he did not escape. Instead, he cleverly avoided the sight of the lone wolf, quickly leaned down, and performed the "mimicry technique" to blend himself into the surrounding environment.

 The lone wolf hanging in the air knew nothing about it.

At this time, Zhang Chuan used his insight as precise as a dead shot to sense that another lone wolf was rapidly approaching a hundred meters away.

 A sly smile appeared on Zhang Chuan's lips.

 Since the game has begun, of course it will not end easily.

You captured my comrade, then I will capture your comrade to see who is more skilled!

 “Lone Eagle, put me down quickly!”

At this time, the hoisted lone wolf saw his teammates coming and shouted for help.

The special soldier codenamed Lone Eagle heard the shout and immediately ran over.

 When he saw his teammates being **** and hung, he had a look of shock on his face.

 “Who hung you up?”

 “No need to ask! Of course it’s those new recruits!”

The lone wolf roared angrily.

"Who among the new recruits can have such a method?" Lone Ying was a little surprised.

  "I've been plotted! Bastard! Put me down first, I'm going to find that new soldier to settle the score!"

 The lone wolf roared.

"Haha... I didn't expect you to miss sometimes. Don't dare to underestimate those new recruits in the future."

The lone eagle kept laughing.

However, the laughter suddenly stopped.

 Just when he was about to untie the rope and put the person down.

 A military pistol was pressed against his neck.

 “Brother, you were ‘killed’ in battle.”

 Lone Eagle froze.

 He turned to look behind him and saw Zhang Chuan looking at him with a smile.

“No way, when did you sneak up behind me?”

 Zhang Chuan smiled and replied: "I've always been there."

"always there?"

 Lone Eagle’s face was filled with shock.

Just now he clearly checked the surroundings carefully to make sure no one was around before he appeared.

 He didn't even notice that Zhang Chuan was still lurking here!

This guy’s disguise skills are too incredible, right?

“Lone Wolf, he’s here, why don’t you say anything? They haven’t blocked your mouth!”

The lone eagle roared angrily at its companions.

The lone wolf also looked confused, "No, I really don't know! I saw that he had left just now! When did he come here?" "You mean, you have been hanging here all the time? , being so condescending, you didn’t even see him touch it?" Lone Ying was shocked.

 “No! I swear on your life!”

"screw you!"

Lone Eagle cursed angrily.

Then, he quickly put his teammates down and turned to Zhang Chuan, with a bit of awe in his eyes: "Recruit, your camouflage skills are really good, you can hide it from both of our eyes."

“But who told you this was just an exercise?”

 Zhang Chuan was speechless.

  Lone wolves are indeed funny characters just like those in movies and TV series!

 In this case, don’t blame me for being rude!

Zhang Chuan also retracted his saber to his waist, "Okay, now I understand the rules. In other words, you must be beaten until you can't move, and then it's over, right? Okay, I'll do as you say."

“Originally I didn’t want to do it, but you forced me to do it.”

Lone Eagle and Lone Wolf were stunned for a moment when they heard this, and then they couldn't help laughing.

"This recruit said he would defeat the two of us alone... Hahaha... I have never seen such an arrogant recruit in such a long time!"

Lone Eagle smiled.

Lone Wolf also teased Zhang Chuan: "New soldier, you don't understand what special forces mean at all, but I think you will understand it next."

Zhang Chuan hesitated for a moment and said hesitantly: "It seems that the special forces are just like that. Your chief instructor was also defeated by me, which is not very impressive."


“What did you say? Did you say that our chief instructor was defeated by you?”

“Recruit, are you still awake?”

“What gives you the courage to say that you have defeated a high-level instructor?”

 Both of them were sarcastic.

Zhang Chuan shook his head slightly, "Forget it, you won't believe me anyway. Then don't waste your time. I will continue to compete with other veterans of your lone wolf."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Chuan had already walked towards them and activated his combat strengthening skills at the same time.

 Although it only incorporates 40% of the abilities.

 But Zhang Chuan had already tested its power, and the speed and strength were definitely more than four times higher than the average human body.

Absolutely no one among the lone wolf special forces can reach such a state!

"Recruit, you underestimate us lone wolves. Today, I will let you see the difference between special forces and your regular forces..."

However, before Lone Wolf could finish his words, he saw a black shadow approaching at lightning speed.

 Before he could react, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

 Then, the whole person flew out directly...

 The lone eagle next to him was completely petrified at this moment.

I was stunned, as if I saw a **** of war coming...

 (End of this chapter)

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