Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 79: With one voice, the whole audience was shocked!

Chapter 79: With one voice, the whole audience was shocked!

 The car was waiting quietly outside.

"Let me give you a brief overview of learning here." Liu Jinbao said to Zhang Chuan, "The difference between the military academy and the general army is not very obvious."

“In summer, morning exercises are done at dawn at six o’clock in the morning, while in winter they are postponed to half past six. After that, they either conduct actual combat exercises or study tactical theory, command skills and other professional fields.”

“Also, there are compulsory courses in mathematics, computer science and basic English every week. These are the core parts of military school education.”

“It can be said that life in a military academy perfectly combines the academic atmosphere of an ordinary university with the strict rules of military life.”

“Academic requirements closely follow the standards of ordinary universities, and daily life and training are carried out strictly in accordance with military regulations.”

“There will be a small test and training evaluation every month, a major assessment every quarter, and a large-scale drill or long-distance training every six months.”

 “I will talk about these specific details later.”

“You have been promoted from the local army, and after going through recruit training and basic training in the army, you are already familiar with various rules and regulations of the army.”

"Unlike those recruits who directly join the army after passing the college entrance examination, they have just arrived and know almost nothing about military life, so it is very difficult to manage them. Just like the first time we entered the recruit camp, we were all ignorant young people. "

"So, I can save a lot of effort when coaching you. To be honest, I would rather lead officers like you who were promoted from the ranks than student officers who have just left school."

Zhang Chuan smiled and asked Liu Jinbao: "Platoon commander, listening to what you said, you were also promoted to an officer before, right?"

Liu Jinbao nodded and confirmed: "That's right. After graduating from college and joining the army, I went directly to the military school for further study. After graduation, I stayed in school and became the platoon leader of the fourth platoon of the seventh company."

 Zhang Chuan continued to ask: "Have all the people in our company been picked up?"

Liu Jinbao shook his head: "No, only our fourth platoon is. There are four platoons in the Seventh Company. The first to third platoons are composed of student officers, and the number of each platoon ranges from 25 to 35 people."

“The fourth row has the smallest number of people, only about twenty.”

“Although they are all in the same company, they have different focuses in study. The study time for Tigan officers is one year, while the study period for student officers is four years. The teaching progress and content are very different, so they cannot take classes together.”

 “However, training and life still go together.”

"But..." Liu Jinbao glanced at Zhang Chuan, hesitating whether to tell the truth.

Zhang Chuan answered: "But even though we are in the same company, it is difficult to get along with other platoons, right?"

Liu Jinbao smiled bitterly: "It seems that your army has already introduced you to the situation here."

"That's it. The veterans look down on the student officers, and the student officers think that the promoted officers are uneducated. Both sides have a knot in their hearts. Small frictions are constant in daily life, and they even show up during training."

"As a veteran who has served on the front line, he naturally has a sense of arrogance in his bones; as a student officer, he is somewhat aloof, and coupled with his good physical fitness, the conflict deepens over time."

“You have to be mentally prepared. Occasionally, the company commander and the school will not interfere too much with quarrels and competitions, but if the strict disciplinary bottom line is violated, that is absolutely not allowed.”

 Zhang Chuan nodded and agreed: "I understand, I will pay attention to it."

Liu Jinbao said with concern: "With your ability, I am not worried that you will be bullied. I am worried that you will be impulsive and make a big fuss. You must know that you people who are special forces are more angry than field soldiers."

Zhang Chuan smiled helplessly, knowing that what he said was true.

Special forces are under high pressure all year round. Coming to military academies for further training is also a special psychological and physical adjustment for them.

If someone deliberately stirs up trouble at this time, it may be difficult for them to suppress their anger.

“Are all these Tigan officers new?” Zhang Chuan asked.

Liu Jinbao explained: "Not entirely, about half are newcomers, and the other half are veterans with rich experience. This mix of new and old is to allow the newcomers to adapt to the environment and rhythm of the military school more quickly, just like local troops. "

“The same is true for the other three platoons, because the professional training content is the same, and the old and new members live, train together, and help each other. As for the learning of professional knowledge, they will be divided into separate classes and taught by specialized instructors and teachers.”

 “I understand.” Zhang Chuan nodded.

 The military academy covers a large area and can be reached in just a few minutes by car. The layout of the dormitory building of the Seventh Company is similar to that of the local army, both three or four stories high.

 Because there is a platoon of Tigan officers in the third battalion, all dormitories are built to four floors.

 According to custom, one row lives on the first floor, and so on, the fourth row lives on the top and fourth floors.

 It is lunch time now, and the teams from each platoon are neatly gathered at the entrance of the barracks, waiting for the meal to be served.

 “One row, one two one, one two one, one two three four!”

 The leader is a lieutenant officer.

"one two three four!"

 A row of military cadets stood still and shouted commands in unison.

The ones they wear on their shoulders are not real officer badges.

  It is a student badge that represents the identity of the student.

 Before graduation, they cannot be regarded as real officers.

  It can only be said that he is a student of the Military Academy.

"In our military academy, although there are also non-commissioned officers, the number is not large. They are mainly officers."

"Captains usually serve as platoon leaders, and lieutenants or second lieutenants serve as squad leaders in each class. They are all fourth-year students and are in the internship stage. After the four years, some will stay in school to work, and some will be sent to the grassroots force."

“The commander and instructor of our company are both majors.”

 Zhang Chuan understood this,

This kind of situation is not common in the army, but this is a military academy.

As the slogans from the first row fell, it was the turn of the second row.

“Second platoon members, listen to the sound from the first platoon. It sounds like you are awake. Come on, let us set an example for them in the second platoon.”

 The officers in the second row raised their arms and shouted: "One two one, one two one, one two three four!"

 The students in the second row immediately became energetic and roared collectively.

They all had red faces and thick necks, and their voices were louder than those in the row just now.

Of course, the students in the row were not to be outdone and responded loudly again.

 There was a contest of momentum between the two platoons.

 At this moment, the third row and the fourth row were standing side by side,

 They are also secretly competing on their own territory.

 “Come on down, go eat first, and join the team first.”

 Liu Jinbao said to Zhang Chuan.


Zhang Chuan agreed and immediately ran towards the fourth row.

At this time, the shouts of the third row were still echoing in the air.

 Zhang Chuan used the camouflage skills he had learned to make his voice louder and shouted at the lieutenant squad leader of the fourth platoon: "Report! Zhang Chuan, a recruit from the fourth platoon of the seventh company, is here to report!"

As soon as this voice came out, the whole place was shocked.

 (End of this chapter)

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