Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 77: This doctor is very observant.

Chapter 77 This doctor is very observant.

 “There’s one more thing I don’t understand.”

Li Qiang looked at Zhang Chuan and asked hesitantly: "According to the doctor's feedback, those traffickers were hit hard with iron rods. Their spines and limb bones were broken. I'm afraid they will have to spend their whole lives in bed."

“And every blow is extremely precise. I want to ask you, is this intentional?”

 Zhang Chuan looked directly into his eyes and did not answer immediately.

Li Qiang couldn't help but avoid Zhang Chuan's gaze. Perhaps their negligence led to this tragedy.

 Therefore, facing Zhang Chuan as the savior, it is inevitable to feel guilty in my heart.

But he still explained: "Comrade Zhang Chuan, I know your original purpose was to save the children. But I hope you can understand that rules are rules. If the criminals have lost their ability to resist, neither you nor I should Use violence again.”

 “I am a special soldier.”

 Zhang Chuan said.


Li Qiang and all the detectives were stunned for a moment.

 They really didn’t know about this before.

The identity certificate given to Zhang Chuan by his superiors only stated that he was a soldier.

 Whether he is a special forces soldier is not recorded on the certificate.

 Furthermore, superiors will not reveal the other party's true identity at will without the permission of the military.

  After all, special forces are a mysterious force and cannot be easily exposed to the outside world.

 “You can check this later.”

Zhang Chuan continued: "When our special forces deal with bad guys, they focus on defeating the enemy with one move, or killing them with one blow to prevent them from counterattack."

"At that time, eleven of them attacked me together. In order to ensure my own safety and the safety of the hostages, I had to go all out and try to incapacitate them with one blow so that they could no longer resist!"

"You have also seen the murder weapons at the scene, iron rods and sharp fruit knives. If I had scrupled about this so-called rule and showed mercy, if they suddenly counterattacked and stabbed me, wouldn't I be dead? What about those children? what to do?"

“Once the scene is exposed, they will either move the children or execute them on the spot. Have you ever thought about this consequence?”

“I didn’t mean to leave them permanently disabled, I was just protecting myself and my children.”

Hearing what Zhang Chuan said, several criminal policemen exchanged looks and felt relieved.

 If it is true as Zhang Chuan said, then of course there will be no problem.

“Why didn’t you call the police immediately when you found them?”

 Li Qiang thought for a while and asked again.

 Zhang Chuan replied: “First, I don’t want to alert the enemy.”

 “Second, I am very confident.”

 “Third, I don’t trust you.”

 Li Qiang: “…”

 Other detectives: “…”

 These three reasons all reveal extreme arrogance and... deep contempt for them.

“Comrade Zhang Chuan, I hope you will pay attention to your words.”

“Do you think our colleagues in the criminal police team are all useless?”

 A criminal policeman couldn't help but retort.

Zhang Chuan stared at him and sneered: "You might as well say this to the children who have been killed."

“Go and tell them that you are very capable and you are not useless. See if those children will believe you?”

A few people looked ashamed again and were speechless.

Li Qiang sighed softly, and then a call came from the earphone.

Li Qiang then said to Zhang Chuan: "Thank you for your cooperation. You can go. We will handle this matter properly and give an explanation to the children and their parents."

 Zhang Chuan stood up and walked out of the room.

 “What are you pulling at?”

Looking at Zhang Chuan's retreating back, a criminal policeman complained in a low voice. "Shut up! Haven't you been embarrassed enough?"

Li Qiang scolded.

The detective immediately shut up and did not dare to say any more.

When Zhang Chuan walked into the hall, the criminal police captain came up to him and said, "Comrade Zhang Chuan, you can go directly. If anything happens, we will contact you through your unit."

 “This time, I really thank you. This is also our negligence, and we will reflect deeply on it.”

"Here are your luggage and your ticket. I know you are going to the military academy and are delayed now, so we will rebook it for you. I will send someone to take you to the station in a while."


 Zhang Chuan took the luggage and the ticket and expressed his gratitude.

 About a quarter of an hour passed quietly.

 In the car

Li Qiang’s hands were firmly holding the steering wheel, while Zhang Chuan was sitting in the passenger seat. His eyes were a little blurred, staring blankly at the scenery passing by quickly outside the window.

At this time, he felt as if some subtle yet wonderful changes were quietly sprouting deep in his heart.

 As a member of the special forces, this is actually the first time he has truly stepped into an actual battlefield.

 What surprised him was that, facing such a miserable scene before him, he didn't feel like vomiting at all.

What’s even more surprising is that when he defeated the human traffickers, he didn’t feel any guilt at all.

 Is it because he experienced some major turning point that made his determination stronger?

 But now, all that occupied his mind were the miserable and helpless faces of those innocent children.

He couldn't imagine how these children would face life in the future, or what their mental state would be like.

 In the past, he always felt that no matter how bad people were, they couldn't be bad. But now, he understands that his previous idea was wrong.

 The evil in human nature is simply a bottomless pit. For money, these people will do whatever it takes. The word conscience has long ceased to exist for them.

This world is cold and ruthless, and is full of inhumane things, spreading to every corner like an infectious disease. All they can do is try their best to reduce such tragedies and completely eliminate these demons!

“Justice will eventually defeat evil.” They are more ruthless than those bad guys!

"Are you...special forces soldiers so powerful?"

Li Qiang broke the silence and turned his eyes to Zhang Chuan.

Zhang Chuan turned to look at him and replied, "Huh?"

Li Qiang continued: "Those eleven people were knocked down by you with just one stick. No one in our team can match this level of strength."

"Just a few random swings." Zhang Chuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and spoke lightly.

“Stop pretending, it’s okay to deceive new recruits with this kind of talk, but I won’t accept this trick.”

Li Qiang sneered,

“How can you swing a stick randomly and still hit the enemy’s vital points every time? And the results of the doctor’s examination show that the other injuries on their bodies were caused by you beating them randomly, and the wounds are old and new.”

“This doctor is very observant.”

Zhang Chuan couldn't help but sigh that he could analyze it so accurately in just a few minutes.

“Don’t worry, what you said is exactly what we want to see.”

Li Qiang said seriously.

"Anyone with passion and conscience will want to tear those scum into pieces when they see this scene! Although your words sound a bit extreme and may not be strictly appropriate, my superiors have no intention of pursuing them. Instead, use this to defend you.”


 Zhang Chuan replied.

"It's us who should be grateful." Li Qiang sighed, "If it weren't for you, we still wouldn't know that such tragic things are hidden within our jurisdiction."

“We now have a full grasp of the black clinics and child trafficking you mentioned, and have followed the clues to find the entire industrial chain behind them.”

“It seems that you not only saved these children this time, but also probably saved the lives of more innocent children in other cities and other provinces.”

"It would be great."

 Zhang Chuan nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry, we will remember you for this matter. After reporting it, at least a third-class merit medal will not escape. Congratulations." Li Qiang reminded with a smile.

Zhang Chuan didn’t say anything about this. Rather than medals and honors, he hopes these children can get out of the shadows and grow up healthily.

 (End of this chapter)

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