Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 48: The dog-headed Lao Gao and the others were caught

Chapter 48 The dog-headed old man and the others were caught

  The plot shows that the high school team actually did this deliberately to take risks in order to create an opportunity for the lone wolf team B to break out.

The ones who are full of expectations for this are the Lone Wolf B Group that Zhuang Yan and his friends belong to.

Although the main thread of the story has not changed at this time,

 “Oops! It’s the high school team! They were caught!”

On a high ground one kilometer away, the paratrooper saw this scene with a telescope, and his expression changed drastically.

 “It’s really a trap!”

Qiangzi said seriously: "Even the high school team cannot fight back if they go deep into it. If we go in, it will be like drilling into the net ourselves!"

This time, no one questioned Qiangzi's views, and no one mentioned the matter of forcibly breaking into the enemy camp and clashing head-on with the Black Tiger troops.

 “Retreat!” Team leader Geng Jihui gritted his teeth and issued the order.

"Retreat? Are we going to ignore the high school team?" Zhuang Yan was extremely anxious.

"Rescue? How to rescue? It's a dragon's den and a tiger's den! Lei Keming personally arranged all the traps. As soon as the high school team stepped in, they were captured before their guns could even be fired! We went there. Besides dying in vain, what else could we do? Turnaround?"

Geng Jihui said in a deep voice: "Don't forget our mission! Withdraw!"

 Everyone knows how difficult it is to break through the siege and rescue Lei Keming and the high school team!

 With such a heavy burden on their backs, they could only reluctantly retreat.

At the same time, in the base camp of the Black Tiger Force Command Center, Lei Keming appeared leisurely and looked at the high school team with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

 “Lao Gao, long time no see.”

Leikeming spoke.

The high school team member replied with a smile: "It's been a long time indeed."

Leikming asked: "I really want to know what kind of special forces can make veterans like you willingly serve as bait at the expense of sacrifice."

 The high school team, Gray Wolf and others looked at each other and smiled, and said firmly: "Believe me, they will appear in ways you can't imagine and make you suffer!"

“Okay! Then I’ll wait and see! Let’s see who is more powerful, your Langya elite team, or my Black Tiger team!”

Without saying much, Lei Keming waved his hands to take the high school team away first and imprison them temporarily.


 An hour later, a figure appeared near the position that the Lone Wolf B team had previously scouted.

With his sharp eyes, Zhang Chuan immediately discovered that someone had been in this area. Judging from the footprints, it was definitely Zhuang Yan and the others.

Zhang Chuan looked around the camp of the Black Tiger Force Command Center. Everything was calm as usual, with no sign of any battle.

“It seems that Dogou Laogao and the others have been captured, and Xiaozhuang and the others have withdrawn.”

 Zhang Chuan thought to himself.

He carefully checked every hidden corner with his keen eyes, and immediately discovered many hidden snipers, observers, hidden sentries, landmines and other complex mechanisms.

“Well, now that they’re gone, it’s time for me to perform!”

 A smile appeared on Zhang Chuan's lips.

Zhang Chuan looked calm and moved forward three hundred meters step by step before stopping.

Radar data showed that on the high ground fifty meters away on both sides of him, there were two people secretly watching the situation closely.

 In the Black Tiger Brigade's camp, four fully armed soldiers guarded the gate.

 Deep in the camp, a Black Tiger team was conducting closely intertwined patrol missions.

 After mastering all the enemy's movements, Zhang Chuan used the skills of camouflage and stealth to secretly approach a hidden sentry.

Using his sharp vision like an eagle to lock on the target, Zhang Chuan silently approached the back of the Black Tiger special forces member.

 He is like an invisible viper, making no sound!

 The night became his best cover, and no one could detect his approach.

 It wasn’t until a cold dagger was pressed against his throat that the secret whistle suddenly woke up. "Don't move! You have been eliminated. Follow the rules of the exercise!"

Zhang Chuan lowered his voice and warned.

The Black Tiger special operations team member was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He slowly put down the gun in his hand, turned around, and looked at Zhang Chuan in horror.

“Are you a human or a ghost? Why is there no sound at all? I was almost scared to death by you.”

His voice trembled when he spoke.

 Zhang Chuan smiled slightly, "Of course I'm a human, but in terms of sneaking and hiding, I might be better than a ghost."


 “Don’t move, you are now in ‘killed’ status.”

 After Zhang Chuan reminded him again, he turned around and headed towards the next hidden sentry post.

Seeing Zhang Chuan's strange and secretive way of action, the eliminated Black Tiger special forces members were stunned in surprise.

“When did Langya become such a master of stealth?”

Soon, Zhang Chuan came behind another secret whistle. Just like before, this secret whistle was also easily taken down by Zhang Chuan.

 Next, Zhang Chuan successively eliminated seven hidden sentries and three snipers. Within a few hundred meters, he quietly eliminated all enemies.

 After clearing these obstacles, Zhang Chuan finally set his sights on the base camp of the Black Tiger Brigade.

 There are dozens of people in the base camp. Except for the team members who are patrolling, the others are either resting or adjusting.

At this time, the high school team and others were tied to an iron railing.

Lei Keming and other commanders of the Black Tiger Brigade were discussing combat plans in the tent, completely unaware that Zhang Chuan had eliminated the secret sentries and snipers outside.

Then, Zhang Chuan began to quietly walk towards their command post.

 Soon, he came to a place about fifty meters away from the gate, and used the dead shot and radar system to once again explore the situation inside in detail.

Calculated, there are still fifty-eight special forces soldiers in the entire Black Tiger Brigade base camp.

There were four guards at the gate, and two more guards near the iron railing where the high school team and their team were.

 The command post is surrounded by a three-meter-high barbed wire fence with infrared detectors in every direction. The defense system is quite strong.

Once someone approaches, the infrared detector will detect it immediately, and there are several vigilant special forces. It is almost impossible to avoid their sight.

With such a powerful defense, coupled with more than fifty Black Tiger special forces members, if you want to save people, you will probably need at least a full battalion of 300 people to launch a powerful attack to be successful.

Zhang Chuan can only rely on camouflage skills and dead-shooting skills to carry out precise sniping at night and eliminate them one by one.

Decided to act immediately, while the night was just right, he had to take action quickly.

 He stared at the four people at the gate, then took out a grenade and quickly threw it towards their location.

A soft bang.

Hand grenade appeared in front of four people.

 Seeing this scene, the expressions of the four special forces soldiers changed suddenly.

 “Danger! Grenade! Concealed!”

One of them rushed towards the grenade on the ground and pressed it down with his own body.

The remaining three people quickly made tactical evasive actions and jumped out quickly.


There was a muffled sound.

The grenade exploded, and the special soldier who pressed the grenade with his body was instantly eliminated, and a cloud of white smoke rose around him.

"There is an enemy attack! Take cover! Notify other team members immediately! Prepare to fight!"

 A special soldier shouted loudly.

 (End of this chapter)

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