Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 37: Don't be pushy, this instructor wants you to be the one!

Chapter 37: Stop pushing me, this instructor wants you to be the one!

 “I’m really not afraid of death. Really, death is nothing to be afraid of.

 But I am the only child in the family. If I die, I can’t imagine how my parents will bear such a blow and survive! I'm really sorry! "

Before his teammates could persuade him, the sergeant turned around resolutely and left.

 Neither the high school team nor other instructors stopped him, because in their view, it was not surprising to choose to quit at this time.

Everyone has their own weaknesses and fears. If you cannot overcome this fear, it means you are not qualified to join the Wolf Fang.

 Looking at the noncommissioned officer's retreating figure, the other recruits also had mixed feelings.

 Most of them are the only children in the family and are the darlings of their parents.

 If the child dies unfortunately, which family can bear the pain of losing their child, and they will be immersed in the deep longing for their child for the rest of their life.

  But if everyone is worried about this, then who will protect our homeland?

What they can do is to give up the comfort of a small family and devote themselves to the important task of protecting their home and country.

Without this kind of awareness, how could it be possible to gain a foothold in the Wolf Fang Army?

 Zhang Chuan looked at the direction in which the withdrawing team member disappeared and couldn't help but sigh softly.

According to the development of the plot, this so-called actual combat mission is actually just a simulation exercise, a test carefully planned by the veteran team members to test their loyalty, interrogation and counter-interrogation skills, and pressure resistance.

 The purpose of writing a suicide note is to increase psychological pressure on them.

However, if you are full of fear like the non-commissioned officer just now, it is estimated that it will be difficult to stay in the Wolf Fang Army in the future.

 After a heavy psychological struggle, the recruits finally finished writing their suicide notes.

“You are the rookie team A, you are the rookie team B, and you are the rookie team C.”

 The high school team directly divided them into three groups and went to three different areas on the border.

The rookie group A includes six people including Zhuang Yan, Zheng Sanpao, Geng Jihui, Shi Dafan, Deng Zhenhua, and Qiangzi. The remaining recruits are divided into the other two groups.

However, what surprised Zhang Chuan was that he was not assigned to any group.

 The high school team specifically called him aside and asked him, "Do you know why I don't let you go with them?"

Zhang Chuan hesitated for a moment and replied: "Is it because I am too good?"

 The corners of the high school team's mouth twitched after hearing this, and the gray wolf and other instructors next to them also looked embarrassed.

Although Zhang Chuan is right, saying it so straightforwardly makes people feel a little embarrassed.

You know, the instructor's strength is actually not as good as the students. If this spreads out, it will be a big loss in face.

  The high school team tried to calm down their emotions, and then said: "Yeah...it can be understood this way."

“So, this so-called actual combat mission is actually a pre-arranged script, right?”

 Zhang Chuan smiled and put forward his speculation.

 “How did you guess that?” the Gray Wolf High School team asked in surprise.

Zhang Chuan pouted and said calmly: "Is this still a guess? You didn't let me participate because you were obviously worried that I would be too strong and break the balance of the entire team, making it impossible to truly test their strength."

 The high school team and others looked at each other, thinking to themselves that they had always underestimated Zhang Chuan's intelligence.

 Alright, alright, alright! You are awesome, everything you say is right, that’s it!

The high school team looked at Zhang Chuan, really unable to do anything to him, "Anyway, in the next few days, we will conduct a final assessment of your teammates, which is a test of faith and loyalty to the country. As long as you pass this level, it will basically be over. Once you pass, you will be eligible to officially become a member of the Wolf Fang." Zhang Chuan nodded and responded, "I have seen similar scenes in TV series and movies. Generally, top troops will have such a test."

 “But the problem is that I am also a newbie, why don’t you let me try too??”

When the people around heard this, they all rolled their eyes.

A guy like you, who has tortured all the instructors to the point of being confused, still has the nerve to say that he is a novice?

Then who are we?

 The new-born chick is not ready?

The gray wolf next to him mocked: "With those eyes of yours, what kind of disguise can't be seen? If you want to expose it on the spot, how can we continue to act?"


It's not that they didn't think about letting Zhang Chuan participate in this assessment.

The key is that Zhang Chuan's eyes are so vicious, it seems that under his sharp gaze, all disguises are like bubbles, bursting at the touch of a touch.

What if you pull him in and this guy does random things on a whim?

This assessment method works best for the first time. If you do it for the second time, it will be much more difficult to accurately capture their true inner reactions.

"How about I try to act? After all, I am also a novice in training!" Zhang Chuan suggested tentatively.

"Go away! Go ahead and do whatever you want. Don't interfere in this last round of assessment! We're afraid of you!" the high school team said angrily, "I'll just treat you as if you've passed and there's no need to take the exam! Satisfied. Right?”

 A hint of disappointment flashed across Zhang Chuan's face, and he said to himself: "Participation is the most important thing..."

 Everyone burst out laughing when they heard it!

 It’s a ghost to participate!

 You won’t stop until you muddy our waters, right?

"Okay, okay! Since you want to participate, then you can join our instructor team! With your unique camouflage recognition ability, help us see if we can make this exercise more realistic and prevent others from seeing the flaws!" High School Team After thinking about it, I expressed my opinion directly.

Since I can't talk to you, I'll drag you into the situation!

 Zhang Chuan: “…”

 The high school team took out the final assessment plan and handed it to Zhang Chuan to read.

Even if Zhang Chuan didn't look, he could probably guess what their plan was.

He pretended to read it carefully before speaking: "Theoretically, there is nothing wrong with your plan, and it is also very straightforward to implement."

“But in my opinion, this plan is still too simple. It neither shows the reality and cruelty of war, nor can it fully inspire the fear in the hearts of the team members.”

 Zhang Chuan analyzed.

 “Oh? Why do you see it?” The high school team, Gray Wolf and other instructors immediately became interested.

Zhang Chuan explained: "In your plan, they just started to carry out the task of fighting criminal armed forces. In the end, they didn't even see the criminals, so they were stunned and sent to the interrogation camp for interrogation. Even the real war scenes were How can they feel the real battlefield environment if they have never experienced it?”

“As for the interrogation session, I just implicitly hit Gray Wolf’s hand with a hammer, and I didn’t let them see the **** and **** situation with their own eyes, so the psychological impact was greatly weakened.”

"The final one-on-one torture ended with a few punches and sticks. It was so easy! If you watch those spy movies, they use various methods such as cutting with knives, burning with soldering irons, and electrocution at every turn, so that they can be stimulated better. The fear in their hearts!”

After Zhang Chuan’s analysis, the instructors felt that the plan might be too simplified.

 Previously, they had been emphasizing the cruelty of war to the novice team members.

 However, in their assessment plan, it seems that they did not truly restore the cruel side of war.

 Just want to force them to "rebellion" through torture.

 (End of this chapter)

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