Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 139: All members of the Cheetah Commando are out!

Chapter 139 All members of the Cheetah Commando are out!

 The bullet almost whizzed past Zhang Chuan’s ear!

 You can even feel the heat wave caused by the bullet cutting through the air!

"This this…"

After seeing Zhang Chuan dodging bullets through the scope, the sniper's eyes almost popped out!

 “It’s too much! It’s really too much!”

 Could he see the trajectory of the bullet and get out of the way? How else to explain?

This kind of extreme bullet dodging operation has only been seen in Hollywood blockbusters before.

 Maybe it’s something only found in science fiction movies!

 But the scene in front of me is no longer just science fiction, it is simply magic!

  The leaders in the control room were made dizzy by Zhang Chuan's magical operations again and again!

 Do you really have such a keen sense of crisis?

“I just want to do one thing now, open Zhang Chuan’s head and see what’s inside!”

“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe that there are people who can dodge bullets to the extreme!”

Zhang Chuan ignored this and continued to advance quickly despite the sniper fire. The snipers of the Cheetah Commandos had long ago given up their sniper rifles and instead used rifles to suppress Zhang Chuan's fire!

Even so, it cannot stop Zhang Chuan from moving forward!

Whenever a bullet is about to hit, Zhang Chuan uses the acceleration skill of "Quick Silver" to dodge. He is like an invisible man walking through the hail of bullets!

When Zhang Chuan rushed behind Hu Yang, the captain of the Cheetah Commando, and casually raised his gun and eliminated Hu Yang and other team members!

 The sniper finally collapsed!

Is this a joke?

 Are you sure you’re not here for abuse?

Had I known that there was such a powerful master, why bother to go to so much trouble? Wouldn't it be more satisfying to just give myself a shot?

"Sorry! Brothers of the Cheetah Commando!" Zhang Chuan walked around behind the Cheetah Commando's defense line, jumped lightly, and used the "Death Shooter" skill to instantly find the sniper!


 All members of the Cheetah Commando are out!

 At this time, all the unqualified contestants of the All-Army Special Forces Competition have received messages from the director team!

 The combat area is about to shrink. All players who are not in the next round of combat area should run away from poison!

 Zhang Chuan also breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but said:

“After fighting for so long, I can finally ‘lick the bag’!”

I have to say that the contestants in this military special forces competition are really awesome!

 Cobra Commando was directly eliminated because the first supply point only had food.

 But those popular ones, like Siberian Tigers, Falcons, and Snow Leopards, performed so well!

Ordinary teams such as the Highland Guard and the Cheetah Commando also managed to get into the forefront by luck. What a surprise!

Especially the Long Yan Commando at the headquarters, they are simply the best among masters!

There is a master in their team who is extremely vigilant. He discovered the trap in advance and not only avoided it himself, but also killed his opponent. That's amazing!

However, as soon as Zhang Chuan took action, the leaders in the monitoring room were stunned!

 No matter how outstanding the other teams are, they all become followers when it comes to Zhang Chuan.

The leaders’ eyes were widened, staring at Zhang Chuan’s every move on the big screen. Is this Chuan Chuan still a human being? The head of the Northern Military Region looked in disbelief and pointed at Zhang Jun with trembling fingers. What kind of ecstasy soup did your Southeast Military Region pour into him? No, I don’t drink soup that much! I have never seen a special soldier with such accurate marksmanship, such high alertness, and the ability to easily dodge countless bullets!

And you actually call this guy a newcomer? Tell me where such perverted recruits can be found!

 Zhang Jun calmed down a little and retorted:

 Don't talk nonsense! You just yell around because your skills are not as good as others. This style is unique to your Northern Military Region! Besides, Zhang Chuan not only defeated you, but the West and Southwest Military Region didn't say anything either!

What the hell? Fang Qingshui and Yu Wen were not happy.

 What does it mean? Fang Qingshui and Yu Wen were unhappy when Zhang Chuan suppressed the sharp blades and highland guards before, and now Zhang Jun is even more angry!

 This is simply a naked provocation! Fang Qingshui's face turned red and he stared at Zhang Jun: Old guy, are you tired of living? Believe it or not, I’ll give you some color right away!

Yu Wen also yelled: Zhang Jun, you’re a fool! Our Southwest Military Region will make you look good sooner or later!

 Zhang Jun said nonchalantly: You are only at this level! My subordinates are no match for Zhang Chuan, so they are just arguing here! That's all you people can do!

 The heads of the Western, Southwest, and Northern Military Regions were speechless by Zhang Jun. The fact is that our own soldiers are not as good as others, which makes leaders like them lose their reputation.

Even if three people come together, what will happen if they beat Zhang Jun? The special forces of the three military regions were defeated by Zhang Chuan. This is an indisputable fact!

Thinking of this, the three leaders were so angry that they almost exploded! They all looked at the Blades, the Highland Guards and the captain of the Falcon Commando.

 Three people said in unison: Shame on you!

The captains’ men were pushed to the ground and rubbed by Zhang Chuan alone. They were too embarrassed to look up. They didn’t even dare to fart when they heard the blame from their superiors. Sit obediently, place your hands on your thighs neatly, and lower your head like a quail.

 In my heart, I had already scolded the respective captains.

Although their commando teams have achieved mediocre results over the years, they have never been as aggrieved as they are today.

  We all have two shoulders to carry one head, and the amount of training is about the same. The rules of the game are fair. Although the special forces are strong and weak, they have mutual offense and defense on the battlefield.

 Even if you are eliminated, you must bite the enemy before leaving! But meeting Zhang Chuan was a nightmare!

  Three commandos bullied the smaller ones due to the large number of them, but he beat them to the ground. This was the first time in the history of the army's special forces competition. It was simply a shame for the special forces!

Suddenly, the head of the headquarters spoke: Lao Zhang, how about we discuss something?

The head of the headquarters always went to the Three Treasures Hall for no reason, and he was so polite. Zhang Jun immediately became vigilant: The chief said what he had to say directly, and he was so polite, which reminded me of a cunning yellow man!

The head of the headquarters was stunned for a moment, then pointed at Zhang Jun and said with a smile: You guy, you don’t even use curse words to hurt others! This means that I am a weasel giving New Year greetings to the chicken!

 Don’t dare! You are the chief, how can I dare to be so presumptuous!

So, should we talk about this matter or not?

 Talk! Of course!

The head of the headquarters' face softened a little: Zhang Chuan from your Southeast Military Region is a bit underwhelmed at Langya. How about coming to our headquarters?

 Good guy! The heads of all the military regions were shocked, what a guy! Before the competition is over, the headquarters is poaching!

But think about it, it’s not surprising that the head of the headquarters has such thoughts. It would be a pity for a super special forces soldier like Zhang Chuan to stay in Langya. If you train them well, you have great hope of joining the legendary special forces!

 I don’t think it’s possible! Zhang Jun laughed dryly, "There are so many experts in the special forces at the headquarters. It doesn't matter if Zhang Chuan is missing, but we only have Zhang Chuan in the Southeast Military Region. He is our treasure!"

 The key point is that I can’t make the decision in this matter!

 (End of this chapter)

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