After lunch, everyone went back to the dormitory for a short rest, and continued training in the afternoon.

But Chen He didn't see Leng Feng appear, as if he had forgotten about them, and didn't arrange for anyone else to lead the team.

"I didn't hit him that hard, do you want to bring a few boxes of Cuban cigars to visit?"

And the leaders who often came to watch them train, for some reason, disappeared one by one, without a trace.

But now, they all seemed to be afraid of him and didn't come.

But Chen He was used to it, anyway, he was the only one leading the training before.

But his hands were itching now, wondering when he could try shooting!

Since Chen He integrated the shooting skill package, he was inexplicably excited whenever he saw something long.

And he was a little excited when he clenched his fist.

This itchy feeling is that his shooting talent is deep in his bones!

But several leaders are gone, and there is no one to apply for it.

"It seems that I challenged too hard, and they are afraid?"

Chen He suppressed his thoughts and began to explain the theoretical basis of fighting skills to them.

In the morning, he beat them up. Now he will explain it to them again. This effect will definitely be much better than telling them directly.

Chen He did not hide it and taught everyone the theoretical knowledge of fighting skills. As for how much they can understand, it depends on their own understanding.

The master leads the way, and the practice is up to the individual.

"I didn't even think about your attack on me. I just used a shoulder throw to fight back. This is my instinct. I don't need to think about it. If the enemy attacks you, and you are still thinking about how to fight back, you will definitely be slower than the enemy. That's why I said just now that you have to practice the moves to muscle memory to achieve instinctive reactions, and it's half a beat faster than thinking..."

Chen He combined the examples of their attacks on him in the morning, explained one by one, and made corresponding gestures to deepen their impression.

While Chen He was explaining the fighting skills to them, Shi Sanba was watching Chen He in a corner not far away.

Leng Feng and Ban Zhuan both had injured arms, and no one was taking care of Chen He and the others for the time being.

Originally, Leng Feng gave Shi Sanba a message, meaning that he should help take care of them, and just go over occasionally to take a look. He didn't need to do anything. It didn't matter if the group of people were basking in the sun. It would be best if a few of them fainted from the sun.

Shi Sanba was not a piece of wood like Ban Zhuan. He could see that Chen He liked to challenge his superiors!

Whoever he met, he was.

Leng Feng and Ban Zhuan both got into trouble. If he went to act as a proxy, there would definitely be no good result.

It’s not that Shi Sanba was afraid of Chen He. The key is that as Shao Bin said, if he didn’t use his killer moves, he couldn’t beat Chen He in a one-on-one duel.

What to do? Whoever goes will be unlucky!

So when Shi Sanba saw the message sent by Leng Feng, he immediately refused and refused to do it.

Of course, Shi Sanba would definitely not do it openly, but he could come and observe secretly.

The result is shocking.

Under the leadership of Chen He, these recruits were trained quite well, without any water in them.

"Integrate the moves into muscle memory and use your own reactions instead of the brain's thinking, so that you can really adapt to the situation and counter the moves."

"When muscle memory is generated, the body naturally forms a conditioned reaction, so that the moves will be adaptable and not rigid, and that is the real entry threshold. In martial arts, it is called entering the hall."

Chen He said a lot of things with great enthusiasm, and Shi Sanba felt that it made a lot of sense.

Leng Feng and Ban Zhuan deserved to be beaten, and they were indeed careless, but this guy is really talented!

"Wow, where did this kid learn all these skills? It feels like he has become a master."

Shi Sanba also has his own unique insights in the field of fighting. Compared with Chen He, the other party's words are more scientific and direct.

"You have a lot of theories. You must have practiced martial arts since you were young. The key is that you are so strong. It's too abnormal. No wonder the bricks capsized in the gutter."

"What a talent!"

Suddenly, Shi Sanba saw Chen He looking in his direction and greeted him from a distance: "Hello, Chief, can you come over? I want to learn martial arts from you and set an example for the other post-war fighters in our class."

Shi Sanba was stunned. What does it mean?

Before, Chen He beat Li Miao and Leng Feng. Now... he wants to beat me again?


It seems too exaggerated!


Shi Sanba turned and left. His judgment was correct. This little thorn just likes challenges.

Fighting new recruits?

It's not glorious to win.

It's embarrassing to lose.

"I'm just passing by. I don't have time."

Shi Sanba said, and then ran faster than a rabbit.

He went straight to Shao Bin.

Shao Bin was arranging the next step of training. He looked up and saw Shi Sanba walking in with a smile on his face.

"You are smiling so cunningly? Which girl are you thinking about?" Shao Bin joked.

Shi Sanba laughed and said, "Captain Shao, look at what you said. I just went to observe that kid. It's true that he can really fill Yu Fei's position. Don't let Li Miao dig him away. Why don't you do some ideological work on him first? Make him feel more present?"

"This person's feelings are all developed through relationships. Today, Li Miao made a wave of presence. Three days later, he held another commendation meeting. This is one wave after another. No matter what, Chen He is still a big boy with unstable thoughts. If he is fooled by Li Miao in a few moves, we will have nothing to do."

"Leng Feng can Tell me, Li Miao has said that except Chen He, we can choose anyone. We have to hurry up. Even if there is a dragon team, it may not be useful. "

Shao Bin thought for a while and said, "We really need to pay more attention to him. By the way, I heard that he also beat him with a brick?"

Shi Sanba nodded and said, "That's right. He beat him no less than Leng Feng. Otherwise, why would I go to them? Now the new recruits are led by Chen He, and the deputy squad leader is doing the work of the squad leader. However, don't say that the boy is well-behaved and looks like a real leader."

Everyone was dealt with by him. The boy was born to be a leader. "

Shao Bin's mouth twitched, and he felt a pain in his balls.

Has he fallen to this point?

It's fine that Leng Feng couldn't beat him, Ban Zhuan is the best fighter among the Wolf Warriors, and he has the previous experience, so why did he still get beaten?

Even if they met stronger opponents in the past, wouldn't they scream? They beat the other party to tears, why are they being bullied like this now?

Shao Bin exhaled heavily, stood up and said: "Okay, I'll go talk to him about life."

"Captain Shao is wise." Shi Sanba smiled and flattered him.

As soon as Shao Bin left, Shi Sanba suddenly remembered something and slapped his thigh: "It's over, that little thorn won't challenge Captain Shao, right?"

PS: I'm asking for a gift, I'm poor.

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