The old man was very angry, but he was still very nervous.

Chen He was not nervous either. He strode to the front of the auditorium, stood at attention, saluted, and then faced the crowd.

What kind of scene was this to him? What could a person who had experienced life and death be nervous about?

Not to mention facing a row, even if he was facing the entire company, or even the entire regiment and more people, he could still remain calm.

Don't care about life and death, just fight if you don't agree!

Chen He looked at everyone and said, "Everyone, do you want to sleep after reading the regulations?"

This sentence immediately made the scene explode!

"Fuck, it's amazing. I don't know about others, but I'm a poor student. Books don't interest me."

"Books are interested in me, but I have no interest in them at all. They just run circles in my mind."

"If we all have good brains, we would have gone to college long ago. Why would we be soldiers?"


There is no doubt that Chen He's words touched their hearts.

Not to mention that they were exhausted after a day of training, even when they were in the best mental state, they wanted to sleep after picking up a book for less than half an hour.

Reading books is the most painful thing for them.

When Shao Bin and others heard Chen Feng say this, their mouths twitched.

This kid is really bold!

However, what he said is not false at all. They were all recruits and had such experiences.

When they recited the three major disciplines and eight points of attention, didn't it feel like their lives were taken away?

They can remember it now, and they don't know how much energy they spent to remember it. Now looking back, it feels like a miracle.

At this moment, Chen He saw that the atmosphere was almost the same, and said loudly: "But I have a way to change this situation. As long as you follow me and use my method, it will definitely be effective for you. You may not be a super academic master, but you can become an elite."

Everyone's heart trembled suddenly, and their eyes lit up.

Chen He began to shout loudly: "Take out the "Discipline Regulations" now, I will read a sentence, you look at the book and shout a sentence, remember to use all your strength, shout from your throat, as loud as your voice can be!"

"Get ready in 10 seconds!"

All of a sudden, everyone turned to the first page of the regulations, then adjusted their postures, moistened their throats, and did various preparatory movements.

Now there was an atmosphere of war.

As soon as the ten seconds were up, Chen He shouted loudly: "Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article 1, in order to maintain and consolidate the discipline of the army, correctly implement rewards and punishments, ensure the high degree of centralization and unity of the army, strengthen the revolutionary, modernized and regularized construction, consolidate and improve combat effectiveness, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws, combined with the actual situation of the army, this regulation is formulated..."

Chen He's hands were empty, there were no regulations or papers, but he shouted loudly!

Everyone was stunned.

Damn, has this guy memorized all of them? Or is it just the beginning?

How could they know that Chen He had imprinted all the regulations in his mind with the knowledge points integrated into the recruit skill package, and he just read it directly, just like eating and drinking water, without thinking at all.

What is an export document? This is it!

After everyone reacted, they began to shout with Chen He.

As Chen He continued to read, they began to be surprised. If it was just the first part, it would be nothing. As long as you recite it carefully and remember it desperately, you will definitely remember some of it, but the further you go, the harder it is!

Did Chen He really recite all of them?

Everyone was shocked. This is a top student. No, a super top student!

As everyone continued to shout loudly, they gradually found that they remembered a large part of what they shouted when they thought about it.

It really works!

Suddenly, everyone was interested as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

The sound of shouting in the auditorium was getting louder and louder, making the walls seem to vibrate.

Shao Bin, Ban Zhuan, Shi Sanba and Leng Feng were all shocked when they saw this scene, as well as the scene where Chen He had no books in his hands and was desperately reading aloud with everyone.

Shi Sanba swallowed his saliva and said, "Oh my god, this kid is a good leader. No wonder Team Long likes him. Team Long appreciates such ability!"

Leng Feng immediately scolded, "Can you please stop mentioning this? You will die if you don't mention it!"

Ban Zhuan smiled strangely and said seriously, "This kid is very interesting. Team Long is also a good leader.

Meaningful woman, they may be like-minded and connected. "

Leng Feng had a dark face: "Get lost!"

Shao Bin next to him nodded repeatedly: "Yes, give him time, he can indeed become a good leader. He has great potential. He can lead people so passionately with a simple recitation. When we were recruits, if we had such a squad leader, why would we hide in the quilt to recite the regulations in the middle of the night?"

Leng Feng frowned and said: "Are you all stabbing me in the heart?"

Shi Sanba laughed and said: "Leng Feng, if you face the strengths of others and compare them with your own, you can know where you are lacking, know yourself and the enemy, otherwise how can you take back the Dragon Team?"

Ban Zhuan nodded: "That's the truth."

Shao Bin added: "I think so too. "

Leng Feng: "..."

As time went by, the voices of the three classes became a little hoarse, but strangely, their spirits became better, especially the boring and hard work during the day, as if they had vented out.

This is more refreshing than traditional crafts, and many people began to find that they had memorized a lot of content without realizing it.

It's only been more than an hour, and it feels like they have memorized more than what they memorized in ten days.

There is hope in life!

Shao Bin looked at the time and felt that it was almost time, so he shouted: "Okay, let's learn here tonight. Come here every night for an hour to recite together!"

"I emphasize one point, everyone must keep it secret and can't let people from other platoons know. Do you hear it clearly?"

"Yes!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"Disband!" Shao Bin shouted.

As soon as his voice fell, the system prompt sounded in Chen He's mind: "The host turns on the helping mode, gets the recognition of the recruits, and is rewarded with 100 experience points. ”

Host: Chen He

Level: Level 4

Data flow attributes.

Motherboard performance: 2.6 (normal people: 1)

Memory size: 2.6 (normal people: 1)

CPU speed: 2.6 (normal people: 1)

Activation functions: comprehensive physical examination, enlarge and bold, recycling bin (2.6M), energy saving mode, new recruit entry skills.

Comprehensive strength evaluation: 4

Upgrade experience value: 400/500

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