Although everyone protested, no one withdrew when they were given a choice. After all, no one wanted to be a coward. They quickly got on the military vehicle and continued to drive to the plateau. As the car continued to climb to the plateau, the air became thinner and the oxygen became less and less. Some people began to feel uncomfortable. "Brother, why do I feel a little dizzy and want to vomit?" Li Erniu kept swallowing his saliva. Chen He said, "It's okay, just carsickness. Hang on for a while and you'll be fine once you get used to it." Li Erniu nodded and said, "Oh, brother said I'm fine, I must be fine. I suddenly feel much better." Chen He grinned. Many other people in the car had strong reactions, but their physical fitness was good, they just felt dizzy, and no one vomited.

This altitude sickness has different reactions for different people, but generally speaking, the stronger the physical fitness, the easier it is to adapt.

The car continued to move forward, and about two hours passed.

During the driving process, some people began to feel dizzy and vomit.

At this time, who has stronger physical fitness and is easier to adapt began to show one by one.

With a squeak, the car stopped.

"Get off!"

With Leng Feng's roar, everyone got off the car.

Ban Zhuan and Shi Sanba stood beside the car, and helped anyone who couldn't stand steadily.

Of course, some people squatted on the ground and vomited as soon as they got off the car. In short, there were all kinds of situations.

This is also unavoidable. This is a plateau area with an altitude of more than 4,500 meters. The air is thin and the environment is harsh. People who come here for the first time will feel uncomfortable.

When they first came, they were also dizzy and it took them nearly half a day to completely adapt.

Therefore, Shao Bin and others expected this to happen, so they didn't curse.

Finally, a preliminary statistics showed that among the 90 recruits, more than 60 people had vomiting, dizziness, chest tightness, etc., and more than 20 people had difficulty breathing, slow reaction and other plateau phenomena.

In short, looking back, these dozens of people suddenly became sick chickens.

Of course, there is also an alternative, that is Chen He.

Chen He didn't feel anything at all, and felt no different from being in the plains.

After he entered the plateau area, he directly entered the [Energy Saving Mode] of the computer system.

The best thing about the so-called energy saving mode is low energy consumption and no timing, so Chen He can maintain his vitality, just like a normal person.

Therefore, when others were squatting on the ground to vomit, or three people were resting together, Chen He began to look at the surrounding environment.

"Fuck, this is the recruit base?"

If there wasn't a flagpole in the middle of the camp with a red flag flying on it, and there were a few scattered barracks around, plus some special training equipment and venues, one would think this was an abandoned residential area.

It is said that the conditions in the northwest border areas are difficult, but they are not so difficult, right?

How shabby it is!

This has nothing to do with the green military camp that I imagined in my mind.

Chen He smiled bitterly.

While Chen He was observing the camp, Leng Feng was always paying attention to his reaction.

As a result, he was surprised to find that after getting off the car, this kid had no altitude sickness at all, and was still able to leisurely look at the surrounding environment.

"This guy's physical fitness is so strong? He is really an animal!"

Leng Feng remembered very clearly that when he first came to the plateau, he fainted for nearly half an hour before he was completely refreshed.

This recovery speed is said to be very impressive, but he didn't have any reaction at all. People who don't know still think this kid is a native living here.

"Has this kid been here before, or has he received special training?"

However, Leng Feng immediately rejected this idea. Unless this kid is bored, he would do such a thing.

Leng Feng raised his hand to check the time and shouted: "Assemble, line up!"

After resting for more than half an hour, plus a few hours of adaptation period on the road, everyone gradually recovered.

After the assembly, they began to divide into classes.

Shao Bin was the platoon leader of the new recruits. He divided the recruits he personally selected into three classes, and the rest were in charge of the other two platoon leaders of the same level as him.

The three classes he selected were naturally led by Leng Feng, Ban Zhuan, and Shi Sanba, each leading a class of ten people.

Chen He was assigned to the third

Class 3, which happened to be the same class as Li Erniu, and the class leader was Leng Feng.

At this time, Li Erniu felt very bad, as if he was exhausted and could faint at any time.

He was in the worst performing two-thirds of the group, and he vomited so badly that he almost vomited bile.

Li Erniu leaned on Chen He to barely stand, and his feet were light when he walked.

The other people in Class 3 were not much better, and they were barely supporting themselves and did not faint.

They finally experienced what mushroom blue meat was.

This altitude reaction is really no joke. Before coming here, they also did their homework and thought that according to their physical fitness, the reaction should not be too big, but who would have thought that they still overestimated themselves.

Now they finally suffered. If they had known this earlier, they should have come to experience it a day or two in advance, otherwise they would be as embarrassed as they are now.

Seeing that Chen He had no reaction at all, they couldn't help but admire him again.

Why is there such a big difference between people?

Li Erniu said to Chen He in a faint voice: "Brother, why don't you react at all? Have you been here before?"

Chen He grinned and said: "No, maybe my physical fitness is stronger and it is easier to adapt. I have adapted on the way to the car."

"You are still amazing." Li Erniu said, "Brother, do you think I can hold on?"

Chen He said: "Of course, you have adapted now, haven't you? You will be full of energy after a good sleep, even more vigorous than seafood."

"Brother, you talk just like my wife, so pleasant to hear."

Chen He was speechless.

Leng Feng glanced at the ten people and said: "Follow me!"

As he said that, he led Chen He and others to the dormitory with an expressionless face.

After entering the dormitory, Leng Feng arranged their beds and said, "Listen to me, everyone. Remember, my name is Leng Feng, and I will be your squad leader from now on."

"I only have three requirements for you. First, pay attention to your work and rest and meal times. Look at the schedule yourself, which is posted on the door. Second, the only thing you have to do now is sleep, and then get up and eat when it's time. Don't think about training or seeing the scenery."

After saying that, his eyes stayed on Chen He for a while.

"Third, if any rookie can't stand it, come to me and I'll buy you a ticket home."


Everyone was shocked.

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