The two sides of the border are not good, but the two sides are not good.

Wang Tao didn't know the situation of Chen He's family, so he didn't know Chen Bo's thoughts. His main purpose of coming this time was to recruit Chen He to the News Department.

On the way here, he had already thought that if Chen He agreed to go to the News Department, he would focus on him and further shape his image as a soldier.

As long as Chen He's facial features are not bad, he will definitely become a star in the army.

After seeing Chen He's appearance, Wang Tao was 100% sure.

Chen He is definitely the person who best meets his requirements.

The problem that has troubled Wang Tao for a long time can finally be solved.

Wang Tao smiled and said to Chen He: "Comrade Chen He, no matter your image or your inner self, you are very good in our army. I can assure you that as long as you go to our news department and package yourself a little, you will become a star soldier in our army in the shortest time."

"In our news department, promotion is very easy. You have won the second-class merit now. If you have been in the army for more than half a year, I can directly apply for you to be promoted to officer. It is not a problem to become a second lieutenant. Let's put it this way. If you go to us, I can help you be promoted to major within three years."

"At your current age, when you become a major, you will be the youngest major in all major military regions."

Fan Tianlei just smiled when he heard this.

The people in the news department are really good at bragging, even better than me. From private to major in three years? It's a bit too much.

This is impossible in conventional troops. Don't even dream about it.

But if it is in the News Department, it is indeed possible. As long as Chen He performs well enough in the News Department and his superiors pay enough attention to him, then the promotion speed will definitely be like riding a rocket.

Wang Tao is obviously very satisfied with what he said, otherwise he would not say such a thing.

"Chen He going to the News Department should be a good choice."

In Fan Tianlei's opinion, Chen He should not refuse such an invitation, and there is no reason to refuse.

If there was such an opportunity when he was young, Fan Tianlei would agree immediately without thinking.

When Chen Bo heard this, he was confused.

My son won the second-class merit, and he hasn't even joined the army yet.

When he goes to the News Department, he can become a second lieutenant, and can be promoted to major within three years?

A series of information almost knocked Chen Bo out.

When Chen Bo retired, he was only a private, which is a huge difference.

My son has made great achievements!

As for Chen Bo's wife Tao Hong, she was crying with red eyes, but now she has changed to another person.

She pulled Chen Bo's sleeve and said, "I've said it before, my son will definitely be a talent, do you hear me now? He has made meritorious service before joining the army, and he is ready to be promoted. He is better than you in the past."

Chen Bo shook his head vigorously, turned to look at Fan Tianlei and said, "Bullshit, this is impossible. How can we not know what kind of person my son is? There must be something wrong. You should go and verify it."


Fan Tianlei pointed at Long Xiaoyun and said, "Why would I lie to you? She was there at the time and can testify. Old Chen, you have raised a good son. He has high ideological quality and super physical quality. He will definitely become a good soldier in the future."

Chen Bo looked at the heroic Long Xiaoyun and suddenly felt very, very clear.

Long Xiaoyun nodded and said, "Chen He did save my grandmother. My grandmother is hospitalized next door. She will come to thank him later."

Chen Bo believed it now, but it still felt unreal.

The son just went out for a trip, and in a blink of an eye, he turned into a different person, saving people and becoming a hero.

Is this what people often say, that there are surprises and accidents everywhere in life?

Chen Bo didn't know how much he had done for his son. He didn't expect him to be very good, but just hoped that he could be like a normal person.

Now... a surprise!

Fan Tianlei smiled and said, "Now you should be relieved, Xiao Chen has already joined the army. If he goes to the news department, it will be a matter of time before he is promoted. Director Wang has already spoken, so you can rest assured that Xiao Chen will definitely have a great future."

Chen Bo laughed loudly and said, "Really? I really mean it. Old Fan, you helped me this time. Let's have a drink later."

He had no choice before, so he called Fan Tianlei and asked him to go.

Although his old comrade-in-arms was a bit of a scumbag, he was capable. He had only been in contact with his son for a while.

, his son has such a big change, he really found the right person!

At this moment, Wang Tao saw that everyone was talking to each other happily, so he coughed softly and said to Chen He with a smile: "Xiao Chen, if you don't have any objections, I will transfer your file first. When you recover from your injury, you can report directly to the news department. How about it?"

Long Xiaoyun looked at Chen He helplessly when he heard this.

If you consider personal development, Chen He's going to the news department is undoubtedly the best choice.

The promotion speed is fast, the work is decent, and there is a lot of free time. I don't know how many people want such a job.

But if you go to the southwestern Tibetan border with difficult conditions, it will be different. It is definitely a world of difference.

Chen He is still so young and has always lived in a prosperous metropolis. How could he choose to go to such a difficult place?

Before, the reason why he chose to sign up to go there was probably because he had no other choice. Now there is a better place to go, that's another matter.

Long Xiaoyun was optimistic about Chen He, as he had great potential, but he saved her grandmother. If he chose to go to the News Department, she would not stop him.

"Forget it, let the young man do what he wants. Just pretend that we have never recruited such a soldier."

Long Xiaoyun figured it out quickly.

There was a problem within the Wolf Warriors Commando. Leng Feng, Shao Bin, Ban Zhuan, Shi Sanba and others were temporarily marginalized and went to lead troops in the local area. If Chen He really went to the southwest Tibetan border, she might not be able to lead him well.

At this time, Chen He finally came to his senses.

"Go to the News Department to retire?"

Chen He frowned.

I have just integrated the computer system and have many capabilities such as comprehensive physical examination, enlargement and bolding, recycling bin (2M), energy-saving mode, etc. This is just the beginning, and I can become stronger in the future.

Go to the News Department to lie down?

If it was before, Chen He would still think that going to the News Department is definitely profitable, but now he doesn't think so.

Chen He said: "Director Wang, thank you for your invitation, but I am still young. I think I should be more trained. Becoming a real warrior is my dream, so I don't want to go to the news department now."

As soon as his voice fell, the voice of the system in his mind sounded: "The host insists on the main task and has a strong will. 100 upgrade experience points will be awarded."

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