The more you go, the better.

Chen He felt warm in his heart when he heard this.

Before, he didn't feel anything when he heard about the military selection, but when he heard it this time, he suddenly felt an indescribable sense of intimacy.


Although Chen He has not officially joined the army, he has already registered and can be considered a soldier.

Not long after Long Xiaoyun hung up the phone, a whistle sounded outside the car.

Two police cars honked.

This is the motorcycle team composed of traffic police, opening a passage for the ambulance.

On both sides of the road and in the vehicle condition channel, the information about soldiers saving people and needing to go to the hospital for serious injuries, hoping that everyone will give way, was broadcast.

After hearing the broadcast, the car owners took the initiative to make way and even stopped to help divert traffic.

For them, they would do the same even if the traffic police didn't come.

"Make way, make way, there are our soldiers behind who need to be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment!"

"Is there such a thing? Immediately!"

"Soldiers are given priority, it's a must!"

"The owner of the car in front..."

The originally crowded road was constantly given way by vehicles.

One, two, three... one by one, they all took the initiative to give way to the side, all the way to Donghai City Hospital.

The traffic police motorcycle team guarded on both sides and cleared the way for them.

And the pedestrians passing by the roadside, after knowing the situation, directly raised their fists to the car and made a cheering gesture.

When Chen He turned his head to look at the window, he saw these scenes and felt indescribably moved.

This is the unity of the army and the people!

And in this world, only Yan Country has such a terrifying execution power.

In history, the shoulder pole revolution and the yak revolution were real. At that time, wherever the armed forces fought, the people carried food and followed, without regrets.

If it weren't for their silent support behind the scenes, how could there be a great victory later?

Such people are worth protecting!

Before, Chen He had never felt this way. When watching TV dramas and seeing these scenes, he felt a little fake, but today he was really moved.

He suddenly felt an invisible sense of mission filling his heart.

At this moment, Chen He felt that he had completely integrated into this society and this parallel world, and really regarded this place as his own country.

When Chen He was sent to the hospital, in the area of ​​Donghai City where every inch of land is worth a lot of money, in the hall of a villa with a courtyard.

The atmosphere in the hall was a bit heavy, and Chen He's cheap father Chen Bo sat on the sofa with an angry face.

"You are already 18 years old, an adult. When I was 18, I had already joined the army, carrying a gun and ready to go to the battlefield to defend my country. When I retired, I also won a third-class individual merit. I have never been a coward in my life."

"You gave me a good son, how does he look like me? If I hadn't been sure that he was from my Chen family, I would have thought he was from Lao Wang!"

"I tell you, I am not Li Gang. I have no ambition. He can't get a penny. When I am ready to die, I will donate all the money to the country. He wants to inherit the inheritance and lie down comfortably for the rest of his life, but that is impossible."

Opposite Chen Bo sat Chen He's cheap mother Tao Hong.

Tao Hong said with red eyes: "What are you yelling about? Don't you have any responsibility for your son's condition? Have you ever really cared about him in all these years? You are busy with business every day, and I am the one who takes care of your son. Now that your son is like this, you blame me instead."

"Do you still have any conscience? When I was taking care of the child and needed care, where were you? When the child needed your father's guidance, where were you? Do you finally remember that you still have a son now?"

"You are a grown man, you are a hero in the army, and you are a leader in the business world. , you are awesome, but you can't expect others to be like you. If everyone is like you, wouldn't everyone be a billionaire? "

"Donghai City has a population of over ten million, but there is only one richest man! In my opinion, as long as my son has a good outlook on life and is kind, why must he become a pillar of society? Can't he live a peaceful life? Why must he work hard all his life like you?"

"When he was in the army, he got sick. Do you want your son to be like you?"

Tao Hong's eyes were red, and she was getting more and more angry.

"I don't care what you want, but I raised my son, and he can't stand it.

I just want him to be safe and sound. As for how successful he is, I don't expect it. You can donate all your money to the country. My share will be left to my son, which is enough for him to live a stable life. "

"My attitude is like this. Anyway, I want my son. If you look down on my son, you can look down on him. Anyway, you have never disciplined him since he was a child. Now you suddenly want to turn your son into a dragon. That's impossible. "

Chen Bo was stunned for a moment and cursed: "A loving mother often spoils her son. My son has become like this because you, as a mother, are too spoiled. He has become a stinky boy without any backbone!"

"I tell you, I don't raise a waste. Our Chen family has been soldiers for three generations. How come your son has become like a waste? His grandfather moved away because of this unpromising boy."

"For so many years, he hasn't come back once. Why? I don't want to see a waste!"

"He is still addicted to the Internet. If he grows up, will he be addicted to drugs? When I see him, I won't break his hand. See how he can go online!"

Tao Hong stood up and said, "My son is in a bad mood, so why go online? Now is the Internet age, who among the young people doesn't go online? If you dare to touch my son, I will never let you go."

"Hey! Why don't you understand my thoughts? If you protect my son like this, he will hurt him sooner or later!"

Tao Hong said, "Wait until then, anyway, you can't touch my son now. As for the old man's affairs, that's your business, don't blame my son."

Chen Bo was speechless.

Don't look at him aggressively, but every time he quarrels with his wife, he is the one who loses in the end.

At this time, Chen Bo's mobile phone on the coffee table rang. He grabbed it and saw that it was his old comrade calling, and hurriedly answered it.

"Old Fan, how is it, did you find that stinky boy?" Chen Bo said angrily.

"Old Chen, I'm sorry, you come to the Donghai General Hospital, your son is in the hospital. "

Chen Bo's expression changed suddenly, and he slammed the table and cursed: "This kid went out to surf the Internet, and he can go to the hospital? I'll beat him to death, I'll come right away!"

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