This made Tony's eyes condense, because this scene undoubtedly showed that the G3 armor also has a good kinetic energy buffer system, and its protective performance is better than more than 99% of the bulletproof vests on the market!

"And the power source that drives this set of armor comes from the commutation micro battlefield generator, which is also a registered special trademark."

"In the future, I also want to castrate a civilian version for sale. After all, its performance is extremely excellent, and it is much more efficient than the generators of the same volume on the market..."

"Wait a minute," Tony couldn't help interrupting, "You also built a generator in the armor? If it is used on the battlefield, it will easily cause a malfunction due to the aftermath of the explosion, right?"

Gori laughed: "Of course not, the reason why the commutation micro battlefield generator has the word 'battlefield' is because it has super high safety and stability, and can even resist the impact of missile-level explosions and continue to operate!"

After that, Gao Li raised the Desert Eagle again and was about to shoot the generator twice, but was stopped by Tony who got out of the car.

"Okay, okay, I believe you, no need to demonstrate."

Tony was really afraid that the generator might explode on the spot, which would hurt Gori instead. It would not be too late to study the safety and stability later.

Gori nodded and continued: "With the generator, there must be a battery. I developed Zero Mission Fuel pollution-free fuel cells to be used with it."

"I have investigated the market. Currently, environmental protection concepts are prevalent. ZMF batteries have superior performance and no pollution. They are in line with today's environmental protection concepts. They will surely obtain multiple environmental certifications..."

Tony finally found a breakthrough. Stark Industries is also a master in energy.

"It's just an environmentally friendly high-performance battery, so there's no need to show it off. I have several models of prototypes in my lab."

This time, it was Gao Li who twitched his lips and snorted, "Oh? Then I wonder how you will deal with the silver reinforced soft plastic next?"

"With just a thin coating, while ensuring flexible movement, the silver reinforced soft plastic can obtain a certain degree of bulletproof performance!"

"Similar to bulletproof silicone?" Tony touched his chin, "It sounds good, but there are many such products among the new products that Stark Military will launch next quarter."

Gao Li was not so calm at once, and the veins on his forehead jumped.

"Very good, it seems that I have to show some solid stuff... I heard that Stark Industries is a giant in the energy field, so I will win with an overwhelming advantage in your strongest aspect!"

Gao Li angrily led Tony to the center of this home laboratory, where there was a tube of red, shiny liquid like blood.

"This is my current trump card, a completely new energy source that has never existed in the world - photon blood! I have even developed the matching photon terminal!"

"As long as the photon terminal is used as a combination stabilizer, the huge energy of photon blood can be well stabilized, allowing photon blood to play a huge advantage over other energy sources, and it will surely set off a new revolution in the energy industry!"

Photon blood?

Tony was really moved now, because the difficulty of developing a new energy source is much higher than inventing a better generator or bulletproof plastic!

If what Gao Li said is true, I am afraid that his words are not exaggerated, and it can really open a new chapter for the energy industry!

"Do you have relevant papers or experimental data?" Tony's tone became much more cautious, no longer as frivolous as before.

After seeing so many inventions, even Tony had to admit that Gao Li was really an incredible super genius.

Looking at Gao Li's appearance, he was only seventeen or eighteen years old, and what was he doing when he was seventeen or eighteen years old?

Tony recalled a little bit, and it seemed that he had just graduated from MIT with the highest score in history, which was not bad.

"Yes, I plan to publish it when photon blood is commercialized. It's okay to let you have a look first."

Gao Li regained his confidence. He was confident that even if a genius like Tony read the paper, it would not be easy to copy photon blood.

Tony took the paper and data that Gao Li turned out, and first glanced at the author's signature.

"Gao Li Parker..."

Then he stood there and read it carefully. The more he read, the more frightened he was.

The theory of this photon blood is detailed, the argument is rigorous, and the designed experiment is impeccable. At least, even if Tony judges it with the most demanding eyes, he can't find any faults in this paper!

After reading it, Tony only had eight words to evaluate photon blood-

Wide range of uses, amazing energy efficiency!

Suddenly, Tony even looked at Gao Li differently.

Looking at Gorrie with a smug smile in front of him, Tony's previous feeling of disgust and asking for a beating immediately changed to seeing himself as a genius in his teenage years.

He really has some of the wisdom and style I had back then!

Maybe this is the recognition of geniuses by geniuses, and the mutual appreciation between geniuses. In short, Tony feels a lot more comfortable with Gorrie.

"Gorrie Parker, you don't have that much money to start a company now, but you can join Stark Industries and save money slowly. Come and be my assistant, I'll give you an annual salary of 10 million US dollars!"

Gorrie's heart jumped when he heard this, it's done!

In this way, not only can he solve the funding problem, but he can also get in touch with a lot of high-end technologies that he doesn't know about, and increase his own scientific research ability and knowledge!

He felt his heart pounding and he was very nervous, but Gao Li still suppressed his excitement that the plan had successfully progressed to this point.

"If I join Stark Industries and just work as an assistant, I can get ten million dollars a year?"

Tony raised his head slightly, like a proud rooster.

"That's right, together with the five million U.S. dollars in compensation, I will pay you every penny!"

"But I refuse!"

Gao Li said categorically: "What I, Gao Li Parker, like to do most is to say no to people who think they are good!"

I don't know if it was Tony's illusion, but it seemed that even Gao Li's facial lines had hardened at this moment.

"What the hell kind of weird hobby is this?" Tony asked angrily, "I suggest you consider it carefully. This is an invitation from the great Tony Stark! No one else has this honor!"

Although he sounded arrogant, Tony was actually very happy to see him.

In the past, Tony seemed to be a playboy among thousands of flowers, but in fact, he was very lonely and lonely in his heart.

As the saying goes, it's hard to live in a high place. Maybe you can meet a good friend in life that you can play with. Maybe you can keep up with his IQ and talent, and have a spiritual friend who can spark the spark of thinking with him, but you have never had one!

Even Tony's best friend, Colonel James Rhodes, is just a soldier who knows nothing about research.

Therefore, after discovering Gao Li, Tony couldn't help but develop a love for talents.

"Haha, so what about Tony Stark? My divine intelligence is destined not to be inferior to anyone else!"

Gao Li seemed even more arrogant than him, which made Tony ponder for a few seconds.

"Then...I will give you an annual salary of fifty million US dollars. During this period, Stark Industries does not need patent rights or authorship rights for the research and development results. They can all be yours."

"When are we going to go through the onboarding process?"

Tony: "..."

Of course, Gao Li is not really that arrogant, but he is indeed confident - he is very confident in the quality of his work, and even Tony Stark will definitely be moved when he sees it!

For a person as proud as Tony, even if Gao Li gave him the R\u0026D patent, he would not have invented something himself, so he would probably make corresponding promises.

After Gao Li got into Tony's slightly deformed Audi sports car, Tony drove him directly to Stark Tower.

"Today is the weekend, and Stark Industries adheres to the principle of no overtime, so there are only a few employees left... I guess there are people in the HR department who have changed shifts?"

Tony actually doesn't know much about the details of Stark Industries, and his usual work is left to his secretary "Pepper Potts" Pepper Potts and company veteran Obadiah Stanely.

As for Tony himself, he is mainly responsible for living, drinking, and inventing. The entire R\u0026D department maintained by Stark Industries is not as efficient as Tony alone.

They took Gao Li all the way to the middle floor of the building in the elevator, and then found Little Pepper who was working overtime voluntarily.

"Hey, Pepper, Jarvis said you were me get some paperwork done for this young man."

Little Pepper raised his head from his desk in surprise, looked at Gao Li up and down, and said hello first.

"Hello, my name is Pepper Potts."

"Gauri Parker." Gauri shook hands with Pepper.

Then Little Pepper hesitantly approached Tony and whispered: "I won't ask you the specific reason, but...Tony, are you sure he is of legal age to join the job?"

Tony nodded and said, "What is the legal age before you can officially work?"

Just as Little Pepper was about to answer, a violent warning red light suddenly enveloped the entire place, and the piercing siren drowned out her voice!

What followed was the electronic voice of artificial intelligence Jarvis: "Alert, alert! Stark Tower is under attack!"


The three people present were stunned, and suddenly Little Pepper exclaimed.

When they turned around, they saw a commercial airliner heading straight towards Stark Tower!

"What the fuck?! A repeat of 911?"

Tony cursed in shock. The next second, Stark Tower automatically lowered the defensive iron bars around the windows, and then the sky collapsed with a loud noise!

Chapter 3 Codename 555


"Rumble, rumble...!"

That was when a commercial airliner successfully hit the building. The solid defensive iron fence was vulnerable to the huge mass and had almost no defensive effect.

Fortunately, the commercial airliner did not directly hit the floor where Gao Li and others were, but it still caused the building to collapse and set off fires. Not only was there a water and power outage, but dust was everywhere.

"Cough... cough cough..."

In the smoke, Gao Li stood up from the rubble unsteadily.

The moment the passenger plane collided with the building just now, it happened too fast.

"By the way, how are Tony and the others..."

Gao Li remembered that there were two people beside him, turned around and looked around, and found that both Tony and Pepper stood up in disgrace, which made him sigh in relief.

But the next second Gao Li secretly wondered, I haven't heard of this plot in the movie before?

Why did Tony Stark suffer such a terrorist attack before he became Iron Man?

After all, I have never actually watched "Iron Man". Everything Gao Li knew in his previous life came from hearsay. After thinking about it, I could only temporarily give up thinking in this regard.

"Fuck! What do the National Guards do for food? They actually allowed this kind of terrorist attack to happen again!"

Tony was swearing, and Pepper was still in shock.

"Fortunately, we are all fine, just a few more bruises." Gao Li shrugged, "This can be considered a blessing in misfortune."

When Tony saw that Gao Li was fine, he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he is not yet the superhero he will be in the future, Tony still has a sense of responsibility deep in his heart for Gao Li, who was brought here by him.

If this child died today because he brought him here, Tony felt that he would definitely carry this guilt for the rest of his life.

"Can you call for help?" Little Pepper barely regained consciousness and asked.

Tony took out his cell phone and pressed it. He called Jarvis several times, but there was no response at all. It was obviously not possible anymore.

"It seems we can only..."

As soon as Tony said this, he saw Gao Li take out a flip phone from his pocket.

After pressing a series of numbers, Gao Li turned on the speakerphone:

"This is the 911 call center. Is there an emergency?"

"We were attacked by a terrorist at Stark Tower in Manhattan..."

Gowrie gave a rough description. He believed that if the operator casually browsed the Internet now, he would be able to see the overwhelming news of "Attack on Stark Tower".

After hanging up the phone, Gao Li said helplessly: "I'm afraid we have to rely on ourselves. The terrorist attacks caused traffic jams in Manhattan. It will take more than half an hour for them to get here at the fastest."

Pepper asked: "What about the rescue helicopter?"

Gao Li pointed to the ceiling: "The fire is so thick up there that the helicopter can't get close at all."

Tony looked at his cell phone, which showed no signal, and then looked at the cell phone in Gao Li's hand in surprise.

"When a terrorist attack occurs, the signal will be blocked. Did you do any special processing on the mobile phone? Did you transform it into a satellite phone?"

"That should be true, but why do you want to use it on such a backward flip phone? You should make this special modification to your smartphone..."

Gao Li ignored Tony's nagging and pressed a few more times on the flip phone.

"What are you looking at?" Tony couldn't help but move closer.

"I remotely control the drone at home to deliver something, and it contains the last trump card I made just in case."

"What's the trump card?" Tony asked curiously, "And just like helicopters, drones can't get close, right? You can only receive it if you go down."

"That's right... It's better to say that we have to go down immediately," Gao Li said. "Just like 911, the fire will continue to spread. If we don't go down quickly, we may not even be able to get out."

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