"Are you not satisfied with Gotham University? I can also hire someone from MIT or Harvard with a lot of money. Or maybe you don't like American universities? Then Cambridge and Oxford..."

"I said stop," Gao Li stopped Alfred, who was overly excited due to joy, "Alf, you should have confidence in my learning ability."

"I'm very sorry. It seems that I lost my temper. The books will be prepared for you later, so I won't disturb you for now. I wish you a happy study."

After all, Alfred was a man known as the butler, with extremely strong qualities in all aspects. He quickly calmed down and bowed out gracefully.

After a while, all the books Gao Li needed were delivered to him, and what he had to do every day was pretend to read them.

Finally, when Alfred reunited with Gao Li after a long absence, it was the time to welcome him from the hospital.

"You came at just the right time. I have basically no difficulty in reading now."

Gowrie said in good time, Alfred was not surprised by this.

Because of his extremely powerful learning ability, Alfred had already seen it in Bruce, and he was definitely one of the top geniuses.

As Bruce's brother, since Gao Li has returned to normal, it makes sense to have the same level of learning ability, right?

Sitting in the luxurious extended-length bulletproof Lincoln, Gao Li asked curiously: "Afu, what have you prepared during this time?"

Alfred politely replied: "In order to facilitate your health, I bought another vacant land next to Wayne Manor and built Wayne Hospital."

"The medical staff in the hospital are basically carefully selected from other cities across the United States and hired with high salaries. Please don't worry about their professional standards."

Gao Li was quite stunned when he heard this. Is this what rich people do?

A hospital that only exists for him! ?

In the previous world, Gao Li had just met Tony, who bought buildings casually. This world is the Wayne Group, which built hospitals casually...

"Speaking of which, I'm quite destined to be a billionaire?"

Gao Li murmured to himself in a voice that only he could hear, and immediately came back to his senses with excitement.

This time is different, he has become a member of the super rich!

The billionaire is myself!

In Gao Li's excited mood, the luxury car drove into the magnificent Wayne Manor, and a huge castle-like building complex came into view.

"Welcome home, Master Gaoli."

Alfred opened the door for Gauri respectfully and led him into the house as a guide, patiently and carefully explaining the uses of each place.

That night, Gao Li lay on his luxurious bed that was 2,500...mm long, and brought up the long-lost system interface.

Gao Li fought with Ancient One and came to the DC universe, and became Bruce Wayne's brother. As expected, a series of such huge changes led to three draws!

When he was in the sanatorium, it would be fine if he drew a virtual item like an experience card, but Gao Li was worried about drawing some huge physical reward. He had no place to put it and couldn't explain it.

Now that everyone is home, Gao Li can finally get a glimpse of the true nature of the reward!

Chapter 17 Technology and Magic


As for the level of the lottery, Gao Li had glanced at it countless times in the hospital.

All three are S-level draws.

Although the level is not high, it is a full three!

Gauri has never had so many draws at once!

"It makes sense if you think about it carefully... Whether it was my battle with the Ancient One or my coming to the DC Universe to become Gauri Wayne, it actually didn't have much impact on the world."

Gao Li thought about it for a while, and it seemed that this was the case.

First of all, the battle with Ancient One took place in the mirror world, and had almost zero impact on the real world.

But at least it affected two important people, Ancient Yi and Tony, so he was given an S-level lottery.

"I wonder how Tony will react when he finds out that I'm missing? Alas, I don't know how to calculate the time flow rate between the two universes..."

Gao Li secretly sighed. Although he was very concerned and curious, at least he didn't dare to return to the Marvel world for the time being.

After all, with an old coin like Gu Yi watching over him, who knows if he might be noticed as soon as he returns and be killed by Gu Yi indiscriminately?

This time, Gauri didn't have a trump card like Kamen Rider Kronos to counterattack.

Sure enough, it's better to be on the safe side and wait until you have enough strength to go back and take a look.

Gao Li continued to think about it, and then he came to the DC world and became Bruce's younger brother.

Needless to say about the former, Gao Li has done nothing so far and has basically no impact on the world.

Perhaps because it was considered a big deal to travel back in time, the system gave an S-level lottery.

The latter... seems to have affected an important figure like Batman, but Gowry Wayne was a character who existed before Gowry traveled through time. At most, it was until Gowry's soul returned, but in fact it didn't change much either. .

From this point of view, three S-level rewards are indeed reasonable.

"Then take one shot, three shots in a row, feel great!"

Gao Li thought, and the shadows of three lottery machines appeared in front of him at the same time.

Soon, the content displayed above began to switch rapidly and dizzyingly. After gradually slowing down, all three lottery machines turned into a condensation of light points.

"Huh? All three are physical rewards?"

Gao Li looked at the three things that appeared in front of him curiously, two super thick handwritten notebooks and a memory card.

Gao Li first looked at the system introduction of the first handwritten notebook, which made his pupils tremble directly

"Fue Mu Zou's magic research notes...magic!"

He had just suffered from Gu Yi's magic - well, actually he didn't suffer much and even turned the tables, and as a result, he immediately gained knowledge about magic.

"But doesn't magic match my style?"

Gao Li felt a little worried. It's good to be able to glimpse the mystery of magic, but can he really understand or learn it?

Different from the scientific research that Gao Li is good at, magic is a new field for him, and he is a complete rookie.

The major is not suitable.

After a while of worrying about gains and losses, Gao Li looked at the system description of the second notebook.

"Wajima Shigeru's grinding and ring making notes?"

Now there is something more irrelevant, could it be the experience notes of a craftsman?

Can this also be considered an S-level reward?

Fortunately, after reading the system description carefully, Gao Li finally understood what this craftsman's notes were all about.

It turned out that this was a note on how to grind magic stones through special craftsmanship and use it to make magician's rings.

Like "Fue Muzo's Magic Research Notes", it is the core technology of the world of "Kamen Rider Wizard". Unfortunately, Gao Li didn't watch this drama much in his previous life.

"These two rewards are matched. It seems that I can't do without studying magic."

Gao Li raised his eyebrows and decided to challenge magic.

Otherwise, both rewards will become useless. Isn't it a waste?

And if you can really know the mystery of magic, you may be able to use it to fight against Ancient One!

... Although the magic of the two is probably not the same, it's a good thing to have more hope.

After concentrating his mind, Gao Li looked at the last reward again.

The system description of the third reward made Gao Li happy. This time the major finally matched!

Astronomical switch research and development information!

Just by looking at the system introduction, Gao Li couldn't hold back his burning desire for scientific research, and couldn't wait to find a computer to read the information inside.

"The technology that can use cosmic energy is particularly attractive!"

After hiding the three things, Gao Li immediately rang the bell to ask Alfred to send a computer without an Internet connection, and then immersed himself in the ocean of knowledge.

However, after briefly reading the beginning of the overview, Gao Li's heart couldn't help but skip a beat.

"Oh no, this astronomical switch... Even if it is built, it can't be used for the time being."

Although the core technology of the astronomical switch is available, Gao Li still lacks the core technology of the Fourze driver that can transform into Kamen Rider Fourze.

The Fourze driver is, after all, a control console that controls the astronomical switch. In other words, without the Fourze driver, the power of the astronomical switch cannot be exerted.

Although Gao Li can also consider developing a console independently, it cannot guarantee that it has the same transformation function as the Fourze driver, and it is very difficult and may take many years.

The reason is simple, because strictly speaking, the astronomical switch is actually an alien technology!

Or to be more precise, the astronomical switch is an imitation of alien technology. If you want to develop alien technology with the existing scientific and technological knowledge on Earth, it is really difficult.

At the beginning of this document, it has been clearly stated that the astronomical switch is not a pure Earth technology, but is derived from a crystal switch called the "core".

This mysterious alien core is the source of everything. The singer Lulang and I Wang Guangming analyzed the technology and imitated it, and then developed the astronomical switch respectively.

It is said that this core switch was presented to the various planets by the will body "Presenter" in the depths of the universe, with the purpose of collecting data knowledge of the planetary civilization.

In desperation, Gao Li had to turn his attention to "Fumuzou's Magic Research Notes".

After simply flipping through the opening overview, Gao Li's regretful eyes lit up again!


Gao Li originally thought that the magic that was too cross-disciplinary was actually very professional!

In short, this magic research note... is a research note written by a pure scientist.

To put it more bluntly, the content of this research notebook is how to use modern science and technology to reproduce the legendary magic!

The magic in "Kamen Rider Wizard" is roughly divided into two categories.

The first is ancient magic, represented by Kamen Rider Beast.

Ancient magic is accompanied by certain dangers, and it is necessary to feed the phantoms in the body regularly, otherwise it will be eaten by the phantoms in the body.

The second is modern magic, represented by Kamen Rider Wizard.

The reason why modern magic is called "modern" is that it uses modern science to create corresponding drivers, and through this, those who meet the conditions can cooperate with the magician's ring to perform magic.

Strictly speaking, modern magic is an upgraded version of ancient magic, which has greatly improved safety. There will be no hidden dangers of being easily eaten if the phantoms in the body are not fed.

"That is to say, I can completely reproduce magic with technology, so that I can become a magician too!"

Gori was no longer sleepy when he mentioned this.

However, as he read all night, he began to worry about the prerequisites mentioned in the research notes, and his mood fluctuated like a roller coaster.

"If you want to use magic, you must meet two conditions: first, you must be a 'door', that is, you are born with magic power; and then you must have a phantom in your body."

When he read this, Gao Li's heart skipped a beat again.

He didn't have either of these two conditions!

As for magic power, it goes without saying that Gao Li Wayne is just an ordinary person. He had never heard of Batman becoming a magician in his previous life.

He didn't know where the phantom came from... Fortunately, as Gao Li continued to read the materials, he found that Di Muzou later studied how to use scientific methods to create artificial phantoms.

Gao Li thought about it and felt that it was normal. For Di Muzou when he was writing the notes, the only problem that really bothered him was that there was no phantom in his body.

Di Muzou was born with magic power. If he wanted to advance to a magician, then according to the traditional magic method, Di Muzou needed to let himself fall into despair, and the magic power would condense into a phantom.

But this ritual is too dangerous. If Dimuzou fails to survive despair, he will turn into a phantom and die. This is an unacceptable risk for Dimuzou who is determined to resurrect his daughter.

So the only problem Dimuzou needs to overcome is how to artificially create a phantom without relying on this ritual!

"According to Dimuzou's thinking, since the phantom is a collection of magic power in the 'door', it must be possible to find a way to create an artificial phantom by refining and crystallizing magic power alone..."

As Gao Li flipped through the book, he thought about how he would determine the research direction and solve it if he faced Dimuzou's dilemma.

This is quite like playing a puzzle game, as if Gao Li is competing with Dimuzou in intelligence. He finally understands why Tony was so excited at the beginning.

But this kind of competition is actually not fair. Dimuzou spent a lot of time and energy on research and exploration, while Gao Li relied on his brain to do thought experiments in a very short time.

Therefore, even with Gao Li's talent, he naturally fell behind when he was halfway through the idea, but this did not prevent Gao Li from admiring Fumu Sou's intelligence in scientific research.

It can only be said that all scientists who appear in special effects works are really not simple, and everyone is a super genius!

After a sleepless night, when Gao Li put down his notes with sore eyes and planned to take a rest, he found that the sun was shining outside the window.

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