"Is this the portal to other worlds?" Although Qian Qiao and others had heard Mavis talk about other worlds before, this was the first time they actually saw it.

"Yes, I'll leave it to you while I'm away." Mavis smiled.

Everyone nodded.

"By the way, Qiao, this is for you." Mavis directly threw a coin to Qian Qiao.

"Hey, what did you throw in my body?" Qian Qiao knew that Mavis had the ability to create a Desire Devourer, but he was still not very clear about the process.

"Don't make it sound like I'm insulting you. It's just cultivating a Desire Devourer." Mavis was a little speechless, and then asked, "You shouldn't mind, right?"

"That's not the case. Anyway, it's just turning Orphino's form into a Desire Devourer." Qian Qiao didn't care about this.

Mavis felt Qian Qiao's progress, and it seemed that there was not much difference. Maybe he could get it when he came back.

"Then do your best! Oh, and I'll take you there after I find out the situation." Mavis said and walked into the door.

However, from everyone's perspective, the door was twisted after Mavis entered.

"Uh... was it like this before?" Qian Qiao and other people who didn't know asked.

And Metzl shook her head affirmatively, and then looked at the portal with a worried look.

Although she wanted to go in and take a look, she decided to wait and see with Mavis's instructions.

With Darling's strength, nothing should happen, right?


Mavis was indeed fine. The reason why the space door was twisted was just because his time power resonated with it, bringing him to another time point in this world.

Before Mavis could figure out what world he had come to, he was pulled to the core of the earth the next moment.

And almost the moment he came here, the gift from the earth was delivered to him, and Mavis was also registered in this world.

"Is it so urgent this time?" He scratched his head.

He always felt that this "mother" seemed a little lazy...

After seeing that she already had three blessings from the Earth, she threw the light ball directly over.

In this gift, Mavis also learned some information about this world.

There are countless species of creatures living on the Earth, and the Earth consciousness hopes to make one of the races the master to manage the Earth on her behalf.

But she was too lazy to choose.

So she simply set up a program and made an "agent" with it, let it work, and lie down by herself.

"Are you too lazy? Ouch!" Mavis complained subconsciously, and then the back of his head was "slapped" hard.

Then a message flooded into his mind, it was the "mother" who was complaining.

The general meaning was "How can this child talk like that?" "No respect... How can adults' affairs be called lazy" and so on.

"I'm wrong, I'm wrong, oh, don't be angry." Listening to the chatter in her mind, Mavis begged for mercy.

Then she continued to browse the background information of the world.

The "agent" is something like a slate.

It carefully selected 53 creatures from many creatures according to the instructions in the mind, and let the undead creatures representing their respective races start a fierce battle.

This battle is also called the "Extreme Battle"!

The undead creatures are immortal and are divided into four colors of spades, diamonds, hearts, and clubs. They are divided into 13 categories from A to K (categories J, Q, and K are advanced undead creatures), plus the joker, a total of 53.

Among them, 52 undead creatures are equivalent to the ancestors of creatures, and the joker is not the ancestor of any creature.

The undead creatures are fighting a life-and-death battle with each other. The species represented by the undead creatures that have not been sealed and survived to the end will prosper on the earth for generations.

Of course, except for the joker!

Once Joker wins, the world will be destroyed!

In fact, the so-called destruction is to wipe out all other creatures and civilizations, and then create a new race and repeat the above process.

Until the real ruler is decided!

"So that's it, is it the world of swords?" Mavis suddenly realized.

The story of Kamen Rider Sword takes place 10,000 years after the first Extreme War.

In the war 10,000 years ago, human undead creatures won the final victory.

Although this result is indeed a bit outrageous, it happened, so humans can thrive on the earth.

"Oh? It seems that I can go to meet Kenzaki IchiIs there really a senior named Tachibana Sakuya? "Mavis was also interested. After all, the show Sword has created countless memes and has been talked about by knight fans.

After saying hello to her "mother", Mavis decided to start her journey to the new world.

After Mavis left, the Earth Consciousness also exuded a puzzled emotion.

She just flipped through her existing "database" and didn't seem to find the existence of the two "things" mentioned by Mavis.

Is this kid's brain broken?


And Mavis, he just stepped into the new world and saw such a scene.

A "human" was knocked to the ground by a green monster, and then the strange belt around his waist opened left and right.

The next moment, a stone tablet flew over, and after a burst of light fell on the human's head, he turned into a card.

"What the hell?"

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